'Chapter six'

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Brendon's POV

"Why didn't you kill me?"

I looked at her in confusion. I opened my mouth to say something but closed it again. My eyes stayed look with her (e/c) ones although I could see how hard it was for her to keep her eyes open.

Why didn't I kill her. I mean I tried in the beginning, but she was right I could have killed her. My eyes wandered to the tray with all the torture instruments. I could have done way worse. But I only used the things which hurt just a bit. I could have thrown her in one of the chambers. My room wasn't even made for much blood or torture. I just kept my things here, so nobody took them.

Nobody would have lie a finger on her, because they would know that this is my catch. Why did I keep her here. Why didn't I had more 'fun', as I would call it.

She let her head down and closed her eyes. (Y/n) let out a loud sign and I felt a little sorry. I began to panic (not at the disco. :D ) and looked everywhere but on her.

I was thinking for minutes before I came to the conclusion that I would ask Dallon. The same ranked demon was the one I spoke most with. Of course I would tell him that I kept that girl. I could ask around it! I think...

The girls breath was very slow and even now. I guessed she's asleep. I grabbed the knife again and cut the ropes. I took her and lied her down on the couch out of an reason I didn't know. She can't escape so, why not?

I griped my jacket and went out. After a short walk through the corridor I opened the door to Dallons room without knocking. He just lied around on his couch and looked at me in confusion.

"Ever heard of knocking?", he asked in an annoying tune. I just rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah...", I answered him and pointed my finger out the door. "Wanna drink something?", I asked the normalest way possible. He looked at me with a weird look but got up and followed me.

I didn't know how to speak about something like that yet, but I head to. Just to make sure that my thoughts are not right. I signed silently and kept on walking.

•The Demon Inside•        Brendon Urie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now