'Chapter twenty five'

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Brendons POV

I was still in the cave. I needed a bit to recap all that had happened. So she did cut. But why did she do that? I mean. She's so amazing. Why would she feel so bad that she would hurt herself. I will help her. I will help (y/n).

I walked over to my shirt that was ripped apart. Great... well I put it on anyways. Somehow. I walked out of the cave. Slowly I walked through the forest. Still thinking. As I left the trees behind me I looked up. I could see (y/n) standing at the train station. She seemed cold. I hoped that her train would come soon.

As I wanted to leave I saw two people nearing her. They looked somewhat familiar. Shit. They're demons. I was sure of that. I began to run. As fast as my legs could do. I needed to be there before... I didn't want to think about it. Just in time I arrived as the demons wanted to attack her. I smacked one of them down with my claws. While I was running I seemed to have changed again into my demon Form. The loud sound of the body hitting the ground didn't make (y/n) turn around surprisingly. She was probably listening to music or something. I knocked the second one out with one punch. Both low ranked demons. Newcomers... I waited until I changed back into my human form and got to (y/n). I tapped on her shoulder and she turned around with a shocking look on her face. As she identified me she smiled and took her headphones out of her ears.

"Want me to drive you home?", I asked smiling as nice as possible and she looked at me in confusion. But then she smiled. "Thank you!" I smiled back but then something hit my head really hard. I looked up with anger. One of the demons was up again and threw stones at me? Too scared to really fight, huh? I got really angry and transformed again. I ran towards him and punched him in the stomach. Before he colabsed I took his body. Ready to rip his neck apart. I opened my mouth revealing my sharp teeth. I was about to bite when I felt a soft hand on my shoulder what helped me catch my thoughts again.

I let the body fall to the ground and changed back. "Uhh... I'm sorry... I was angry... uhm..", but I couldn't end this sentence(?) because (y/n) hugged me gently. "Shall we go... GODDAMMIT!", she screamed and punched the other one in the jaw. I was surprised by that just as much as the demon. But she also hurt herself on the teeth of the demon, who fell to the ground now. Her hand was bleeding. But not just a bit. The teeth of a demon, no matter the rank, are extremely sharp. "Fuck...", I ripped one piece of my shirt off and tied it around her hand. I turned around to be sure that they wouldn't stand up again and it looked like I was right. But then I saw something. She hit the one who was already bleeding at the mouth. Could that mean... I really hoped it didn't. It would be a disaster if it did.

"Did blood of him get into the wound?", I asked but accidently screamed at her, so she looked at me kinda scared. I felt sorry but I needed to know that. (Y/n) hold her hurt hand and mumbled: "...dunno.. why?", she asked me then in a mixture of fear and confusion. I bit my lip. "It's because... well it would take some time to explain. I will tell you when we're in my car, okay?", I said and proceeded walking. She nodded and followed me. Then she began to speak again. "Uh, Brendon? Can.. I... like... uh... you have a phone right?", she said while looking to the ground. I chuckled a bit. "Fo you wanna have my number?", I asked back. Cute how she was that embarrassed by that. "Uh.. yea.. I mean something like this could happen again and then it would be great to be able to call you, you kn...", before she could end her sentence I cut her off with a kiss, which wasn't that hard because she was the same height as me.

"Gimme your phone and I will type the number.", I said smiling. But I hadn't forgotten about what could've happened. So she gave me her phone and I saved my number in it. We reached my car which was parked in front of the forest. I opened the door for (y/n) and she entered. After that I sat down on the drivers seat.

"So, where do you live?", I asked her drumming on the steering wheel. "Tell me first why you are so concerned about this wound!", she demanded. I kinda liked the tone in her voice that way. Wait, what? Stop it brain. Not now!

"Ok.. uh.. okay. So in our world there are ranks, you know? I for example am a high ranked demon. The highest rank possible for demons who live here and not in well, you would call it hell. That means: I choose what I and others do. Where we hunt, how much we need to hunt. That kinda stuff. I also need to know about people who break rules and well... you won't like it but torture them until they either die or paid off there rule break. Most humans probably think they're no rules in 'hell' but there are.", although she looked at me kinda confused I proceeded. "So, the ones who attacked you were lower ranked demons. The lowest rank possible. They have to hunt to turn humans into demons. Which is the worst kind of work because you need to mix blood. So you have to hurt yourself and a human, without killing that one, which is really against our instincts. Well most of the time.", I said scratching the back of my neck. "So if his blood got into your wound you could turn into a demon soon. It takes like 3 days or so. And at the last day your craving for human flesh and destroy everything and everyone around you to get something to eat... ", I said getting slower at the end. She looked at me with wide eyes.

But she didn't look at me. She looked through me. Well I would be really confused too if someone had told me that while I was human. After a while she blinked rapidly and tears began to fill her eyes. I lay one arm around her and pulled her close. "Maybe you aren't infected. There's a chance for that.", I said as I tried to lift her mood. She just nodded slowly. I gave her a kiss on her forehead which seemed to help a bit. She told me her adress and I started driving. The streets were empty so I didn't need to pay that much attention. Also I could stay the way I half huffed her the whole ride. Which seemed to have helped a bit. Just as I wanted to drive down her street she said stop. I asked her why I should stop. "Because my parents will hint you car down if they see me coming out of your car. Leave me out here and I can tell them I was at a friends house.", she explained emotionless. "But what about your hand?", I asked concerned. "I'll just say I cut myself on a broken dish or something..", she said looking at me now. Her face said nothing just her eyes looked really sad and puzzled. I felt so sorry for her. I really hope she wasn't infected.

"Okay, I will leave you out here. Message me asap, okay?", I said and kissed her forehead once again before she left. She nooded too. I stayed on that spot until I saw her entering a house. I just wanted to know that she was safe. Then I drove back again. While driving I received a message.
Hey, it's me.

As soon as I saw that I saved her number.  Yeah, yeah... I know.. don't text and drive, kids. I answered with a hi too but after that she didn't anwer. Well maybe she fell asleep. So I proceeded driving home.

As I got there I basically run into my room and closed the door behind me.

A/N: so this is a longer chapter because I will be on holiday the next five days, so I won't upload. But after that I will proceed writing. Also: what do you think should happen now? 1. She is going to be a demon. Or 2. She will stay human. You decide! :)

•The Demon Inside•        Brendon Urie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now