'Chapter fifty six'

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Your POV

I stared at the person sitting on the throne. I couldn't believe what I saw. I would never guessed that this person would sit there. I never thought to see this person ever again to be honest. I thought I had taken good care of that business. It's been so long ago. I can't even remember how long ago this was but I had... I ripped out her heart. I hold it in my hands. She was dead. She should be dead and now she's sitting there. On this throne.

Cassie  (again. I'm sorry if that's your name but for now you'll be satan so be happy about that), the mayor bully. I killed her. I was so sure about that. I can remember tearing her skin apart. I can remember ripping her heart out. Her warm flesh. The blood. "Cassie?", I asked then really confused and she smirked crossing her legs. I didn't quite understand. Did she pull herself together again somehow? "Only for you, sweety.", she said. I looked at her in confusion. "Back then I just wanted to test out how strong you were.", she told me. But why would she want that? And how should she know that I would be a demon and... that didn't make any sense to me. She seemed to sense my confusion.

"Do you think I don't pay attention to the deals that are made in this circles? The deal of your brother wasn't really important until your race was mostly dead. You were the last reliable source for your kind. Ryan was mostly dead and all the others were fully dead. So... I started going out again. Watching you. In school I made sure you would hate me enough so that I would see your strength at some point when you would kill me out of anger. Cute little speech you had there too. You really hated me, huh? But of course you were weak back then. Also. It wasn't a coincidence that Brendon catched you either. I knew that you were outside so I send him hunting. It wasn't hard to make him not fully kill you and fall in love with you. Your kind are definitely his type. Then I send out other demons to change you so that you would finally be useful for me!", she explained grinning to herself about that eautiful plan. "That took some centuries but finally my mane plan can start!" Cassie stood up from her throne and came closer to me. Patrick went out without saying anything. I swallow and step back. I mean I sure thought about her as the devil a lot but I never thought that she would be actually satan.

She stopped right in front of me and placed her finger under my chin looking at me briefly. Then she grinned. "Finally you're old enough and have your true powers.", she whispered. I took a step back and she laughed. Her laugh filled the whole room and an echo returned. I didn't feel comfortable in this situation. I wanted to run but there was nowhere to go. "Don't you wanna know what my plan for you is?", she asked and rested her hands on her hips. I nodded nearly invisible. "Great. I will tell you!", she nearly squeaked. What the actual fuck. "You know. Your kind is dead. But your kind is strong and useful against angels! You can fly! And I would love to know what happens to such a true red eyed demon when the have angels blood in their system. You've already seen what it did to purple eyed ones. Not bad huh? But I need more of your kind! Way more!", she told me and she seemed excited. I didn't like where this was going at all. "You will be the mother of your kind!", she said and lifted her hands up in the air. I stared at her in shock. "What?!", I nearly yelled. What was she talking about? I'll just get pregnant the whole time and give birth my whole internal life to demons??? Was she kidding?? "We need to experiment of course... if it will work best with orange eyed..." My mind went to Dallon and I shivered. Not that I don't like him. God no. I really liked him but that doesn't mean I want him to fuck me. "...pink eyed or purple eyed. You see I want to get your bloodline as clean as possible.", Cassie muttered to herself resting her chin on one hand.

Was she really thinking I would just do that? Was she stupid? "I won't do it!", I said then loudly and looked at her with fierce in my eyes. Because of her appearance I totally forgot that she was satan. She could just levigate me in a second. I should mind my mouth more around her. She laughed. "Of course you will! I didn't ask you to do it. There's no choice. I waited centuries for you and now you're going to do your job like everybody else.", she said. At the beginning she laughed but now there's anger in her voice. It was intimidating. I took a step back again. I won't just let everybody fuck me for her sake. No. "You are still a Virgin, right?", she asked then deadly serious. I was about to answer with the thing I said for years now but then it hit my and I swallowed not answering. She waited for my answer but when I didn't speak up she looked at me in surprise. "Oh, you aren't? I thought nobody liked yo... oh, I should've seen that coming when I order Brendon to get you. But as long as you aren't pregnant now it isn't important." So I just embarrassed myself for nothing. Great. "We wouldn't want an orange eyed Bastard right at the beginning. I would've prefered you'd taken Dallon but that was probably a weakness in my plan." I shivered again. I didn't want to fuck Dallon for God's sake. He's nice but still.

I stared at her in anger. That anger just covered up my fear. I didn't know how to escape this. If I would run she would find me. I didn't want to think about what would happen if I would stay here. "You can be happy. It's an honorable job. In a few years everyone is going to be thankful.  After we take back heaven with the help of your children. Also you will receive all the food and whatever else you want.", she said going back to her throne. I still stood there pretty defeated. What was I supposed to do here. I couldn't stay. I wouldn't stay. I needed to get out. But how. And if I will ever have children - not from this stupid plan - I won't just throw them out to get to war. I didn't care why she wanted to take heaven back. I won't help her.

I clenched my hands to fists and tried to control my fear and anger. I wasn't allowed to make a false move now or else I will be dead. Probably. No. She can't kill me. She needs me. She won't kill me. Right? "Still I don't want to be  fucked from every goddamn demon with the right eye colour just so you have your army again.", I answered in protest. The anger boiling inside of me. I could feel my forehead hurting a bit and so did my fingernails. I have to control myself. At least for now. Cassie looked at me in disbelief. "I told you it's not a choice.", she said boiling a few times at me when she sat down. "I don't care. I will handle it the same way as my homework. There was no choice either. And you know how often I 'forgot' it. I didn't do it. And neither will I do my job.", I explained dull walking a few steps backwards towards the door. I saw the anger in her eyes but she still smirked at me. From behind the door I heard a noise. I could swear it's Brendons voice. Then I heard Patrick letting out a little cry. They came! And they're fighting. Cassie didn't seemed to here it from her throne. I catched some hope again. "You will do it. Otherwise..." "Otherwise what?", I snap at her now smirking because I'm no longer alone. "You'll kill me? You told me how much you need me. You can't kill me.", I said lightly. Although I was still in fear. I was just good in covering it up.

She nodded and the grip on her throne tightened. Her mouth in a thin line. "That's right. I can't kill you.", she admitted and began to smirk. "But I can do much worse." I narrowed my brows at that comment. "Then you'd wish that it just be all the male demons fucking you! That would be merciful in comparison!", she hissed at me. Her eyes getting red. But not like mine but all of her eyes. The white too and the pupil. But that's just for a second. Then she leaned back again and he looks go back to normal.

In that exact moment I heared a noise behind me and turned around. Patrick was lying on the floor whimpering and Brendon, Ryan and Dallon standing behind him looking fierceful. As soon as Brendon spotted me he smiled at me with relief and I return the smile. They quickly entered the room standing close to me. Brendon stood nearly in front of me protective as he is. I appreciated it as long as he will get no harm. Cassie began to laugh. Tears fulling her eyes because of the laughing. "What?", Brendon snapped.

After a while she catched her breath again. "Do you really think you can win against me?"

A/N: Im sorry for the late upload! But it's here and now you know who satan is! At least in this fanfiction universe. I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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