'Chapter thirteen'

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Brendons POV

"Okay, let's go."

I said as soon as I tied her wrist onto mine. I pulled my sleeve over the rope and went out of my room. Closing the goddamn door behind me as we both got out. I looked around, but nearly no one was out of their rooms at the moment. Weird but good for me.

I hurried up to get out so no one would see me otherwise I would have to hurt her to show them I'm like I always was. And I didn't want to hurt her. I didn't really understand it but everything was different. I walked as fast as I could trying not to pull (y/n) too harsh. I went around a corner and saw Dallon at the end of the corridor. I stoped and hid behind the corner. He was talking to someone. Who was that? I don't think I had spoken with that demon before. I think the name started with a "K". Whatever. I need to get out of here.

"We have to go another way.", I whispered and was about to turn around but then I saw how confused (y/n) looked and stopped for a second. "Dallon is there and it wouldn't be good if he sees us.", I whispered and began to walk again. She followed as fast as possible luckily.

Finally we got out without anymore complications. As soon as we got out she stopped walking and breathed in the air. Then she looked around. Probably looking for things she recognized. I didn't seem like it though. Better for me though.

"Where are we?", she asked as she still searched for familiar surroundings. I sighed. "You know I can't tell you. Be happy that I got you out for a few hours.", I said. Goddammit what's up with me? My palms are sweaty and I feel my heart beating faster than usual. She looked so sad for a second but smiled after that. "You're right. That should be enough.", she said then and nodded.

I could here steps and a car in the distance. I immediately grabbed her hand which surprised her. "We have to go.", I said. I didn't want to draw attentions on us or the former subway station. I walked in the opposite direction. While I was holding her hand I felt how cold it was. Compared to the other times I felt her body like as I bandaged her. She must be cold. But I have nothing with me except my jacket. Why should I even bother though...

We walked for a bit and nobody was around for like five minutes. Then I recognized I was still holding her hand. Was it weird that I didn't let go? I loosened my grip to let go but (y/n) grip tightened. I looked at her in surprise. She looked to the ground but I could see the tip of her ear through her hair and it was red as hell. Was it because I hold her hand...? No, I'm sure it wasn't. Why should it...

"Is something up?", I asked then and looked back ahead. She hesitated before she answered but then she just mumbled a "No, everything's fine. I'm just cold." That settled my concern for now. But I had an idea where to go now. I tightened my grip again and half pulled her. I headed towards the forest. She didn't asked me anything or said something against it so I just kept walking until I got to the entrance of the cave. "You know. Nobody else has been here and I told no one. Fuck, why am I even telling you?", I said and chuckled at the last sentence before I walked into the cave. She hesitated before she followed me. While we walked her grip tightened and she used her other hand to hold onto my arm. "I'm sorry but I'm not a big fan of dark caves.", she said embarrassed and I could tell that she got red again. A wave of heat sorrounded her head.

I searched on my pocket for a lighter and luckily I found one. "It will get brighter again at the end of the cave. I promise.", I said in a calm voice whole I turned on the lighter. Her grip loosened as I did that and I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach.

I put my lighter away as we reached the little lake which reflected light from who knows where. (Y/n) fully let go of my arm now but her grip on my hand remained the same.

"Are you still cold?", I asked then and she shook her head. "No its warmer in here, thanks." Then she smiled at me again and I felt like the room got warmer just because of that. What? Brain, stop this weird things!

(Y/n) looked around the cave and smiled. She seemed pretty satisfied by the cave and the Lake. I couldn't help but smile at her.

"It's beautiful."

A/N: Sorry, that was very cheesy ^^" well hope you'll like it though.

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