'Chapter twenty nine'

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A/N: drawing by @beeboob . Thank you!!

Brendons POV

After I saw that (y/n) has layed down I went into my room with Dallon. He already started cleaning up a bit. It was a huge mess but who could blame her. My transformation wasn't that messy but at least she didn't kill anybody. That's good.

Dallon looked at me with a stern look. "What should we do with her?", he whispered then so she wouldn't hear if she wasn't already asleep. I raised my shoulders. "Honestly, I have no idea.", I said. "And you lied to her. You know that right? Our leader wasn't the only one. I went with the lie with you this time, but you have to tell her.", Dallon said and looked at me with care. I hated it when people looked at me with this look, as if I would be made of glass. "I know that she isn't the first one. ", I said now kinda angry. I didn't want to be reminded of what had happened long ago. "But last time was a catastrophe. I will do anything to prevent that happening again.", I said looking at Dallon who got back to cleaning again. "You really have a special taste in partners, huh?", he said kinda smiling over his own and I couldn't help but throw something at him. "Shut up you asshole.", I said kinda angry.

I put everything that was broken out of the room and everything that would still function at its old place. Eventually Dallon left because he was needed else were. He promised to not tell anyone about (y/n).

The last thing I needed to shove at its old place was a drawer. (Y/n) had knocked it over and things I hadn't looked in years were on the floor. Some of it were older photos. Out of the beginning of 1900. I pressed my lips together as I looked at the picture. It was a photo of me with Ryan. We were both in our human form. This must have been a few days before he... was killed. I sat down and tried to remember everything again.

~somewhere in the beginning of 1900~

I walked around with Ryan. We were sent out on a hunting trip together with others but we took another way. When we were sure that nobody saw us we interwinded our hands. I wasn't turned into a demon for a long time so I (luckily) wasn't allowed to hunt alone. Ryan was a demon for a long time. He never told me how long sadly. I was still scared of the guy who turned me demon.

~a few months before~

I walked home one night and was surprised by somebody grabbing my arm. Orange eyes glowed at me. I was so scared. Normally I wasn't that easily scared but what should I do. A big guy hold onto me. His skin was grey, he had horns and long teeth and orange glowing eyes. "Leave me!", I screamed at him but my voice broke at the end so it wasn't that loud. This weird guy smiled at me and hold even tighter. I tried to escape but it didn't work. He threw me to the ground and hold me down. Then he bit into his own hand. I looked at him with panic and confusion. I tried to beg him to let me go but I couldn't get out a sound. He raised his claw and cut into my arm. I didn't know what to do. It hurt like he'll and I screamed. With one hand he muted my scream and with the other bloody and he pushed onto my wound. It burned. It burned so much. After a few seconds of pain the tall guy got up and looked around. There were sirens coming closer. He ran away. I had never seen anybody run that fast but soon after the police car arrived my vision got blurry and everything went black.

I woke up in a hospital room. I stayed there for two days. I ate nothing and just drank water. I had nightmares so I didn't sleep longer than an hour each night and everytime I woke up something was knocked over. One night I didn't know what happened at all. I just saw yellow with red spots. I smelled something and needed to find the source. I ran around. Attacked every form in my way. I could never tell what I attacked. It was just yellow. I found the source of the smell and attacked. I ate bits of whatever it was. While I ate my sight got normal again and I saw grey claws holding a dead body of a nurse. The hands were ripping off flesh and putting the meat into my mouth. I was shocked but I couldn't stop myself. I had no control.Everybody ran of me and after I realised what happened I ran too. I ran away and I was fast. Faster then ever. I didn't knew where I wanted to go but I saw an old subway station and was thinking that it would be a great place to hide.
And from that day I lived there. I met Ryan, who showed me a lot of things.

~back with Ryan~

"I'm glad you helped me and are helping me. And I'm so happy that I met you.", I said looking at the ground in embarrassment. I just felt Ryan hug me. "I'm glad you won't tell anybody about my real eyecolour. And I love you.", he said silent and kissed me. I kissed back happily. We walked and talked a bit. We talked about the band we started and about hunting tactics. After a while I heard footsteps and I let go of Ryans hand. All of the sudden like ten demons were coming towards us. One of them pointed at Ryan. "I saw it! He has red eyes!", the one pointing shouted. Everybody looked at Ryan in disgust. I looked at him in shock and his eyes widened. "I saw him while he destroyed his room at night and his door flew open. He destroyed his room while not touching the ground! He isn't like us! He is a danger to us!", that demon screamed. All the others looked at Ryan in shock. I tried to calm Ryan down but I saw his skin turning grey slowly. He looked like a Antilope in a cage with lions. The demons got closer. "Does that mean he flew?", some whispered. Others ask themselves how he flew. While coming closer they changed into demons. I changed too and got into battle position even though I wasn't that strong. All of the sudden the demon that turned me into a demon, now I know his name, Dallon came over to the other side of Ryan and got into defence too. I didn't understand why he did that but I threw a thankful look over to him. Dallon didn't respond to that, he concentrates on the others. More and more demons came and attacked us. Ryan turned full demon then. His eyes red and the rest like normal. Just less sharp teeth. But all of the sudden there were things coming out of his back. Wings?

I flew up and got down again. Killing like ten at once. And evertime somebody got to close to me he attacked. But one time he wasn't fast enough and I got attack and due to that he wasn't paying attain to the others anymore. He looked at me with a sorry in his eyes. I screamed. "Watch out!", I screamed I screamed that he should turn around. He just shook his head and returned to the ground. His wings disappeared and all the demons were attacking him. He wasn't defending. I didn't care about myself. I just wanted to get to him. He couldn't die! He couldn't leave me. As I stopped fighting Dallon came to prevent me from being attacked. I saw the shining red disappear. He was dead. They killed him. I screamed and cried. After a while the demons calmed down and took Ryans body with them. I knew what they'll do. Ryan told me once what happened to found dead demon bodies. They got burned. I wanted to defend Ryan but Dallon hold me back. At the time I hated him for that. But later I thanked him.

~normal time again~

When I was back in reality I realised that I was crying and (y/n) stood in the doorframe. She looked at me with sad eyes. She was in his human form again. I wiped away the tears and stood up to shove the pic back into the drawer. "What happened?", she asked careful. "Nothing.", I said. "I will shower.", I said without looking at her and went to the bathroom. I saw her still looking at me sadly through the mirror before I closed the door.

Why did I found that picture?

A/N: Hey, so some backstory of Brendon. And some Ryden. Also I'm sorry if that hit you too hard. '^'

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