'Chapter twenty two'

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A/N: Sorry that I wrote in the wrong person in chapter twenty =_= I kinda mixed things up. Please don't be mad.

Your POV

It was afternoon. I was in my room. I didn't know what to do though. I just lay on my bed and rolled around. Even though my mother asked me if we wanted to to something together I just declined.

I wasn't even tired. I looked outside through my window and saw the sunset. I could hear my mother knock again. She asked if I wanted to do something now and if I was okay. I knew she meant it good but it annoyed me. I needed some time for me. This was a weird day today. Nobody seemed to really miss me. Well it was a fucking weird week...

But for now I needed to get out of here. I grabbed my jacket and walked towards the door. I shouted that I was going out and went through the door as fast as possible, so my parents wouldn't come.

I breathed in the kinda cold air and walked a bit. Eventually I came to the train station and I stopped walking. I was remembered of what happened last week. I was remember of Brendon. I looked to the ground. Then the cave came to my mind. I could go there... I was surprised on how fast I decided to go there. I hopped into the next train arriving and drove to the right station.

I got out and walked twards the forest. It was silent. I hummed a little as I walked. It helped me keeping my calm. I couldn't quite remember where the cave was exactly so I had to search a bit. And it was getting a bit darker but finally I found it.

I walked in but I could her a voice. No, two voices?? What? One of them was clearly Brendon. He didn't sounded too good. I didn't know the other one too well but I knew it too. I couldn't quite understand what they where saying. I should leave....but I couldn't. Instead I got closer and closer. I peeked around an edge to see and hear better.

Know I could see who the second voice belong to. It was this other demon. The taller one. He stood and talked to Brendon. And then there was Brendon. He was leaning against a wall his shirt and jacket teared apart on the floor. He looked exhausted. Did they fight? No... Dallon looked totally fine. Even his hair was even. Wait? What was that on Brendons arm. No!

I put my hands in front of my mouth so I didn't actually scream. Why? Why had he done this? I began to teat up. It was because I left right? It was my fault. I knew I should've stayed. He looked so defeated I could barely look at him without crying. Dallon took a few steps closer to Brendon and I could tell how uncomfortable that made him. I couldn't just watch that. I needed to do something. But there was only one thing I could do.

I stepped around the corner. "Stop.", I said. It wasn't loud or anything but both demons seemed to hear me. Dallon spun around and I could see him changing for a second. His eye colour changed and he had claws, ready for attack. But as soon as he saw me he turned normal again. I guess I surprised him. Brendon looked at me with disbelief and got up slowly.

"What are you doing here?", he asked quiet it was more of a whisper. Dallons eyes shifted from Brendon to me every second. "Why did you come back? You aren't safe here. You should leave. Go home.", he said and he sounded so broken. I nearly broke my heart. I looked to the ground in shame. In shame for that I did leave him. Then I looked up again and got all my courage together. I ran past Dallon who didn't understand what was happening and hugged Brendon tightly. He was clearly shocked by that and didn't respond. I could only imagine his face. But then I felt his hands on my back and his head on my shoulder. It felt safe.

I could've stood there for hours but Dallon broke it. He pulled me away and I nearly fell. He looked at me in confusion and anger. I was kinda scared actually. "Dallon!", Brendon said and looked at him in anger. So the name of the taller one was Dallon. I didn't know what to do know and I didn't know what my brain was thinking but I reached out my hand for a handshake and said:

"Hey Dallon, nice to meet you. I'm (y/n)."

A/N: Plottwist! Who was suspecting this?? ^^

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