'Chapter thirty six'

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Your POV

So Dallon had an idea, where Bredon could be. I looked at him with a questioning face. He should explain it more than just say that he had an idea. So I nearly jumped over to him. "What?", I asked a little loud and he flinched back in surprise. Then he scratched the back of his head, obviously trying to remember something.

"Well, as far as I know there are some old dungeons under these corridors. We were told that they won't be used anymore, but I saw someone go down there a like months ago, so probably they still lock persons up down there? I can't imagine another spot where they could've put him to be honest.", Dallon explained walking around in the room while I continued eating whatever that was.

"Are you sure he is there?", I asked carefully. I didn't like dungeons at all. Honestly I was kinds scared of them. Dallon raised his shoulders. "At least I think so...", he said still thinking. I stand up and put the plate on the nearest table. "Then let's go!", I said and was about to run out of the door. Brendon was way more important than my little fear. I could do this. Also I wasn't alone. Dallon was there too. It should be totally okay. Right?

But before I reached the door Dallon grabbed my shoulder and stopped me. "Wait. We can't just go down there. Do you really think if they locked him up down there that there will be no one to watch that no one goes there?", he asked me rethorically. I shook my head slowly. "Whatever, I will knock them over!", I said energetic but he shock his had in disbelief. "We can't just do that. And you can't do something that would cause that much attention because you are different. And you saw what they do to demons that are different. He sacrificed himself so they wouldn't pay attention to you!", he said and still had his hand on my shoulder to shake me a little. I shrugged it off. "Don't shake me. I'm not a child!", I said now a bit pissed. But more pissed at myself for not recognising that myself. Dallon must think I'm stupid now. Great. I looked down. Also at my arms that were now bandaged. I had the urge to rip them off and start all over again but of course i couldn't. Dallon had put them on so nicely... I couldn't just do it again. Also Brendon was priority.

All of the sudden Dallon hugged me. I just stood there a little confused but hugged him back. It was like after he brought me here with the car. Actually it felt good to hug someone and be hugged. I didn't know how much I needed it until just now. I could feel my eyes going wet again bit I closed them so they wouldn't flow that much. It wasn't really helping, so Dallon just hugged me a bit closer. "We will get Brendon out of there and you can stop. You can stop with hurting yourself. I and Brendon will help you through this.", he said and as he said this I couldn't hold back any longer and cried out loud. Nobody knew about what I did to myself besides these two now and they wanted to help me. I was so scared to tell anybody. I was so scared to be judged but right now it felt good to hear that someone would help me. And that we would get Bredon back. Dallon didn't let go, although he needed to make himself a little smaller so I could hug him normally. He waited until I was ready to let go. I could calm down after away, so I let go of him whispered a thank you and wiped away the tears.

"We could go like at night when most of them are probably hunting... maybe Kenny could help us with distracting any other demons... I could ask John too. Josh would be really helpful but he denied leaving Tyler alone and he wouldn't go in here too.", Dallon said trying to cheer me up a little. I just nodded and smiled at him weakly. "That's how were gonna try it, yeah? I'm gonna go and ask Kenny. Maybe John if he's there. And I will come back as soon as possible.", he said about to leave the room but he turned around and came back again. "And please, don't do that while I'm away, okay? Promise me that.", he said and pointed at my arms. I needed some time but then I said "Promise.", while looking into his eyes.It was hard but I knew he wouldn't go otherwise. He went out.

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