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      When those words came out of Kevin's mouth, I knew Klay was about to blow. I couldn't look at him, I couldn't look at anyone. I just wanted to get of the plane.

"Kaylee, is Dray making up rumors again." Klay asks looking at me, but I couldn't reach his glance. I was to ashamed.

"Damn, she got you whipped." Draymond says smirking at me. Klay was still looking at me, waiting for an answer. "Tell him the truth."

"Yes, I slept with Dray." I say looking down at the planes carpet. Out of the corner of my eye Klay was about to go mad.

"Are you fucking serious Kaylee? This Nigga be calling you a slut, and you sleep with him? Kaylee, I thought you were better than that. I actually thought you had respect for yourself, I guess not." I finally looked at him, which I shouldn't of. The look of sadness on his face was unbearable.

"Boy, why are you so mad? It's not like we were dating or anything, you were just an easy fuck." Everyone on the planes just says 'oooh' Klay looks like he took a step back, but he didn't.

"Yea right we all know you were catching the feels." Klay says, and everyone went quiet. He was right, but I'd have to die before I admit that.

"Yea okay, I've fucked almost all of this team, except the people with wives. You were just the next on my list." I snap back, ain't no one was gonna roast me in front of anyone.

"Damn you are a slut." Klay says then walks to his seat. I didn't come up with another one after that, but I went straight to Iggy. I cried on his shoulder so quietly no one noticed, but him. I knew I screwed up, and what was crazy was I got this feeling in my stomach and heart. I've never felt that before, and it was beyond wierd. We got back to Oakland and everyone left quietly. I drove back home and moped. I screwed up BIG TIME.

Iggy💪- We have another away game, but it's against the Clippers. I've talked to Klay and he misses you terribly, and he says he screwed up. He should've known that you were sleeping with other people. Klay was just so hurt, because he really likes you Kaylee.

I was catching the feels, and there was no more denying it. I had to go back to the Staples center.

Kay😚- Buy me a ticket, I'll be there.

I didn't know if I was making the best decision of my life, or the worst decision ever. I showered, dressed in Klay's jersey, and drove off to LA. A place I thought I would never return to. I got there an hour before the doors would open, so I really didn't know what to do, but freak out. It was time for me to enter the arena, and I almost died. Once I walked into where the players were warming up. Memories flooded back to me, and I wanted to cry. Then I saw him, there he was on the court joking around the Chris Paul. I couldn't do this, I ran to the bathroom. I heard the people announce the started line up, I grab a alcoholic beverage, and went to my seat.

"Oh hey Kay, here to get more dick?" Mcgee asks me, but I just roll my eyes .

"How are you doing?" Iggy asks, I looked at him, "Dumb question, I'm sorry." I want to run away as far as possible. The game started and it was pretty close. Even though it always was, when we were playing the Clippers. Blake never noticed me the first half, but he was taking the ball out in the second half. He looked exactly at me, and he kinda froze (like my heart). Klay wasn't in it at all, and when he came to the Bench, he looked at me once. By the fourth quarter the game was a nail biter, but the Warriors pulled through by a lucky three.

"You did great." I walk up to Klay after he finished doing an interview. He looks at me looking like he was deciding if he wantd to talk to me or not. He didn't do either, but he kisses me, which surprises everyone. At that moment I was happy, but then something always ruins it. Blake was kissing Crystal.

"What's wrong?" Klay asks turning around trying to see what I was looking at. "Is that your old best friend kissing your ex boyfriend?" He asks, and I nod my head. Blake was turning to do another interview, but he saw me again. He ignores the interviewer and walks right towards me.

"Hey Kay, I didn't expect to see you here." Blake's say looking between me and Klay. I could text Klay was flexing waiting for a fight.

"My names Kaylee, and I was supporting my Warriors." I say puffing my shirt, which was of course Klay. Blake nods taking a moment to look at me.

"Can we talk?" Blake asks, but I couldn't even answer, when Klay buds in,

"No way in hell, I'll let you be alone with her." I did a little smile on how defensive he got of me.

"She's not you property is she?" Blake asks looking down a little at Klay, since Blake was surprisingly taller.

"No, but I don't want her with a Nigga like you." Klay fires back, but then I realize it was grabbing attention from both teams.

"Nigga you trippin, I know her better then you ever will in a lifetime." Griffin fires back walking closer to Klay. The tension in the air was building, as Iggy came and put me behind him.

"At least I wouldn't date her best friend, after a bad break up." Klay says, and that's when everything went hectic. Right before it happens, Iggy pulls me away, and that's when  I realize. Blake took a swing at Klay.

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