'Chapter forty nine'

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Brendons POV

She will survive.

"Can I visit her?", I asked the doctor swiping away the tears. He shook his head what felt like a knife was stabbed right into my chest. "Not yet. She needs rest. She shouldn't awake now because of anybody in there.", he explained and made his way back to the door. I stayed and stared at (y/n) hoping that she would awake soon. It pained me so much that she'd done. Because of a misunderstanding that I caused. I was such an idiot. Who am I kidding. I am such an idiot.

Eventually I heard how the doctor cleared his throat and waited for me to come. I didn't want to leave but I had no choice. I needed to. "You can go home for now. We'll call if she awakens.", the doctor said and I shook my head. "I'll wait until I can go visit her or she wakes up.!", I said stubborn and he nodded. I went back to Dallon and Ryan who were awaiting me already. "She will survive.", I said and felt how my eyes were getting wet again. I could see how relieved they were when I said this. "But seriously Bren... what happened?", Dallon ask me and I looked down. "Let's go outside, then I'll explain."

When we went out the first thing I did was lit a cigarette that was still in my pocket. The others didn't want though. "Okay, so... it wasn't how it seemed. I would never cheat on (y/n)! I truly love her. Really!", I began. Ryan nodded slowly. Then I explained the rest. "I haven't eaten in at least five days. I was super hungry and drunk. I didn't want to fuck Kelly. That would be the last thing I would do. I was about to rip her flesh apart as you came. I don't know if you were ever that hungry that you could hear the blood pulsing through their veins? I could barely held myself together and then she kissed me and I felt the blood. I couldn't hold back then. I... I know I shouldn't have done that and that this is unforgivable but... i...", I explained to them and they looked at me kinda understanding. "I know what you mean with the hunger... while I was down there in the dungeons I barely got any food so I attacked everyone who was around me when I got the chance...", Ryan said looking down. "Do you think (y/n) will forgive me?", I asked Ryan and he shook his shoulders. "I don't know... if she does that because of what you did... I'm not sure how fast she will forgive you...", he admitted. I nodded slowly. Of course I understood but I didn't know if I could handle that. I needed her. And I wanted to help her get better again.

Eventually I finished my cigarette and went back inside. Ryan and Dallon drove home though. I didn't want to leave (y/n) here though even if I'm the last person she wants to see right now. I needed to explain it to her. I sat down in the waiting area again. Slowly people arrived and left again soon later. I was the only one to stay longer. I stayed there the night. I was tired but I didn't dare to sleep. What if she wakes up at any minute. Eventually I fell asleep on the chair for a few hours. When I woke up again I was still the only person there. I stayed there for a few days. Ryan or Dallon visited me sometimes and gave me things to eat. It was hidden as normal sausage or things like that. I wasn't hungry. I was only worrying about (Y/n). The only reason I ate was because I didn't want to repeat what had happened.

Eventually on the fifth day a doctor odered me to follow him. I jumped up immediately and followed him. He didn't talk on the way to her room and I was too excited to ask anything. He stopped in front of the door. "She awoke a few minutes ago so please don't be too energetic.", he said and opened the door after I nodded. I stepped inside the room and her eyes lay immediately on me.

She was pale. Her hair greasy. Her eyes looked tired and empty. But in my opinion she was still beautiful. I stood next to her bed and couldn't hold back tears of joy. "You're awake!", I mumbled and hugged her carefully. "Why?", she asked quietly. And I looked away. "I can explain.", I said but she interrupted me. "No, I understand. She's better. I mean why am I still alive.", she mumbled and it seemed to be hard for her. Her words pained me so much. "That's a lie! She isn't better then you! She's a bitch! Please don't think that I think she's better in anyway. She's not! You're perfect for me! I would never replace you! I need you and I love you and ... you shouldn't wish yourself death in anyway! You're worth so much more! I'm not even worthy of being your boyfriend and I understand if you hate me and if you would never want to see me again but still I'm apologising. I'm sorry for what happened, I'm sorry that I caused this. I want to explain what happened. I want you to know why that happened and then you can tell me to go away. Yell at me. Punch me. Heck, even kill me but please let me explain because I still love you and I'll try everything to be with you!", I said and while I talked I couldn't hold back the tears. Then there was just silence. (Y/n) looked to the ceiling. All of the sudden she bags to cry heavily and sat up to pull her knees to her face. She hid behind them or tried at least. I hugged her. Even if she doesn't want it. I needed to help her.

"Why did you do it?", she whined out after some minutes of crying. While I was still hugging her I explained the whole story to her too. "Please forgive me. I didn't want that. I couldn't control myself. I would've done the sale with every other human. I.... i.... I'm sorry... I need you...", I said weakly and let go of (y/n) who calmed down now. She looked into my eyes with her puffy red ones because of the crying. "Is this the truth?", she asked weakly and hurt and I nodded heavily and wanted to say something again but I didn't. Only now I recognised her arms. There were huge red slits in her skin. They were closed now and I think some kind of cream was on there too but still. I felt so sorry.

"Okay... I ... I believe you... I...", she stumbled and I just have her a big smile and wanted to jump up and down. "I don't know if I can live with you normal again though. Because the truth is I still love you and I need you but... it hurt to see you with her...", she started and I interrupted her while kneeling next to the bed and holding her hand. "I promise you that will never happen again! No matter how drunk or hungry I will be! And you don't know how happy I am to hear that you still love me because I still love you and need you and want to live with you and only you for the rest of my live.", I said looking deep into her eyes. "Please give me a chance!", I begged. She just looked back at me with dead eyes. After a while her eyes were filled with warmth again. "Ugh... you... I can't hate you. No matter what you do... and if you're really telling the truth, what I think mostly because you smell like alcohol then it really wasn't your fault but... promise me that will never happen again and you take your key from Kelly.", (y/n) said while the life came back into her eyes. I tensed up. "Does that mean you forgive me?", I said still not believing it."only if you promise me that.", she said and I nodded and hugged her. Then I rested my forehead on hers and said: "Promise!"

She couldn't help but half smile too. I was so happy that she forgave me for that. She still needs to stay in the hospital though for a few days. Of course they wanted to keep her for therapy too but we couldn't do this. We needed to get home ad fast as possible. She doesn't get the right food here. "You need to stay here for a few more days and then we'll go.", I said and explained my plan to her and she nodded. "Really Brendon... I would've missed you a lot if I wouldn't forgive you..", (y/n) said and i smiled sadly. "You made me the happiest man alive with saying this.", I said and sat down next to her. "And we'll gonna stop this too.", I said and took her hands in mine. She nodded thankfully. I gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Hey, come on! You owe my big mister!", she said and took my face hin her hand and pulled me closer to kiss me on the lips. I smiled.

After a while I went hole to tell the others and get some more food for her so she wouldn't starve there. That's what I did for the next few days. Then finally she was all good again. She was able to walk good and her blood pressure was normal again. We had secretly packed her things and I brought another hoodie of mine so she could walk out without them noticing. "Here, pull that one on. Then I will leave the room and a few minutes after me you'll follow. I'm waiting at my car, okay?", I explained and she nodded. I gave her a kiss before I left the room as planned.

I waited at my car for a few minutes when I saw her walking out of the hospital. Luckily no one has discovered her true identity. She got over to me and we got into the car. Then she took the hood off and sighed happily. "Let's head home.", she said and I nodded. We drove home in silence but it was good silence. She was just looking out the window while I was concentrating on driving.

"Now I'm glad to be still alive."

A/N: I mean... who can be mad at beebo, right?

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