Secrets Revealed.

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My mother gave the keys to the chauffeur or whatever you call him. When we entered I couldn't even hear yourself think with how loud the music was.

"Chris had said that there was a quiet place right below the stairs case, you can do what you want, but we're going down there." I nod my head as my eyes instantly searched the crowd for Blake. I decided to get a drink to maybe loosen myself up a bit.

"Hey Kaylee, glad you could make it." I heard the birthday boy yell over the loud music. I turned around and hugged him.

"Happy birthday! I wouldn't miss this for the world." I say shoving him slighlty. As we were talking I couldn't help but still look around for Blake.

"He's not here yet." Chris says looking down at me smirking.

"Does he spread the news like wildfire or something?" I ask him blushing. Chris laughed slightly.

"Yes I honestly think as soon as you left he group chatted us telling the whole team what happened." Now I knew my face was as red as a tomato. I could not believe he did that. "Don't worry about it, we all love you."

"Aw how sweet. When is he suppose to be coming?" I ask, but soon enough I got my answer as a pair of large hands wrapped around my body.

"See you around Kay." Chris says leaving us alone. I felt Blake's lips on my neck, before I could even turn around.

"I've missed you." He murmers into my ear. I smiled to myself before I turned around. "You look gorgeous tonight." Blake says eyeing me up.

"You just saw me less than 4 hours ago, and thank you." I blush looking around making sure my parents were still downstairs.

"Your worried about your parents aren't you?" He asks looking hurt. I wanted to nod my head yes but I knew that would upset him and it was a party. "I know your thinking of what to say, but it's okay, I understand."

"Blake it's not like that. My parents already have a goal set for me. They want me to date a doctor or a lawyer like themselves. They want me to be like them, even if I don't want to."

"I understand that babe, but I think they'll understand." Blake grabs my hands bringing them up to his lips. "I feel like your hiding something from me though and I don't know what it is yet." He adds kissing my hands again.

"Nothing I promise." I lie straight to his face, faking a smile. I could tell he didn't believe me but the discussion was quickly stopped. "You wanna get out of here?" I ask. Blake quickly nods his head, I grab his hand and quickly walk out.

"Where we going?" Blake asks, to be honest I have no idea where we going, but I had to figure there was somewhere quiet. Finally I found this one room with a couple couches and a bar.

"You think Chris will be mad if we bail is party?" I ask turning around and kissing him.

"No I think we'll be good." He says pushing back on one of the couches.

2 months later
Don't hate on me but I still haven't told my parents about Blake yet, which I know it's terrible. Tonight though it was Blake's birthday and he invited all of us to come, and of course my parents are tagging along.

"Don't you think that's a little sleezy?" My Dad asks, he's always over protective. I do kinda agree but I was showing anything naughty. Once we finally arrived his house was booming with people.

"Hey guys thanks for coming!" Blake greets us at the door, he hugs my mom and shakes hands with my dad.

"Of course we wouldn't miss this for the world." My mother says. My parents walked away greeting other people leaving me and Blake alone.

"It's happening tonight? You really want to tell them?" Blake asks smiling while grabbing my hands. I nodded my head and smiled back. "Okay we can do it before desert." He adds kissing my cheek.

Kay💙- It's happening tonight! I'm telling my parents.

Crystal💖- No way! When? I wanna be front and center.

Kay💙- Before desert is passed around.

Crystal💖- I hope everything turns out okay.

I was so nervous to say the least. Everyone was gathered around the tables, and they were waiting to see what's happening next.

"Can I have everyone's attention please?" Blake asks tapping his glass with a knife. Here we go. "There's something very important I want to tell everyone. For a couple of months I've been seeing someone, her name is Kaylee, and I love her." woah woah where do that come from? he loves me? oh my God. I looked at my parents and shock was written all over their face.

"Kaylee? Where's are daughter. Oh there she is. Is this true have you really been seeing him behind our back?" My mother says disappointment written all over her face. I nod my head.

"Yes mother it is." I was blushing like crazy everyone was looking at me.

"We'll talk later about this." My father states walking out of the room. yep I'm screwed. I left as well I need fresh air. Once I was outside I felt a little bit better, but I still knew they didn't approve.

"I'm assuming you know they won't approve." Blake says standing next to me. I nod my head, it was true they were gonna make me break up with him.

"Blake, this might be the last time they'll ever let me see you." I say honestly turning to face him.

"You never know they could change their mind." He grabs both of my hands, but I had to laugh at what he said. My parents never changed their mind ever.

"I just want you to know that I love you too, and hopefully one day after they realize I can't be their perfect daughter. We can see each other again." I kiss him, but quickly someone cleared their throat.

"Kaylee it is time to go. Blake happy birthday but get your hands off my daughter." It was my father, he was fuming mad. I let go of Blake's hands myself and looked at him one last time.

"Goodbye Blake." With that I walked out, past my father to our car.

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