'Chapter forty two'

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- I will skip a bit of driving because I'm lazy-

Your POV

While we drove the sun was setting again. I heard my music. Ryan was looking out the window. Dallon was the one to drive this time and Brendon seemed to sleep again. If I wouldn't have my earphones plugged in I bet I would hear silence. But I heard some music. While I was listening to twenty one pilots I remembered that the boys of this band were called Tyler and Josh too. What a coincidence.

All of the sudden someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around. It was Ryan. I plugged my earphones out and looked at him with a questioning face. "We're nearly there. Maybe you should wake him. But please don't use your method again. I don't want to explain why. But please try something else.", he explained begging. I wanted to know why they were so sensitive to that word but I said yes for now. I leaned over to Brendon and tried shaking him. Didn't work again. Then I tried another tactic. I was sure it was going to work. I tickled Brendon. I flinched a bit while sleeping but eventually he woke up nearly punching me. He apologised immediately. I chuckled a bit. "I should wake you up because we're nearly there now.", I explained and he nodded.

Dallon parked the car after a while. It stood in front of a house. A little further behind the house was a forest. We all exited the car and followed Dallon, who went to the door. But then he decided otherwise. "We can't knock. Tylers parents would open and they don't believe Tyler that he's existing. Maybe they're in one of the rooms?", he said and sneaked around the house. We stayed by the car for now. Then he waved at us to follow him. "They're not in the house. So probably in the forest.", he whispered and we followed him further. We entered the forest. I got flashbacks of the cave where I left Brendon but came back too. I intertwined his hand with mine as we followed Dallon. He smiled at me and squeezed it.

After a while of walking I could see a tree house up in the trees. I pointed at it. "There." All the others looked into the direction and all of the sudden Dallon began to yell. "Josh?" A head with blue hair peaked out of the tree house. He looked a bit afraid at first but when he saw Dallon he smiled. "Dallon! Hey! What brought you and... your friends (?) Here?", he said looking at us others a bit weirded out. Then another head peaked out. A boy with brown short hair looked down at us. He seemed a bit scared. "They look red-green-orange.", the guy whispered to the guy named Josh. He probably thought we couldn't hear but I could and the others seemed to hear him too. We all looked at him in confusion. Josh shook his head, don't worry they're friends of mine. Well at least one of them.", he said and got down the tree house. The boy followed him slowly. He stood kinda behind Josh. "Hey, so I'm Josh and all you guys are the same kind as Dallon, right? Otherwise I wouldn't be visible to you.", he said and looked at us serious. "Yeah! Hey, so my name is Brendon.", he said smiling. "Yeah, I'm Ryan." Then it was my turn. "I'm (y/n) and I'm like that only for a few days now.", I said half smiling and a little insecure. I was happy when the attention was back to Josh. "Okay, this is Tyler by the way." The boy behind him waved at us. Stepping a bit in front like a child hiding behind his mom.

"Why are you visiting me though?", he asked Dallon then. "We should talk alone but with Brendon.", Dallon said and began to walk further into the forest. I let go of Brendons hand and he followed him with Josh. Tyler was left with me and Ryan and looked highly uncomfortable. We just stood there for a bit with out saying anything until I raised my voice. I didn't know how to start a good conversation so I just began to speak. "Do you know twenty one pilots? Because these guys are called Tyler and Josh too.", I said smiling hoping he would answer. He looked at me a bit shocked. "Uhhh... yeah... I am the Tyler... and he's the Josh...", he said quietly. I looked at him in disbelief. "Whaaa...? Really??", I said trying not to fangirl to hard because I had the feeling that he would ran like a deer if I would be too loud. "Uh, I mean... I really like your music! Keep it up!", I said smiling again and he smiled back awkward. Ryan didn't understand anything we were talking about.

"Do you guys now what they're talking about?", Tyler asked a bit afraid. Ryan and me looked at each other. "I'm sure they tell us when they come back.", Ryan answered his question. I could see that Tyler wasn't satisfied with this answer but too scared to ask again so he just nodded and stood there awkwardly. I wasn't sure if I should tell him what we are and all that... I should leave that to Josh.

I started walking around a bit because I hated this silence. "Nice tree house.", I said a bit awkwardly and he just thanked me. Then silence again. I understood him though. I didn't like talking to strangers either. Well normally. I kinda changed a bit in the last days. Also he looked kinda lonely although I was sure that many people liked his music. But still.

I could see blue hair in the distance. They were still talking. I couldn't hear about what though. I tried to get closer to them. Luckily Ryan distracted Tyler as he saw what I was doing. I think they talked about music but I didn't concentrate on understanding. I walking through the forest as quiet as possible until I was close enough to see and hear everything. I hid in the bushed and peeked through the leafs.

"So you aren't sure if I can be normal again?! Are you kidding??", I could hear Brendon say scared and enraged. Josh and Dallon tried to stay calm. "I'm sorry, but I wasn't sure if something would happen in the first place. I had forgotten about that after a while too. I'm sorry. Maybe we could exchange your blood or clean it from the holy blood. Or maybe there's a ritual to remove any holy out of someone's body but I don't know where such spells are held.", Josh explained looking down. "Don't you have a fucking library or something up there??", Brendon said afraid. Josh thought for a while. "Maybe. But I won't leave Tyler alone. And I can't sense other angels here right now.", he said and closed his eyes. "We could pay attention to Tyler so nothing would happen.", Brendon said getting a bit of hope back. "And how would that go? His parents would see you. The thing is that they can't see me. Like no other human. Just Tyler." Then everything was quiet again. The hope had left Brendon again but I had an idea. I jumped out of the bushes and walked over to the now surprised faces.

"I could help but listen and I have an idea!", I said apologising. "I look as old as Tyler. Maybe I could play a girl of his school to bring him schoolwork?", I asked. Josh looked at me in disbelief. "That could function but Tyler never had someone to bring school stuff around... ", he said and thought about it. "Imsnt there someone in his class who is alone all the time and an outsider? Then it would make kinda sense that I bring him schoolwork. Like I'm the last one who was left for this.", I said and got a death glare from Josh for a second. "Not that I think Tyler is bad or anything! I like him! Really! But I've been in similar situations and when I was sick or not in school for ... reasons then it was always the other class outsider to bring me schoolwork. Even when I had so called friends.", I explained and Joshs expression softened. "Okay, I get what you mean. That could actually work.", he said and nodded. Then I could feel Brendons hand on my shoulders. "Are you sure you can do this? What if his mother asks anything specific?", Brendon asked me worried but I smiled back. "It will be okay. I'll just make up things I had in school. Like trigonometry or something!", I ensured him even though I wasn't completely sure myself. "Okay, then let's do it like that.", said Josh but Brendon was still pretty worried so I hugged him and kissed him on his cheek. "I can do this."

"Brendon, Ryan and I will wait in the car around this corner then and Josh will be up high.", Dallon explained one last time. "I know. I know what Tyler must have in school right now and I am not (y/n) but I am Lisa out of his class.", I said to ensure everybody that I was able to do this. We also talked with Tyler about the plan so he was informed too. He just didn't know about us being demons or Josh being an angle. But that wasn't important for him now.

I packed a smaller bag with pens and paper, so it would look like school stuff and I went to the door. I took a deep breath before I knocked on the door.

Then it opened.

A/N: new chapter after four days. I'm sorry ^^'

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