'Chapter forty four'

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Brendons POV

"Good or bad news?"

Was the thing (y/n) asked. I didn't even know myself. I texted her right when Josh returned. I looked at Josh with a questioning look. He cleared hus throat before answering. "The good news is that there is a way.", Josh said and i saw that (y/n) smiled but Josh hadn't finished yet. "The bad news is that it's gonna hurt. A lot. And we need a special kind of demon to say the spell and do the ritual. But... as far as I know they don't exist anymore...", he said depressed and we all looked down. "It's a pity that red eyed demons are extinct...", he added and scratched his neck. All the others looked up. Even Tyler what confused me to be honest.

I began to smile again and sighed. All the others did the same except Josh and Tyler. Josh just looked confused. He had no idea why we were so happy again. "That's great because we have happened to have the last two of this sort right here!", I said happy and pointed at Ryan and (y/n). Josh looked at us in disbelief. "What?! Really?" And we all nodded. Both of the red eyed demons did a joking bow.

"Well, that's good then. But it will be very painful and one of them has to keep on reading while you are under worst pain...", Josh added and I nodded. "I know.", I said and looked at both of them. "I'll do it.", Ryan said and stepped forward. (Y/n) wanted to say something but Ryan turned around and put his hands on her shoulder. "As much as I trust you and I know that you love him. I don't want you to see him under this immense pain. I'll do it. Promise.", he said and she just nodded slowly.

Then he turned back to me. "So, uh.. Josh. What do I need to do?", Ryan asked. "Well, I wrote down the spell and everything we would need to do this ritual.", he said and handed him a list. I could catch a look and it wasn't much on that list. But one thing catched my eye. The blood of an human with an angel by his side. I looked at Josh and then at Tyler. Josh looked at Tyler too a bit worried. Then he began to tell Tyler what everything was about and he didn't seemed that shocked. I was confused. "(Y/n) told me that they were demons and your an angel and that...", Tyler shrugged and (y/n) looked away. Josh was surprised but kinda glad that he wouldn't have to tell everything again.

"Okay, so Tyler, would you take (y/n) and Dallon with you to our treehouse? Then Ryan and me will do the ritual to Brendon.", Josh asked Tyler who seemed a bit overwhelmed by that but nodded. (Y/n) gave him a caring pat on the shoulder. "Don't worry. It's not all blue black.", she said to him quietly and it seemed to help Tyler a bit. I just looked at her confused and Josh looked at them a bit shocked but turned away as they went away too.

"We need to find a save spot without humans. ", Josh told us and we searched around the town a bit until we found an empty cabin. "What about this one ingredient? You know which one...", I asked Josh and he disappeared all of the sudden. Ryan and I just stood in the cave and looked at us confused. "Did he trick us?", Ryan asked me kinda worried but a few seconds after that Josh appeared back again. With all the ingredients that we needed. "Wow, uhh...", I stumbled. Josh ignored me and prepared everything.

As he mixed everything together he gave me the bowl and Ryan the spell. Then he drew some symbols on the ground. I didn't know them but just to be sure I stepped in and out if the circle. It wasn't a trap. Then I stayed in the circle because Josh told me so.

"You have to drink the mixture while Ryan is reading the spell. As soon as he starts speaking and you start drinking you won't be able to exit the circle until the procedure is over and it will hurt. No one can help you through this there.", he explained us and I tried not to panic and just nodded. Ryan nodded too. He gave me a worrying look though. But then he started to read out the spell. I hesitated for a bit but drank the mixture. It tasted horrible and burned in my mouth and throat.

I threw the bowl away when I was finished and began to cramp up. It felt like my insides were on fire. It hurt so much and I tried my hardest not to scream. Then I felt a pain in my back. Like knifes cutting pieces of flesh out of my back. I turned full demon plus those wings that the angel blood had giving me. I flapped with these wings because they hurt like hell. It was like something was pulling on them to remove them. A lot of feathers flew around me. When I turned my head I could see that beneath these feathers lied bones. No skin. Just bones. They began to breath and it hurt like someone would just break my arm.

I screamed. I couldn't hold it back. The boned fell to the ground. Piece by piece. I could feel every little piece breaking off. I fell to the ground and cramped up. I could hear that Ryan had stopped reading. "Keep... rea..ding!", I breathed out. And so he did. Eventually all of the bones were on the ground. The was a short moment without pain. But then it kicked in again. I began to feel dizzy but I could keep myself from fainting. It felt like my skin would be ripped off and put on again multiple times. Over and over again. I crawled my claws into the ground. Eventually one of them broke off. But not far enough to hurt me or at least I didn't noticed it.

My face began to burn and my horns grew wider and smaller over and over again. I felt like being scalped. I covered my face with my hands. This didn't help at all but I had to keep awake and alive. I need to be a normal demon again. I leaned against the invisible wall made by the circle and symbols on the ground and groaned. It began to hurt less and less or I was getting used to it. I didn't know which one was the correct one.

Eventually all the pain was gone and the invisible wall disappeared. I fell to the ground and groaned again. Ryan came to help me sit up and Josh began to make the symbols somewhat invisible. I had my human form back again and breathed heavily. "Did I made it?", I whispered and both if them nodded. "Yeah, and quite good too. I was afraid to tell you but unter the spell stood that some had died because of this, but you survived really good. I'm impressed.", Josh admitted and i just began to laugh. I didn't know why. I just did.

After a while I calmed down again and tried to stand up. Ryan helped me with that. "Then let's go to the others and tell theeeee...."

And with that everything went black.

A/N: I started a Ryan x reader book now! If you're interested then just click on the other book ^^.  I started it before the other dallon x reader votes were there ^^" I will start with a dallon x reader soon too. I just have to think of a good story! :)

•The Demon Inside•        Brendon Urie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now