'Chapter fifteen'

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Brendons POV

"Brendon? What's wrong"

I could hear (y/n) asking worried. I couldn't open my eyes. I hadn't eaten in a few days and normally I eat like twice a day. I was fighting against the urge to attack her. It hurt to keep the changing from my body. It hurt like hell. But she was so close that I could nearly taste her. This didn't help at all, but I couldn't stand on my own.

I pushed her away again and fell to the ground. "Gimme a sec.", I gasped with my face turned to the ground. I could feel her eyes on my back and I hoped that she would stay away but a few seconds later I felt her hand on my back. "Stay away!", I shouted and flinched away. Some spots on my skin turned grey again and it was so hard to control. "I just need a moment." I said as I was now sitting on the ground. Breathing heavily.

This time she did stay away, well as far as the rope allowed, but she watched every movement of me. My skin turned normal again and the hunger disappeared for now luckily. I stood up slowly and she rushed over to help me immediately. This time I appreciated it and nodded. When I was on my feet again I looked at her again. Her eyes were mixed with worry and confusion.

"Listen (y/n)... uhhm... I didn't mean to.. well... I'm sorry... I just... uhm", I stumbled. Why the fuck can't I talk normal?! I feel kinda sad now that she pushed me away but she doesn't seem angry because of that or scared. I was confused by that.

I was even more confused that she hugged me again. Very tight. I could barely breath. I coughed a few times because of that. She let go then.

"I'm sorry, it's just that... you don't have to excuse this... I well... i...", she said and her voice broke at the end and she good very red. (Y/n) looked towards the ground. I scratched the back of my head and looked to the ceiling awkwardly. "So you... uhm... have nothing against.. this?", I asked even more awkward.

She shook her head slowly and I raised an eyebrow. "But I should have something against it.", she said loudly, "you tortured me, you tried to kill me, you wanted to eat me, you're not human.", she said still looking on the ground. I looked to the ground now too. She was right. I did hurt her. I did keep her away from her friends and family and I'm nonhuman. She was right. I shouldn't have done that.

I pulled her a bit closer and started to untie the knot of the rope. It fell to the ground. "You are right. I'm sorry. Go. Leave.", I said without looking at her. She needed to go now. Otherwise I might be hungry again. I pulled out her phone. I had it in my pocket for a while now, so she wouldn't call anyone. I gave it to her. (Y/n) took it slowly. She probably thinks it's a trap...

She just stood there with her phone in her hand staring at me. I could see the confusion without even looking. I sighed.

"GO!", I yelled. Still looking at the ground. Shutting my eyes close. I heard slow steps. But they got faster every second. She ran. Ad I opened my eyes she was away. And I promised myself I won't follow her. I sat on the ground again with my head in my hands. Now she was gone.

My only real love was gone.

A/N: im sorry that it took me so long but I wasn't feeling well and needed a break. I'm sorry. But I'm all better now

•The Demon Inside•        Brendon Urie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now