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       "Oh my gosh you guys totally destroyed the Warriors!" I yell jumping on Blake's back.

"Of course we did girl. They think they all that, but they ain't." DeAndre says walking with us. Blake was still giving me a piggy back ride as we were walking to the locker room. Half the boys had already left, but DeAndre and Blake had an interview.

"Babe, you did amazing." I say after DeAndre walked out, it was now just me and Blake. Blake just smirked at me as he was changing. Blake had the best body I've seen. "Why don't we celebrate?" I say walking over to Blake, he currently had his shirt off.

"Your seriously not thinking of doing it right here?" I smirked at him, as I started to kiss his chest. "Oh baby girl you are so naughty." I knew I had him, because he finally gave in.

End of Flashback
Klay and I actually did swim and I had fun. He just gets and understand everything, it's like he's perfect. I don't get him.

Draymond- I got a surprise for you tomorrow. You coming to the game right?

Why is Dray texting me, and is this what Klay was talking about?

Kaylee💜- Yea imma be there. What's this surprise. Cuz i ain't playing to more.

Draymond- Just come you won't regret it.

I was still gonna go no matter what, because Klay was gonna be ballin. I got Dray out of my head and focused on my job. I had to put together a winter line, since soon enough it was going to be winter. Yet in California it doesn't get that cold.

        The next morning I got up showered, and ran over to work. I did some things with the make up artist, and clothes designers to make sure it would be perfect.

Klay🔥- I'll pick you up at 5.

Kaylee💕- Alright babe see you then.

I didn't tell him about Dray texting me, and I don't think he really needed to know, since I'd take care of it. I look down at my fitbit and it was only 12 o'clock. I had plenty of time. I finally finished with everything, and went to grab lunch at Panera. I was bored so I went on my social media sites. I'd say I'm pretty popular, but people only like me for my looks. I ate by myself, and went back home to chill for a little bit. Soon enough it was time for me to get ready. I chose a Thompson jersey, shorts, and my jordans.

Klay🔥- Babe I'm here.

Kaylee💕- On my way down.

"Hey baby girl." Klay says as I get into his car.

"Hello handsome." I reply leaning over to kiss him. He smirks at me before driving off. "How was your day?" I ask.

"It's good. I'm excited for this game, and I'm glad your going." Klay says grabbing my hand, I smile at his show of affection. The car ride was silent, and soon enough we got there. Obviously we got there way way early, since Klay does have to get there early. They were obviously warming up just them as the other team was in the locker room I think.

"Hey Kaylee, you ready for your big surprise tonight?" Dray asks walking over to me. I roll my eyes, and sit back down in my seat.

"Dray, if the surprise is your dick I'm not interested." I comment pulling out my phone. Draymond laughed.

"Nah girl, I'm changing your seat tonight. Follow me." He says, I still didn't know what he had planned, but moving my seat isn't bad. "Okay right here." He says it's was full on center Courtside seating.

"Um thanks I guess." I say trying to figure out what to say, because I was still so confused.

"You'll see when the game starts don't worry." I was still trying to figure out what he was planning, but nothing came to mind. I went to get some snacks and something to drink eight before the game was starting, and when I got to the seat The One and only Drake was sitting right where my seat was. I tried not to fan girl, because like I love drake! He saw me staring at him and smiled.

"Oh good I'm sitting next to a Warriors fan." He says smirking at me, I could see that his eyes were wondering to my body, but I really didn't care.

"I know that's the only thing when you come to a game." I say pulling myself together. "I'm sorry for staring, but I'm such a huge fan of yours." I say sitting down next to him. Lordy lord did he smell amazing.

"Nah it's all good," He says smirking at me again. Oh he know he fineee. "What's your favorite song?" He asks. I could stare at his face forever.

"All of them." I say laughing slightly, he laughs along. Wow his laugh is like heavenly music. "In all honesty though Still Here is my favorite." I respond, he nods his head.

"Yea I like that one too. What made you like my music." Drake asks leaning his elbows against his knees looking at me.

"I guess I went through this 'phase'," I added quotation marks when I said the word phase, since I just liked Black music. "I always liked rap though, I always use to think I could rap." I say laughing about how dumb that sounds.

"Maybe I can hit the studio with you sometime." Drake suggest, I quickly look at him as my eyes went wide. I was about to say something, but he stops me. "Yes I did actually say that." I laughed How'd he know that's what I was gonna say.

"I'm sorry. I really need to stop fan girling. I'm embarrassing myself." I say covering my face, but drake grabs my arm and pulls it down. Okay I'm in love with him.

"I find it kinda adorable."

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