Him Again.

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        "IGGY, I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!" I yell at him through the phone. Klay left early this morning because they had to catch their flight to Boston.

"Girl, I told you I'd hit you up with someone in the music biz." Iggy says nonchalantly.

"Boi, you didn't tell me it would be freaking DJ Khaled. Like he's super famous!" I was currently in my kitching making me something to eat.

"Well your welcome, but I have to go. TTYL." Andre says in his girl voice.

      Damn Andre is the best. I finish up my grilled cheese. I decide I should text Khaled, which I am filled with excitement.

Kaylee-Hello, I would just like to say I am available today and tomorrow. Or I'll be available next week Tuesday. Call or text when availible.

DJ Khaled- Tomorrow will be perfect. I have a meeting at Noon, but anytime around that will be fine.

Kaylee- Awesome I'll be there at 1:30.

DJ Khaled- Alright, I'll see you then.

         The next morning I wake up around 10, which is perfect. I get up make myself pancakes, get into the shower, find something business appropriate, and finally do my make up.

Klay💙- Morning Babe, how are you?

Kaylee💕- Pretty awesome. I'm about to meet with DJ Khaled to see if I can start writing some songs.

Klay💙- Omg baby that's amazing! I hope it goes well. I gotta go though, bye.

Kaylee💕- Talk to you later.

      Soon enough it was time for me to head to the studio. I nervously got into my car and drove off saying a little prayer I'll do good. When I got to the place my stomach filled with butterflies. I was so nervous. I enter the building and go to the front desk.

"I'm here to see Mr. Khaled." I say quietly looking around the central area. The girl smiles and looks down at his computer.

"Ah yes Ms. Vega, take the elevator to you left and tell the elevator operator floor 16." I nod my head and smile walking towards the elevator. Lucky for me it just opened and people were walking out. I quickly walk in.

"What floor Miss?" He asks politely.

"16 please." He nods his head and presses the button. The doors closed before anyone else could get in. I'm trying to calm myself down, but it was no use. The doors open and I walk out slowly trying not to throw up. I'm  walking around looking for rooms when I run into Drake.

"Kaylee?" Drake asks walking more towards me. It looks like he was just leaving the office of Khaled.

"Hey Drake, funny seeing you here." I say awkwardly, he just smirks down at me. "I better go, I have a meeting with Khaled." I say trying to walk away.

"Wait your going to see Khaled." Drake asks I nod my head looking towards the door. It's so close yet so far. "Gonna try and get a record deal?" I nod my head again slowly inching toward the door. It looks like he was deep in thought smirking to himself. "We should do a duet together, you know so people will quickly know you." This is why I thought asking him would be a good idea.

"That would be smart, but I gotta talk to him first to see if he even wants to sign me." He nods walking towards the door.

"Well there's only one way to find out." Drake says opening the door to Khaleds rooms. "Hey man, I think I found your new star." He says walking in with me.

"You must me Kaylee, nice to meet you. Have you met Drake before?" I nod my head in shame remembering that night.

"I thought man we'd see what she sounds like and I'd do a duet with her, so people will know who she is." I mentally slap myself, but just smile as Khaled looks at me.

"Well let's see what you sound like, aight." I nod my head and walking with Khaled as he opens the studio door for me. The butterflies were quickly back as I hear Khaled ask what song I was gonna sing. I take and deep breath and speak into the mix.

I'm going to be singing issues." I see both Drake and Khaled nod their head. Okay Kaylee Here we go.

I'm jealous. I'm overzealous.
When I get down, I get real
down. When I'm high I don't
come down. I get angry, baby, believe me. I could love you just
like that. And I could leave you
just this fast.
Cause I got issues, but you got
them too. So give them all to me and I'll give mine all to you.
Bask in the glory of all our problems. Cause we got the kind
of love it takes to solve them.

     I finish the song and breath a sigh of relief, I don't think I was that bad. Khaled said into the mic to come out and talk to them. Here I go, the moment of truth. I took I seat across from them trying to play cool.

"Kaylee, your very talented singer, but can you rap?" Khaled asks taking a glance over at Drake. I nod my head.

"You wanna hear something?" They both nod their head. "Drake if you don't mind I mostly listen to you." He smirks to himself and shrugs his shoulders.

"Go for it." I smile and decide what song I know the most by him, since he just came Out with More life. I decide on Gyalchester.

Hermes like, ice blue mink.
Tat on my ribs like I do not
know what permanent is.
They want me gone, wait
for the kicker. Bury me now
and I'll only get bigger that's
word to my....


I'm so hot, yea I'm so right
Now. who's not game bitch
let me find out. Keep hearing
clicks when I'm talking on the
Iphone. Feds in city hate to see
us on a high note. I switch Flo
like I switch timezone.

I finish his song and walk out again, when I did they were talking among themselves. Then Drake smirks at me.

"How would you like to
join OVO records?"

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