'Chapter sixty two"

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Your POV

I kneeled down beside Brendon in shock. The wheels of his car where still moving making dull sounds. Brendon looked at me in utter confusion. I couldn't hold back the tears as I saw him lie there. After three years I finally saw him again. Had him by my side. I wanted to hug him but he flinched away. I felt a sting in my heart. I just wanted to be together with my love again.

I snapped out of my trance and saw how much blood he lost already. Fuck. "We need to bring you to your house. Now.", I demanded through the tears. I reached out to but my arms under his shoulders and legs to pic him up bridal style. That was the only way now. He was heavy but I could manage. My skin turned grey on some points because I was using more strength then a human would. I began to run with him in my arms. Brendon just looked at me in shock but was too weak to speak up. I'd  get all the things of his car later.

Finally I managed to get out of the hell hole I was put in. Finally I managed to find away to be together with him again. Finally but now he was hurt and looked like he doesn't understand a word I was saying or a thing I was doing. I swallowed a sob that wanted to escape my mouth. Trying to concentrate on the running I could nearly hold back the tears.

We reached the door I left open. Luckily. Otherwise it would be torture to open it now. I didn't care about the fact that there was blood everywhere on me and behind us. I just hurried to bring him inside. I quickly placed him onto the couch and hurried to get bandages and towels to stop the flow.

Brendon was breathing heavily and little drops of sweat appeared on his forehead. I felt so sorry for him. It was my fault. If I hadn't written him this letter he wouldn't have come here. I gripped onto my own wrist and digged my fingernails into my skin.

I stopped when Brendon coughed weakly. I took as many towels and bandages as I could take and placed them on the wounds. They soaked up with blood fast but I knew what would help him. I got up and hurried to the fridge. Luckily there was some meat in the freezer. Wouldn't taste good but would do the trick. I need to go on a hunt soon. I quickly placed it in the microwave and hurried back.

"You can eat something in a bit. Please stay calm and breathe steady.", I said as I took Brendons hand in mine and squeezed it lightly. He responded by exhaling a bit louder then before.

There was the man I loved. Right in front of me again. Where he should've been all the time but I knew he couldn't. Due to his own safety. I remembered the day when I closed the door and split up from my group to save them. I could hear Brendon yell and knock the door furiously but I wouldn't open. It pained me as much as him. Maybe even worse because I was the one doing it but I just couldn't have him with me. My company meant danger and I didn't want danger for him. He should live a happy life. A life how he wants it and how he deserves. Not this shit right here. But the three years taught me how bad I needed him. I couldn't live without him. I was miserable and not just because I was in literal hell. After I closed the door back then and locked the others out Satan still wanted to make me have lots of children of course. I fought against him everyday. Then he tortured me. Every day. But that wasn't the worst part. Obviously it hurt. I screamed my lungs out every day and was locked away after the pain sessions. I got barely any food. But the worst part was that the devil changed its form again. To the person I loved most. To Brendon. While he tortured me there was the smile on the fake Brendons face. The smile I normally loved to see. I knew it wasn't the real Brendon. I knew he'd never hurt me but still. It pained me to see him doing all these things to me. Eventually after what felt like centuries I gave in. I gave in to being the mother of my race. I couldn't stand the pain of seeing him do these things to me. I gave up. I gave in.

After I did that I was put into the exact same chamber I was before with Ryan. For the first few days I was alone in there. But then the first male demon was send to me. He wasn't particularly mean but not very nice or understanding either. He was a pink eyed demon and stayed in this room with me for three days trying to get me pregnant. I didn't care about anything there anymore. There was nothing I could do against it. I just let it happen. Then I was alone again. Alone for the next week's until my tummy grew. I didn't love what was growing in me. I didn't feel like it was my child at all. I felt like the carrier of this child but not the mother. After nine month probably the child was born. It had pink eyes. Not even close to red. Right after it was born and had opened its eyes they killed it. It wasn't how they wanted it. I didn't feel sorry. I didn't feel sad. I wasn't terrified. I didn't care. I didn't even flinch. It meant nothing to me.

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