'Chapter five'

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Your POV

I looked terrified at him and my eyes widened. "Please don't.", I begged while shifting around on the chair. He didn't bother to look up at me. But it looked like he hesitated for a second. I had a glimpse of hope, but it faded as soon as I saw the knife he held in his hand.

He smiled at it and then he looked up at me. His eyes went up and down on me. I looked away feeling uncomfortable. He got to me and pulled my face in his direction. He smirked at me and I felt cold metal at the skin of my arm. I formed a 'no' with my lips and tears began to stream down my face.

He hesitated again and his eyes went a little soft, but he blinked fast and it was away. He cut into my arm. I felt how my skin was teared apart. I tried to scream but he pushed his hand on my mouth. I had breathing problems and coughed. He took his hand away and put some piece of cloth what lied nearby in my mouth to mute me.

The blood streamed down my arm. It felt warm, but the wound hurt like hell. I didn't even feel the old wound in my stomach like before. I just felt the stings in my arm. He added several cuts. But they were less deep. He put the knife away took some of my blood on his finger tips. He smirked and licked it of. Than he looked at me and said: "You're tasting delicious, you know that?", I looked at him with tears in my eyes and shook my head slowly, but it was more of a 'stop it' than an answer.

He rolled his eyes at me. As if I should know that he can't stop. He took another smaller knife wich looked much shaper than the first one. I shook my head again. I tried to say something, but it came out as an incoherent mumbling. He looked at me in concern and kind of surprised.

This time he cut in the wound of my stomach and turned the knife several times. I couldn't hold back a scream, but it was a little more quiet because of the piece of cloth. I bit in it and screamed even louder as he didn't stop.

He let the knife fall and I gasped. Before I could breath in again he slapped me.
"I said shut up!", he whisper-screamed, "or the others will hear you...", he added and looked around. I looked at him a little confused but still very hurt. He took the cloth out of my mouth. "I told you I am a demon, right? I am not the only one down here. And believe me. At the moment I am the best option.", he said and looked at the wall behind me a second later. He looked like he regretted saying that.

"Why?", I gasped out. It was with all strength I had left. I let my head fell down and breathed uneven. He looked at me in concern. "Why what?", he asked cold. I tried to answer but I couldn't get out a tune.

He shook me and I whined. Brendon stopped immediately. It was weird. He was mean to me, but it looked like he regretted everything just a second after. I didn't understand. He left ed my head up and asked again. "Why what?"

"Why didn't you kill me?"

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