One Friend.

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Drake😍- Hey Kaylee, I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me tonight? It's my last day in California, and I'd like to spend it with you.

Kaylee💜- I'd like that very much. Pick me up at 7.

I slept in my car again, which is probably not good for my body. I just needed a spot to think, because I don't have anyone to talk to anymore. I still can't believe Iggy, and how he just gave up on me like that. I look at the time and it was 3:30. I really had nothing to do today, so I really didn't worry about it. Finally I got my feet moving and started my car to drive off. When I got home there was a car parked that looks very familiar. I shook it off and went up to my apartment, but when I got there Stephen was there.

"What are you doing here?" I ask going to unlock my door.

"Well I was worried about you, and Iggy said you were heartbroken. So I just wanted to come by and be your friend." I want to laugh, but I didn't. I let him in.

"Stephen, I've been through a lot worse, but I do appreciate you coming here. I thought I was a loner forever." I ask him if he wanted anything to drink, but he politely declines.

"If I'm going to be completely honest with you, you screwed up." I nod my head agreeing. "I don't know what you did to iggy, but he's heartbroken as well."

"He's on Klay's side in this argument." I say. I saw Stephens look surprise, but tries not to show it. "It's fine." I add.

"I'm sorry. It's just Andre always speaks so highly of you, and know that he won't talk to you is a dick move." I nod my head, but I didn't want to say anything. "Here I actually need to go to practice, but it's family dinner night. So why don't you join us?"

"Oh no I don't want to ruin your dinner, I know family night means a lot to you."

"Kaylee, don't push me out, and I'll text you the address. If you don't come, I'll drag you there." Steph says, I laugh,

"Fine I'll be there. What time?"

"5. Don't be late." He says before he leaves. Kaylee, don't you have a date with Drake? Oh shit. Okay there's a two hour difference it'll work out. I decided I really needed to bathe. I did my usual routine, but this time I shave my whole body, since I am going on a date. They must've had a short practice, since it was already almost time for me to head over to Stephens house. I made sure my make up looks fleeky, and that my outfit was perfect. I arrive at the Curry's household, and it was amazing. 

"Kaylee, I'm so glad you could make it," Ayesha says hugging me. "Stephen was worried you weren't going to show." I nod.

"I figured, so I knew I had to come." I walk into there house, and it was amazing.

"Please follow me everyone is in the living room and the kitchen." Ayesha says. I follow her, but still in my amazement by how beautiful they're house is. I saw Stephen talking to his brother I think, because they look almost identical.

"Ah Kaylee so nice of you to make it." Steph says walking over to me. "Here I'll introduce you to everyone." I walk with him everywhere he went I didn't know he had a brother and a sister. They're were a couple family friends I got to meet. Everyone was really nice and so loving, I wished my family was like this.

"What would you like to drink?" Ayesha comes up from behind me, I was a little startled, because I was deep in conversation with Seth.

"Water would be fine." I say she quickly walks back into the kitchen. I continue my conversation with Seth, and I learn that he plays for the Mavericks.  Ayesha returned with my water and I thanked her. For most of the evening all I did was talk to Seth. Soon enough it was time for dinner, I told them I had a dinner meeting after this, so thankfully they gave me on of the best salads I've had.

Kaylee💜- Change of plans, can I meet you at the restaurant?

Drake😍- Uh no, why can't I pick you up?

Kaylee💜- Work is keeping me behind.

Drake😍- I'll just pick you up at work then.

Kaylee💜 No no its fine, just pick me up at my apartment.

I really didn't understand why I couldn't meet him at wherever he was taking me. I quickly set my phone down, because we were about to pray. Stephen lead in prayer, and everyone dug in. There was talking all around the dinner table, and lucky for me I sat next to Seth. When I finished my Salad it was 6:45.

"Thank you Stephen so much for tonight it was lovely. Nice meeting you all." I say before walking myself to the door.

"Hey Kaylee😘, wait up." I hear someone call behind me, and I quickly turn around.

"Oh what's up Seth?" I didn't want to be rude, but I really needed to tell him I needed to go.

"Can I get your number?" I was surprised by his question, but quickly grab my phone. He was a nice guy so why not. It's not like it would be anything serious. "I'll text you sometime." He says handing me back my phone.

"Sounds good." I say smiling at him, he returns the jester. Finally I got to my car and race back home. I was so lucky to get home right as I saw drake getting out of his car.

"Wow perfect timing." Drake says looking me up and down. I walk over to him and smile.

"Thank God. I was worried I was going to be late." He nods his head and went to open the door for me. He was dressed in a tuxedo, which he was looking fine in. I was surprised that he didn't have a personal driver, unless he wants this just to be him and I. "Where are we going?" I ask when he gets into the car.

"It's a surprise."

Here's another chapter!

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