Drake Night.

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        We finally got to Toronto and Drake took me to his mansion. I have never seen a house so big before! It was crazy. He did what he promised the whole day before the game he showed me around Toronto. It was actually really nice, and he was relaxed not worrying about the people that would stare. I couldn't stop the clock even if I sold my soul to the devil, but I had to face the game at some point. He kept his promise about letting me borrow a shirt of his. I wore a white tank with a gold owl on it, with basketball short shorts, and a sweatshirt around my waist in case I got cold. We obviously left early, so he could sign some stuff and take pictures with the team.

"Hey guys, this is Kaylee." Drake says introducing me to everyone. I wave and just smile. I recognize a few of them because they were at Oracle once or twice. "Babe, I gotta go take care of things you mind chilling here?" I shook my head. He gave me that award winning smile, and left.

"So you his girl or something?" A shorter light skinned man came up and asked me.

"Um no we just friends." I reply trying to figure out how to get out of this awkward situation.

"You can go to your seat. The Warriors are just out practicing." I nod my head and walk away. Of course I wouldn't go the the court, but I just wander around. Soon enough Drake found me and said we could go to our seats. The Warriors left the court which was lovely for me, and the Raptors were practicing, but mostly talking to Drake. 

"I'm guessing this really isn't your scene?" Another light skinned man came up to me, and I laughnslightly.

"Am I that obvious?" I ask, he smirks but shook his head. He was pretty cute.

"No, my whole team is suppose to be practicing, but as you can tell their not. I just gave up and walked over here seeing you didn't know what to do either. I'm assuming you came here with Drake?" I nod my head and look over at Drake he was joking around.

"I didn't even realize the whole team was talking to him, they must be desperate. " We both laugh. I couldn't help but notice he was a real gentlemen. "I'm sorry I didn't catch your name."

"DeMar Derozan." He puts his hand out for me to shake.

"Kaylee Vega, nice to meet you." I say blushing slightly. We start talking to each other and get a conversation going, until the coach forced the team to actually do what they are payed to to.

"I see you hit it off with DeMar." Drake says quietly looking at him. I could tell he was mad, but I didn't know why.

"Yea I did, he's a pretty cool guy." I say looking around hoping the Warriors wouldn't come out again. "How'd you even know I was talking to him when you were caught up with the rest of the team?"

"He was flirting with you, you know." I nodded my head and shrugged my shoulders.

"You still didn't answer my question." I look at him intently, I could tell I was making him mad but I could care less.

"Your impossible not to look at, because your super hot. And every guys eyes were on you." Oh he was a little jealous, ha that's funny.

"Did I hear you correctly? Is Thee Champagne Papi jealous?" I was now full on teasing him, but he wasn't going to show that he liked it when I said Papi. "You know I'm right." I say after he wouldn't say anything. The game soon enough was starting and the teams where being introduced. The Warriors came out and I almost clap which would not have been good. Klay looks tired. I hope he wasn't sick, because he looked that bad.

Let's go Raptors!" Drake yells clapping really loud as they were setting up for tip. Klay's eyes were searching the crowd, and instantly knew it was me. His eyes look sad, but quickly fills with anger as he saw Drake. Derozan also gave me a smile before the game started. I just hope Klay would play good tonight. The game started off with the Raptors taking a ten point lead. Klay was playing like crap, and when Iggy came in he played like crap. My team was falling apart and it was all my fault. Luckily Drake wasn't yelling as much, but every time a Warriors player was in front of us he would start smack talking. I want to stop him, but for some reason I didnt. At halftime the Warriors were down by 20, and I was worried. the crowd didn't help at all, since they were pumped up. They knew that it was always like that, but this place was extremely loud. All the time they played drake music, which I didn't mind. Halftime was over and I knew what I had to do.

"I'm sorry Drake." He looks at me confused. "LET'S GO WARRIORS!" I yell as loud as I could, which I think it worked. Steph turns his head and looks at me. He gave me that cute little smile and pulled up for a three.

"Oh it's on." Drake says smirking at me. It was whoever could be the loudest, and it was pretty close. Everytime a Warriors would take the ball out, I'd give them a motivational speech.

"The Warriors win the Warriors win." I was chanting at Drake, which he just laughs at me. "Hahaha." Drake was doing an interview and so was Stephen, and I was surprised when he walked over to me.

"I'm glad you here Kaylee, but you need to talk to Klay. You guys need to make amends, because Klay playing like crap every game is not what we need." I nod my head and I follow Stephen to the back of the locker rooms. He told me to wait outside and he'd get Klay. A couple minutes there he was. Thee Klay thompson in the flesh.


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