It's Happening Again.

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     Klay wanted to hang out today, but I told him no, which wasn't really a lie. I was currently in the parking lot to my therapist. I haven't been to her since I moved to Oakland. Yes I did drive all the way to LA to see her.

  "Ms. Vega, I didn't think I'd see you again." Dr. Jones says, she welcomed me with open arms.

  "Yes ma'am I didn't expect to see you again either." I sat down where I usually sat. She of course sits behind her desk.

  "Now Kaylee, tell me what's been bothering you."

   "I haven't been eating the same, and I just feel like I did when well you know." She nods her head along as I speak. "I met this guy name Klay and I really like him a lot, and he's so nice and honest with me. My closest and dearest friend Andre, his wife got into a car accident. Before this happened him and I weren't on good terms. So it got me to thinking. What if it was him who got into an accident? I wouldn't of been there to say goodbye." I didn't know what else to say I felt like crying, but I knew I had to hold it in.

"Kaylee dear, it's okay to cry. Now tell me a little bit more about this Klay fella." I almost blush just at the thought of him.

"Well he plays for the Golden State Warriors, he has a dog named Rocco, I met him at a game, and well we just clicked I guess." There was so much more I could say, but I couldn't find the right words.

"Kaylee, is he your happiness?" The question hit me like a ton of bricks. I didn't know how to answer it.

"I don't know." My mind was completely blank right now. I never thought I'd be asked this question.

"Kaylee, do you love him?" Dr. Jones kept asking these questions and I didn't know how to reply. "Why are you so unsure about your feelings?"

"I don't know! I'm scared of commitment." I kinda just yell at her. "I'm sorry I have to go." I quickly got up and left I didn't care if my session was only half way over. I ran to more car and had a mental break down.

Kay💜- It's happening again.

Iggy💪- What is? Baby where are you?

Kay💜- I have depression again. I went to my therapist.

Iggy💪- I'm at your house now, when will you be home?

Kay💜- Soon. You know where the spare key is.

   I drive home as quick as I could, but all I could think about was how I couldn't answer those question. I finally got home and Klay's truck was there too. I walk up to my door and open it.

"Why is Klay here? Please tell me you didn't." Iggy quickly shook his head no, and I breath a sigh of relief.

"I came over to see how you were but Andre was here, so I'm a little confused." Klay says walking over to me.

"Klay, I'll tell you later. I'm sorry can you leave?" I felt awful but he needed to go. I don't think I could tell him yet.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's going on." He tries to grab my hands but I won't let him.

"Klay, trust me please just leave." He looks like he wants to start yelling, but he quickly leaves slamming the door. "Oh my God." I whisper to myself, but Iggy hears me.

"Come here, babe." I lay my head on his shoulder and just cry. Only a few people have seen me cry, but Andre has seen me cry the most. I kinda just laid there not know what else to do.

"How do I tell him?" I ask quietly. I keep thinking of ideas in my head of me telling him, but none of them felt right.

"Kaylee, that's up to you. Klay loves you and I know he's afraid to admit it, because he's afraid you might run away. I'm a therapist to both of you." I couldn't help but laugh, he was right."All I know if you want to really be with him in the long run, you need to tell him." Andre was right, but still I didn't want to tell him.

"How do I tell him though? What if he doesn't wanna see me anymore?" Thoughts were racing through my mind at 200 miles per hour.

"Just tell him, and I promise Klay won't run." He was right. If Klay has stuck with me this far he won't leave now.

"Alright I'll do it tomorrow. Thanks Iggy." We hug one more time before he leaves, which he did right after. He had a life unlike me.

Kaylee💕- Can we meet up tomorrow?

Klay💙- For what? So you can blow me off again. Kaylee whatever you hiding you can tell me.

Kaylee💕- That's why I want to meet up. Fuck it I'll be over in 10. See you soon.

I didn't know what I was thinking, but I got into the car and I drive over to his house. When I pull up in front of his house I quickly want to run away. Yet I wanted to prove a point to myself to not be afraid. I walk up to his door and knock.

Here goes nothing.



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