We Are The Champions!

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        Ayesha and I were sitting in our usual seats with Stephen's and Klay's family by our sides. Everyone came out to see this game. It was nice to meet more of Klay's family and Stephens too. The tension was in the air as the teams run out. There were cheers and boos and we all know who was for who.

"LET'S GO WARRIORS!" I scream as Zaza wins the tip. Stephen smoothly walks up with the ball. He is such an amazing ball handler. The game goes on with the Warriors with a small lead. Throughout the game everyone was on there toes. During the second quarter the Cavs came close to having the lead, and I was about to cry. The Cavs could not win. Ayesha and I clung to each other as the Cavs started to play a little too aggressively. 

"Oh come on refs." Tracey, Klay's brother yells, and I totally agree with him. The refs were calling terrible calls. It was halftime and each family started to talk to one another.

     "So your Klay's girl, it's so nice to finally meet you. I've heard all good things." Stephen's lovely mother says as she starts up a conversation.

"It's an honor to meet Stephen Curry's mother." I state, and She smiles.

"It's not as big as an honor to meet the girl who captured Klay's heart." Sonya states, making me blush. "Klay is basically like my other son and Ayesha can't shut up about you."

"Way to rat me out, Sonya." Ayesha butts into our conversation.

"Aww Ayesha." We both laugh. "It's so nice to meet you. Go Warriors!" I say quickly since halftime was almost over. I sit down next to Ayesha. "Everyone is so nice, wow." I whisper.

"Well get use to it." I guess I would have too, but I've never had a nice family like this before. The game starts up again and the Warriors keep the lead. The third quarter led on with LeBron being LeBron and was trying to always flop, luckily the refs weren't falling for it. By the fourth quarter the tension was rising as the game was going to come to the end and the Warriors held a pretty big lead right right now. Finally there was two minutes left and tears began to brim in my eyes. The Warriors were gonna win. We were going to be the champions!

    "We're almost there." I say to Ayesha as I could tell Stephen was just dribbling the ball around to run out the time. They were up by 14 as the clock went down to one minute.

"Come on baby." Ayesha says, and I could tell she was talking to Stephen. I advert my attention back to the game. Stephen pulls up for a three and makes it.

"OH MY GOD!" I scream and stand up along with Ayesha and everyone else. "WAAAARRRRIIIIOOOORRRRSSS!" Everyone chants as the Cavs try to go for a quick brake but our defense was there to slow them down. The Cavs tried everything but our defense was just better. I mean Klay's defense this series was on point. It was all a quick blur but somehow we got the ball back and Steph went to the left corner of the court and that was it. THE WARRIORS FUCKING WON!

"Oh my God! We did it!" I scream as me and Ayesha jump up and down. Ayesha and I hug. Tears fall down my face as I look and see the confetti fly everywhere and the boys were hugging and screaming with each other.

"Let's go see our men!" Ayesha says, and I nod my head. We quickly run down to the court and try to get to our boys as the paparazzi is already beating us to it. They were setting a table up obviously so they could hand them the trophy. Ayesha found Stephen and Klay was doing an interview but his eyes were locked on mine. I smile and run over to him and jump on him, he catches me and we hug right in front if the camera.

"Baby, you did it! I'm so proud of you!" I yell into his ear because it was really loud in here. He finally sets me down but keeps an arm around me, pulling me closely to him.

"So Klay how do you think you beat the Cavs by double digit points." The interviewer asks, and he looks down at me and smiles.

"Well it was a lot of team work and great defense." Klay says answering the question.

"Kaylee, what were your feeling of the game?" I'm surprised that they were asking me but I wasn't going to be rude.

"Well my nerves were all over the place,  but I had faith in Klay and the rest of the boys that they could do it." I reply and the interviewer thanks us and leaves us be.

    "Baby, you did it. How does it feel to be the Champions?" Klay was holding me close and I was looking up at him and he was looking down at me.

"It feels pretty great, and I'm so glad you are here to share this feeling with me." I blush and he leans down and kisses me.

"Come on you two break it up. We have a trophy to get." Stephen says smirking at Klay and Klay smiles at him. Klay grabs my hand and brings me to the stage.

    "Give it up for you 2016- 17 champions!" Everyone screams again and the confetti still falls. I could not believe how loud and the feeling you get standing up on that platform infront of all those people. It was an amazing feeling.

One more chapter after this! I'm going to cry. I can't wait till you guys read the last chapter. Please comment how you liked this chapter and vote if your feeling spontaneous! I love you guys! 💙

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