'Chapter eighteen'

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Your POV

"Y/N! Where have you been?"

I hugged her back and began to cry. I couldn't speak. What should I even say. -Hey, a demon abducted me and hurt me but I fell in love with him?! And now he send me away?!- She wouldn't believe that. Nobody is going to believe that. Not the police. Not my parents. Not my friends. Shit, I have to make up a story for that now.

We still hugged and cried outside when my father came. I didn't lol but I heard a gasp and more arms to hug me. I could barely breathe so I tightened my grip and they let go of me too. We all were crying. "C..come on in.", my mother said weakly. I did as told and walked in step by step. Our cat came running towards the door. Normally he should be outside. But I catched him from the ground and cuddled him too. (I'm sorry if you hate cats or have a dog or something. But now you have a cat. Have fun with that :3 )

After a while my parents slowly asked me. "What happened?" Shit, I still hadn't thought about a story. "I... I... need some time.", I lied, "Can I go to my room?", I asked careful and let our cat down. "Oh, of course.", my father said a bit confused and so I went to my room.

As soon as the door was fully closed I began to cry again. I lay down onto my bed and cried and cried and cried. But weirdly enough not because I missed my family or because I need to recap everything that happened. No. Because I missed him. I already did. How was that possible. And why? Can't I just forget him? 

After a while of crying I calmed down and decided to do something. I loved drawing and didn't do it in quite a while. So I went to my desk and got my sketchbook and a pencil. So I began to draw. In the beginning it shouldn't be anyone I'm particular but it looked more and more like Brendon (the picture above). I closed my sketchbook and threw it through my room. I hold my head in my hands and tried not to cry again.

After a while I decided I should take a bath. It's been a while. So made my way to the bathroom and yelled: "I'm taking a bath!" Then I closed the door and locked it. I striped my clothes of and filled the tub with water. I sat down in it and as soon as the warm water hit my stomach I wanted to flinch but to my surprise it didn't hurt at all. I looked at the wound and it was pretty much healed. How was that possible? I mean he pretty much put his whole hand in my stomach. That should be a deep wound. Well, whatever.

I decided to stop thinking and just closed my eyes. I tried to calm down as I lay there in the tub. I kinda slept too, but I just couldn't get his face out of my mind. His sad puppy eyes. I sighed.

Eventually I really slept a bit.

•The Demon Inside•        Brendon Urie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now