'Chapter fifty five'

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Brendons POV

I was boiling with anger while looking at Patrick in front of me. The last time I saw him he was a lousy low class demon that failed in everything and didn't do as told. Now he's able to just appear out of nowhere? What the fuck was going on? I tried to stare him down. Try to read in his eyes. But there was nothing. His lips may smirk but his eyes were pretty much dead. I hated it when I couldn't read people in the slightest way.

All of the sudden I felt something on my cheek. It was warm. Just a slight brush of something against my cheek. A familiar tingle went through my body. I jumped backwards. There was nothing around me that could touch my cheek. And the wind would feel different. I'm not total braindead. There was something. If I see it or not doesn't matter right now.

"What was that??", I barked at Patrick who just seemed amused by me being confused and angry. I let my gaze wander off a bit to see if somebody was with him. I didn't saw anybody though. Just the trees and leafs. "Well, if you want to find out and if you want to know where (y/n) Is you should come home again.", Patrick answered and zapped away.

I just stared at the place were he stood a second ago. Home? Home. The place were he wanted me to be wasn't home. Not mine at least. Now that I lived here I knew that. I was kept down there. To get food and kill. To do as I was told from even above me. To keep the smaller once together and from fighting. I was just a figure in a huge game that had some power over others. The figure staring down all the time. At the smaller once. Watching them. They're the only thing the figure sees. It thought it was the biggest because it only saw smaller ones. But now the figure turned around and saw an even bigger one whispering orders. The now normal figure thought these whispers were their thoughts but it was wrong. I had turned around. No. I was turned around. By (y/n). She showed me. She showed me that I don't have to do what others tell me all the time. That I should start to think for myself. I was plagued with sadistic thoughts and likes but I myself ain't as sadistic as the whispers wanted me to be. And now I freed myself. I left the board of this game that was never home.

Now I should return.

I didn't want to go back there but I needed to safe her. I needed to safe the love of my life. My heart ached when I thought about her disappearance. I felt my whole body tensing up. I needed to safe her. No matter what. I will find her and free her. I will live with her here. Or somewhere else where it's truly safe. I don't care where I am. As long as I'm with her. She made me stronger. Just her around me brightened up my day no matter what happened. I won't let my light go out or leave of she doesn't want to. And I was sure she didn't just go with him.

I returned to the house as fast as I could calling Dallon on the way telling him to pack some things and get everything in the car. We would drive around one day but we needed to be faster. Let's just hope the police won't stop us then.

I arrived at the car and both of them already waiting, leaning against it. Ryan staring into nothing. Dallon looking all around the place. He was nervous. I could tell that. Ryan too but he didn't show it. Never did. He normally wasn't much of a emotion bundle but sometimes you could still tense when something was wrong. And it was. His sister was token. Of course he wasn't okay. I bet I felt the same or even more. That's why we needed to find her. As soon as possible. Ryan probably feared loosing his sister again. I feared loosing my partner again. Dallon probably feared loosing a friend. Or something.

I nodded to both of them when they saw me and we entered the car. Dallon drove. I sat on the passenger seat and Ryan in the back.

I tapped with my fingers on my knees impatiently. Every minute felt like ten. I looked at the clock way too often. Dallon just looked at the road. Ryan still gazed outside. My palms began to sweat. Fear began to kick in. What if we would be too late? I don't know what they want to do with (y/n). What if they want to sacrifice her? Because she's one of the last red eyed demons. Because she's different. My mind drew the darkest pictures and that was totally not what I needed right now. I sighed. My heart still pounding fast and my breath uneven.

I tried to calm down.

I really did.

But how are you supposed to stay calm when someone you love dearly just gets taken away. I bit my lip and run a hand threw my hair. In the small mirror I could see Ryan looking at me. As soon as I looked into his eyes he looked out of the window again shifting in his seat. I tried not to bother about that now and thought about why they took her. What they wanted from her. Why they needed her. I know why I need her. Having her there makes everything easier. More beautiful. More... colourful. I loved her with all of me.

The drive remained silent. No one said a thing. Dallon knew where he had to drive so that wasn't an issue. I was still thinking. But all the thinking just caused headache and no theories made really sense too me or I just didn't want them to be true. I catches Ryan look at me through the mirror a few times too. Expressionless. At least I couldn't read anything. He always looked away when I caught him. Maybe his eyes just wandered of thinking. I knew that. Happens sometimes. You look somewhere lost in thought and then you realise that you stare at a person like in the train or something. Mostly pretty awkward. I didn't mind it though. I didn't care about that now.

We made a few breaks and I drove instead of Dallon while he kinda slept after some hours of driving. Couldn't blame him. He needed all the energy he could get. Maybe we need to fight these Bastards. Maybe we don't. Or I could punch someone. Patrick. Just in spite. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. Let's see about that. Probably yes though. I didn't like him from the first day. He was always rather annoying.

After some more hours I stopped the car. It was dark outside. Probably some what around 4 am. I don't know. I didn't know what the time zones did and I had no feeling how long we actually took. Dallon was awake by now again. I opened the car door and was hit by a cold breeze. Of course it was cold. Winter is coming.  I should've thought about that and brought a warmer jacket. Well whatever.

I stepped out and the cold are wrapped around me. Coming to my clothes to touch my skin making me shiver. My breath was in front of my as small clouds. Both of the guys were out of the car now too and we closed the doors with a loud thud. I nodded after Dallon gave me a concerned look. Ryan was still expressionless. I went first and they followed me inside the subwaystation that wasn't a station at all.

The warm air hit my skin and the smell of death appeared.

A/N: sorry that I took rather long but no good ideas came into my head recently and I didn't want to write a more or less good chapter. I hope you like it now^^

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