'Chapter seven'

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Brendon's POV

Dallon and me walked to the bar. I was kind of nervous now and I could see that Dallon noticed that. I tried my best to cool down. At the bar the Barkeeper looked at me with a questioning look and I just nodded. I'll get the usual and Dallon has to deal with having the same.

We sat down in a quiet corner and waited for our drinks. Dallon crossed his armes and asked the question, that I was afraid of. "Why did you want to talk to me?", he said kind of annoyed, but not mean. I played with my fingers and tried to think of an good answer. The silence got to long and I had to say something so I just said the only thing that was in my mind at the moment.

"Can demons love someone?"

I regretted that instantly as I saw how Dallon looked at me. He was confused and looked at me like I was insane. I began to panic a little bit and added, "I was just curious. It has nothing to do with me.", as fast as I could. He seemed to calm down a little, but he looked as confused as before.

Dallon opened his mouth but closed it again. He thought about it. Then the drinks came and he drank his in one sip. He ordered a second one. I was surprised, that he didn't make a face at thus drink. Normally I was the only one ordering that kind of thing.

He opened his mouth again. "I don't think it's impossible, but I just heard of demons that loved pain or torture. You know, the sadistic and masochistic kind of things. I never heard of a demon liking a person.", he explained. He looked at me for a long time. "Promise me that you're really just corious and nothing else.", he said in a very quiet voice.

I didn't know how to answer that question. I just stayed silent and saw how hid eyes got more afraid ever second. He shook his head in disbelief.

"No! Brendon! You can't!", he whisper screamed at me and looked around for a second. "You're in the highest rank possible! You're not allowed! Nobody is but especially not you!", Now I could hear a little bit of fear in his voice. I know what's going to happen to me, if someone hears that. And I know what's going to happen to (Y/N). I didn't want it either.

"I know, I'm not fucking stupid!", I said harsh and looked him in the eye. "I can trust you, right?", I asked after a while. He broke the eye contact and sighed. Then he finally nodded. "I won't tell anyone, but please tell me who it is.", he asked calmly. I gulped. "Well, if I say her name, you won't have any idea who she is...", I said slowly.

"But I know everybody in these damn corridors!", he said confused, but then he began to understand. "Brendon!", he screamed, so that all eyes were on us now. Great. "What?", I shouted back. I looked around the room with anger and everybody turned their attention away quickly.

"Shut up you idiot!", I said then as quiet as possible. "Is she a human?", he asked without hesitating.


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