'Chapter sixty one'

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Brendons POV

After I read the piece of paper I ran through my apartment putting all kinds of things into an old suitcase that was lying around since I moved here. I have never bothered to put it away since I didn't want to stay here for too long at first but then I couldn't get myself to search for something new.

All the unwashed clothes together with food and some money landed in the suitcase and then I ran out leaving everything as dirty as it was before. There were still lying things of mine but I didn't care. I needed to return to my house. What if the letter is from her. What if.

I nearly ran towards my car. My heart was pounding and I began to feel sick. I was lacking the energy to move that fast with all the weight loss and sleepless nights. The car was full of bird shit and leafs from the trees besides the streets but I didn't care. I quickly got in and started it. Luckily the gas was still very full.

I was driving way to fast but my mind was somewhere else. I couldn't concentrate. I just had one thing on my mind. Her. I needed her. I needed her so badly. I thought she maybe dead or at least I didn't thought I would see her ever again but now I maybe do! I was growing excited although I didn't even know if the note was from her. Maybe Ryan or Dallon had written that. I just hoped that she would be there. Waiting for me. Being as excited to see me as I was to see her.

The streets were mostly empty because most of the people were working right now to my luck. I speeded through all the streets until there was just one big road to follow in the middle of nowhere.

During my drive I was full of mixed emotions. All of the sudden I began to laugh because I would see her again. I would see my love again. The one I missed so much that it nearly killed me. I would be able to hug her again. Taste her lips I couldn't get rid of. Just be with her and never let her go again. I needed her so badly. I pulled out another cigarette and lit it up. It burned my lungs but I didn't care. My eyes were still tired so my vision was blurred so I cursed them with all my knowledge as I blinked a few times to see better. Due to her loss I lost control but as long as she would be with me I didn't want it back. I smoked a few cigarettes one by one until I suddenly began to cry. What if it wasn't her who left that note? What if it was a trick? What if she wasn't with me anymore?

I shook my head and looked at the road again. It was still empty. A forest began to appear in the distance. I knew my surroundings now. I knew where I was. I wiped my cheeks with the backs of my hands. I was nearly there. Just half an hour and I would be back.

I pushed down the gas pedal more and more and more. The forest coming closer and closer and closer. Eventually my car was passing the trees with a high speed. I was nearly there. Everything would be fine. It would be like it was before. I laughed again. It was a nervous laugh and I was nervous. I was so freaking nervous. The gas pedal moved down and down and down. The trees outside my window were just a green and brown mass and the road was just a grey line.

I began to imagine things. I would come to a stop in front of my house that may look a bit shabby now but who cares. I would get out of my car and stare at the door nervous. Eventually I would take the strength to actually walk up to the door. I would search for my keys and open the door after I hestozated a few seconds with my hand on the handle. I would open the door to see the most beautiful thing ever. She'd be there waiting. She'd sit on the couch looking up. Our eyes would meet again after three years. The same tingle would go through my body like it always did. The affection would be sensed in the air between us. Both of us would just stared at each other for a while. I would be too taken aback from seeing her to move a muscle. The love of my life was sitting there on my couch waiting for me to come home after three years. My guts twitched because I knew that she knew how much I've missed her. She would see it on my looks. My thin pale and overly tired appearance. She wouldn't look too healthy either but she'd be still perfect for me no matter how she'd look.  Eventually she would stand up slowly eyes on me and I would take steps towards her. We would close the gap between us. My heart was racing. My head was pounding. Nothing in my body wanted to work like I wanted it to. My breath hitched and my limbs reacted very slowly. We got closer and closer to each other. Eventually we would stand so close that I would feel her breath against my skin. The warm tingle. Then we would both break our trance and put our arms around each other. Tears would fill our eyes and run down our cheeks. I would hold her close and feel her fast breath against my neck. Then I'd turn my head to face her and tell her how much I love her and how much I missed her. I would place my dry lips on hers and kiss her. I would refresh her taste on my lips and we would both still cry out of happiness. Eventually we would pull apart but still lock eyecontact and rest our foreheads against each others and...

I was back in reality. But it was weird. Everything was spinning. The trees outside the car window didn't move as fast along as they did a few seconds ago. I felt even sicker and my limbs were being tossed around by something. My torso was held back due to the seat belt. What was happening?

There was a loud crash one time and I was being pulled forward my head hitting the steering wheel. Then another crash and I was being dragged against the car door with a strong force feeling shards of glass piercing through my skin. But I didn't have enough time to concentrate on this pain because I did one more painful turn where I hit literally everything I could out of my seat. Eventually I stayed lying on the side my head resting on shards of glass. I breathed slowly not feeling anything. I unbundled my seat belt and climbed out of the car. I stood beside the car looking at it in utter confusion. Then I looked back down the road. There was lying a body of a deer and one tree had a crash mark. I stared back at the car. My brows furrowed. Why was I driving through this forest in the middle of nowhere? Where did I want to go again?

All of the sudden the pain settled in and I fell onto my knees. Realising only now that I was bleeding a whole lot. I collapsed onto the ground in pain screaming out. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a person coming. It was a girl. (H/style) (h/c) hair and probably the same height as me. She looked really worried as she ran closer to me. I saw the features of her face now. What a beautiful face. Eventually she came to a stop and kneeled beside me looking extremely worried with her eyes getting watery. "BRENDON!", she yelled at me. I just flinched in pain and shock.

How did this stranger know my name?

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