Best Friend.

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      We finally left Toronto, and Andre still wasn't on the team plane. I'm worried, I mean I know he was at the game, but he literally just disappeared.

"Klay, you know where Iggy went?" I ask, but Steve Kerr turns around with a sad look on his face.

"Andre had to leave because his wife got into a car accident. It happened suddenly last night." I couldn't help the tears that where rolling down my cheeks. I've always been close to Andre and his family.

     "Fuck my life." I yelled to myself. I just left LA, and I made it to Oakland and I had no idea where to go. I was lost in a bar.

"You okay over there?" A light skinned man asks me who was sitting two barstools away. Great I didn't need to be hit on right now.

"No I'm just great." I say rolling my eyes at him. The guy then picks up his drink and sits right next to me. I then looked at his hand and saw he had a wedding band on. I mentally slapped myself.

"I'm not hitting on you, even though you are attractive." He was just trying to be nice and my mood ruins it.

"I'm sorry. I just moved to Oakland and I have no idea where I am, or where my new apartment is. Can we start over?" He has me a smirk and raised his hand for me to shake.

"I'm Andre Iguodala nice to meet you." I smile and shake his hand.

"I'm Kaylee Vega, it's lovely to meet you as well." I finally sit down at a bar stool and we just hit it off. We had so much in common it was crazy. We kinda just clicked. All we could do was talk talk talk, which we neither seemed to mind. "Do you mind telling me how to get to my apartment." I ask as I look at the time, it was almost 5:30.

"Sure." I tell him my address and he started laughing right away. I look at him confused." Your apartment is 5 minutes away." I felt my cheeks get red and I wanted to run out of there. "Don't worry we've all done it." He then told me that he'd show me the way, and he was right. It was basically down the road. We then swapped numbers, and that's how we met.

End of Flashback

I just prayed that she would be okay. The flight could not have gone any slower. As soon as the plane did finally land I drove straight to the hospital. I didn't want Klay to come because in all honesty I don't know why. I finally got there and the nurse was nice enough to tell me the room.

"Andre!" I yell running down the hallway, he picks me up and hugs me so tight. "God I've missed you." I whisper, he finally Sets me down. "What happened?"

"Drunk driver, but she's going to be okay. Now how'd you know I was here?" I then remember he and I weren't on talking terms.

"Klay and I made up, and I was on the flight home from Canada. Coach Kerr told me." He nods along as I was speaking. "How bad was she hurt?"

"God must've been watching over her. She only had a fracture in the leg, a lot of bruises, and a concussion." Wow that's not as bad as I thought.

"When will she be able to leave?" I ask sitting down in the chairs outside her room.

"A couple days. The doctors want to make sure that the concussion isn't serious."

"Well that's good." I reply not knowing what else to say, and I could tell he was thinking the same. We kinda just sat there in silence.

"Kaylee, I'm sorry for being a dick. Your my best friend and I shouldn't of let Klay get in the way. I thought it would be better if I didn't get into it this time, but clearly I was in the wrong and I'm so sorry." Iggy finally says grabbing my hand. "I realized when I got the call there was only one person I wanted to be with me, and it was you."

"Andre, your forgiven. Don't worry about it. Klay and I were both in a tough situation." He smiles at me and hugs me. The hug felt really good. I sat there with him for the rest of the night. I think we both fell asleep on each other.

        Andre and I were woken up by the doctor, who said that his wife was okay to go home. She just couldn't walk on the leg for a week, which was understandable. I was just glad the car crash wasn't serious. I mean the person who hit her didn't get hurt that bad as well, and the car is an easy fix. Andre told me to go home and everything would be fine.

Klay💙- Hey baby girl, is everything looking good for Michelle? Maybe I could pick you up and we could have a movie night?

I really wanted to be alone right now, and I didn't want to blow him off.

Kaylee💕- Everything is looking good, thank God. Maybe another night I'm feeling a bit under the weather.

Klay💙- Oh okay. Home you feel better.

Thank God he bought it because I didn't need another fight with him right now. In all honesty I was feeling perfectly fine, but just thinking the Michelle could've died today has me thinking. What happened if Andre and her were in that car and he could've gotten hurt. I wouldn't of been there, since we weren't on talking terms. I don't think I could've lived with myself knowing that I didn't get to say goodbye. I don't know why I'm thinking about all of this now, but it was making me really depressed. I drove home slowly contemplating if I should get food or not, which in the end I didn't. When I did get home I just went straight to bed. I was not myself right now.

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