I Messed Up...Again.

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     The game was about to start and you could feel the tension in the air. I was nervous, and I'm usually not nervous for a game of theirs. Pachulia won the tip, and they gave Stephen the ball. They past around a bit till it got you Klay, and he shot a three, and scored. At halftime the Warriors had a small lead of two, this game kept going back and forth. Warriors come out with a win! Klay was totally on it tonight, I think he scored 35 points or something. I waited in my seat patiently, and posted about the amazing win. Klay and the boys came out and did an interview. When Klay was done he came over.

"What did you think?" Klay says smirking, because he knows he did phenomenal.

"Mmmm number 11 out there was really killing it, and he was fine." I say joking around with him. "In all honesty though this game was amazing." I add, he just smiled at me, and kisses me. He kissed me! In public with people everywhere.

"Let's go get something to eat." Klay says grabbing my hand. Okay what this boy doing? Does he want everyone to think we're a couple, because we're not. Don't act dumb girl, you act like a couple. Ah shit.

"It took Dray a couple minutes to finally decided to pass to you." I say while we were heading back to the hotel. One of the Warriors body guards drove us back.

"Yea I noticed that too." Klay says scratching the back of his head. I knew Klay didn't want to admit it, but him and Dray can't have beef. This team is made from their closeness.

"I really need to talk to him." I whisper hoping Klay wouldn't hear. He did though, because he whips his head to look at me.

"Oh hell nah. I won't let you talk to that Nigga." Klay says getting really protective. "No Kaylee, please don't I'll do it." I roll my eyes and nod my head. Even though I won't listen to him. We just ate at the hotels little diner area, and talked. When Klay was in the shower I went over to Dray's room.

"What do you want?" Dray asks when he opens the door.

"Can we talk?" I saw him roll his eyes, but he did let me in. "Why didn't you pass to Klay as much?" I ask him.

"He wasn't open." Green says with no emotion. I wanted to start yelling, but I knew I needed to keep my cool.

"Sometimes he was, but you know you have to leave every life problem off that court. Deal with that shit later." I say hoping he'd get my point.

"I would've if you didn't show up with him looking like a fucking couple. You know you catching the feels right?" Dray asks knowing he was damn right. I didn't want to admit it, but he was. I couldn't let him have the satisfaction, so I did something really stupid, and when I say stupid I mean stupid. I had sex with Dray again. The walk back to Klay's room was full of guilt. I knew I shouldn't feel that way, because we weren't official.

"Hey babe, where did you run off to?" Klay asks me as I walk in. He was sitting on the bed watching TV. I shrug my shoulders.

"I just went exploring." I say thinking that sounded pretty good.

"I would've taken you sight seeing." Klay says patting the side of the bed next to him. Why does he have to be so perfect.

"It's fine you just played a game, and it's getting late." I say walking to the bathroom with my bag in hand. I closed the door and let out a long breath. Why is lying to him so hard? When I was done I went back to see Klay shirtless, but still in the same spot before.

"What aren't you telling me?" Klay asks not looking at me. How does he know I'm lying, does this guy read minds or something.

"What you talking about?" I ask crawling into bed. I felt his eyes on me, but he turns off the lights. He then wraps his arms around me, and he let me fall asleep. I couldn't stop the guilt that I felt though.

The morning after Klay wasn't in bed, but I heard the shower going. I just lay in bed for a little bit, and grabbed my phone.

Draymond- I enjoyed last night, maybe we can do it again.

Kaylee- That was a one time thing.

Draymond- Keep telling yourself that.

"Hey baby." Klay says walking out of the bathroom with the towel hanging very low. My eyes couldn't help, but look him up and down.

"When we leaving?" I ask making my eyes return to my phone, which was still on Dray's and mine conversation. I exited out and set down my phone.

"2, so you better get ready." Klay says, and I looked at my phone. It was 11. I rolled my eyes, and got up.

"You better of saved some hot water." I say to Klay, as I walked passed him. He just smirked at me, and went to put clothes on. I showered, got dressed, did my hair, and finished packing. Luckily enough I got done right before we had to leave. When we got to the airport everyone's eyes were on me. I looked at Iggy, and his face was full of disappointment. Damn word around here spreads like wildfire.

"Hey Kaylee." Dray says, as we were walking up to the plane at the same time. Klay looked at me strange, but yet again he let it go. Everyone I could tell was making jokes, and for the first time it bothered me.

"Why is Dray so nice to you now?" Klay whispers in my ear, as we walk to the back of the plane. I shrug my shoulders, but of course someone had to ruin it.

"Kay, you think I could get some now?" I think it was Kevin Durant who yelled that, but I really wasn't paying attention.

"Now seriously, what is he talking about?" Klay asks being completely serious right now.

"Wait you don't know?" Kevin chimes in again, I swear I could kill him right now. Klay shook is head. "Kaylee slept with draymond last night."

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