'Chapter nine'

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Your POV

"Are you kidding me?! You could have died!"

I looked at Brendon in confusion and shock. I thought he would be angry because I was trying to escape. But now it seems like he was worried about me? I didn't understand it. Why would he care about me? Ain't I just a toy to him?

Brendon ran his hands through his hair and breathed out loudly. Then he walked up to me and held his hand out for me to help me up. Without looking at me though.

Now I was fully confused. He wasn't angry because I was trying to escape. But he threw me to the floor. And now he's trying to help me again? Why is he doing all these things? I started to get curious about that. After some seconds I took his hand and stand up again. His hand was cold and his grip was tight, as if he didn't want to let go. But as soon as I stood he pulled his hand away. He looked me in the eyes now. I was prepared for a look that would murder me, but it wasn't like that.

He looked like a hurt puppy for a second. I didn't know how to react and just stared at him. "So you were trying to escape, why?", he asked silently. I thought it would be obvious why I tried to leave. Then I remembered the things I saw outside. "Where am I?", I asked him then with a harsh voice. I didn't want it to be that harsh though. But I couldn't apologize now, otherwise he wouldn't answer me.

He sighed again and looked to the ceiling. "I can't tell you, but I am not the only demon down here.", he said and turned around to go to his kitchen corner. There wasn't much. A fridge, a oven with heat plates and a coffee machine. He opened the fridge and took a bottle with red fluid out of it. I began to get scared. That looked like blood. He looked at me and saw how afraid I was. Then he rolled his eyes. "What do you think a demon needs to survive. A piece of cake?!", he said now very annoyed. I looked to the ground. Part because I felt bad while seeing the blood part because I felt bad for thinking bad about him. Wait what? He hurt me! Why should I feel bad about making him feel bad. I don't know where I am and if I will ever see my friends and family again! I'm sure I only felt bad because of the blood. That's the only normal reason!

He took a few sips out of the bottle and put it back. Then he went around a corner and I didn't see him anymore. The only thing that I heard was a door that was shut loudly.

I just stood where he helped me up and where he looked at me with his puppy eyes. Stop it brain! He isn't cute! He's dangerous! I shook my head to get rid of these thoughts and looked around. Everything was the same and it didn't looked like he would come back. I went to the door again and tried to open it silently, but this time it was locked.

I head to the direction in which Brendon disappeared after that. At first everything was silent then I heard a loud crash behind the last door. Followed by another loud sound. It sounded like he was destroying the room. I could he him screaming too. Why is he doing this? I wanted to open the door and see what exactly he was doing, but I was too scared. So I just stood in front of the door.

It looked like I stood there for quite a while, because the door opened and Brendon stood in front of me, but he's appereance had changed. He had horns and his skin was grey. Also he had weird things on his skin. His brown eyes were yellow now and he had claws. And his teeth were much bigger and his shirt was ripped apart. He looked at me in shock and I took a few steps back until I hit the wall. But a second after that I took a step towards him again. I was curious what happened. I could see how damaged the room was. It looked like it was a bedroom. He changed back slowly. He had his human appereance again. Brendon grabbed a shirt and a jacket and rushed out. He didn't say anything. He nearly ran towards the door.


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