'Chapter fifty one'

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Your POV

"I loved to continued where we started."

Bredon said and smirked at me. I blushed and looked him deep in the eyes for a few seconds. "I... uhm... I never done something like that before...", I stumbled and avoided his gaze. I could feel the surprised look never the less. "Really? You're nearly 19 right?", he said disbelieving. I nodded. "I just wasn't in a relationship before or invited to parties.", I admitted. I was so embarrassed to admit that. He then stroked my cheek and forced me to look at me gently. "Do you want it?", he asked me carefully. I wanted to look away but he didn't let me. I could feel the tension in his eyes and got lost in it. "Yes.", I admitted and he immediately kissed me again pressing me back onto the bed.

*smut warning*

I let everything happen because I had no idea what to do. He kissed me passionately and I kissed him back how I was thinking would feel good. I had my hands on his back holding him close over me. Eventually he sucked and nibbled my lower lip again what I began to love. He moved downwards to my neck hesitating for a second looking at the other hickey. Thus time he didn't even search around. He just started to kiss and suck on one spot of the other side of my neck. It tingled through my whole body and I pulled him closer. He smiled onto my neck and proceeded his work while his one hand slit down my side. It went under my hoodie and caressed my side while pulling it up bit by bit. He stopped kissing my neck and started to pull off my hoodie.

There I lay. Just in my bra and pants normally I would never let a person see me like that but with him it was different. He looked at me and smiled. "You're gorgeous.", he whispered and I just lay there awkwardly. Then I moved my hands towards the end of his shirt and started lifting it up. He smirked at me and let me pull it off. I just opened my mouth. He looked amazing. Even with all these battle scars. And although I already saw him a few times shirtless I was still overwhelmed. He started leaning on top of me again to kiss me. He gave me one kiss on the lips before he moved downwards and kissed my collar bone. Each touch with his lips send shivers down my spine. His hands moved up and down my sides and I caressed his back and neck. His head moved upwards again and so did his hands. He kissed me and one of his hands slowly moved towards my bra. Now it was on top of my boob and started to squeeze lightly. I couldn't help but let put a little moan into the kiss what seemed to be liked by Brendon. He started to squeeze a little more firm and I moaned louder.

He began to pull me up again and reached behind my back and opened my bra. He pulled it off gently and tossed it away. I let him do. I pulled myself closer to him and stroked his back. His hand moved down my back which send shivers through my whole body. Eventually they were on my butt and pulled me even closer so I sat on his lap and could feel the buldge through his and my pants. He moved his hand towards the button that held my pants closed and opened it. I stand on my knees without breaking the kiss and let him pull down my pants fully so I was just wearing panties. I sat down again and we did the same with his pants. I felt the buldge even more now and arched my back. He was lying me down again so he was on top again and had his hands on my hips slowly pulling down my panties pulling his ones down to and throwing then into the corner of the room. While he was still kissing me he reached out for his bedside table and got something out of a drawer. It was a condom. Luckily. I would've nearly forgotten about that and I really didn't want to get pregnant already. He pulled it on fast and broke the kiss. "Ready?", he whispered out of breath and I nodded. He got back to kissing me again and I began to open my legs. He got closer to me and got inside me carefully. I moaned. Louder and louder with each bit he got deeper. I clawed into his back and sling my legs around him as he began to thrust. He moaned too and that deep grumble just made it even hotter. I had never felt something like this before. My body tensed up and I just felt amazing. It had hurt a bit in the beginning but now I just felt pleasure. I could feel how I was coming to my end. I arched my back and moaned one last loudest time. He was ready too and pulled out then. We were both breathing heavily and he just collabsed next to me. I couldn't speak. I wasn't able too. "Wooww...", was the only thing I could whisper in between breathing. He chuckled lighty and gave me a kiss on the cheek. He pulled the blanket over us and we cuddled up while trying to catch breath. I nearly fell asleep when I heard the keys opening the door.

*smut over*

I sat up straight immediately and began to panic. "They're back!", I whispered and Brendon looked as terrefied as I did. I took the blanket leaving only pillows behind for Brendon to cover up and searched for all my pieces of clothing and put them on as fast as possible. So did Brendon and I tried to fix my hair so it didn't look total weird. [I tried to fix my make up as good as possible.] Just in time I was all ready when someone knocked. "Are you in here?" It was Dallon this time. "Yeah! Well come out in a sec!", Brendon answered and fixed every last detail before he opened the door and got out. I followed him but then I turned towards the bathroom. "I'm going to shower guys.", I said as normal as possible but I could feel curious looks on me.

I showerd quickly and thought about what just happened. I was still overwhelmed by what had happened. I couldn't really describe the feeling but it felt amazing. That's for sure. I got dressed in new clothes and made myself somehow ready again before I got out. The boys were unpacking what they had shopped but didn't talk at all. "Brendon, you smell like a man who just run a million miles! Did you possibly work out?", Ryan said jokingly but Brendon looked at his hands busted and got a confused look from the boys. "Yeah, he was practicing!", I said fast to free him of their gazes. He looked to me thankful. "Ah, okay.", Ryan answered although he didn't looked fully convinced.

When we had everything ready it was getting dark outside. Winter was coming so the nights were longer and the days shorter. I decided to go to bed early and so did Brendon but he took a shower first. Much to the confusion of the others because normally we would be awake longer then 9 pm. I slipped into bed and after a while Brendon joined me. He snuggled up next to me and hugged me from behind. "How was it?", he whispered into my ear what send tingles down my spine. "It was amazing.", I said smiling and I could feel him smile too. "It was. The best one I've ever had.", he whispered and drifted into sleep. I blushed a bit at that compliment but I realized that I was getting pretty tired too. So I gave him a goodnight kiss and began to sleep too.

"Good night, Beebo."

A/N: Let me wash my hands..... boi I feel dirty now... anyways I hope you like it ^^"

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