Meeting The Ex..

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     The flight to Paris was killer. It was so long and I was so jet lagged. When I got to the hotel I fell on the bed and slept. Today I just needed to get there and tomorrow was the shoot and prep, which I needed to wake up at 5 am. The whole plane ride I listened to music and thought about getting married to Klay. We haven't even been dating that long, so I don't know why he wants to get married. I'm not wifey material. All I needed was sleep and that's what I was gonna do.

Klay Thompson POV

     "What am I suppose to do, Andre?" I was on the phone with Iggy trying to get advice on Kaylee. Whenever I need help with Kay I go to Andre.

"I don't even know on this one man. All I know is she went to Paris to clear her head, because she thinks she can't handle the husband and wife thing." He replies.

"Wait she went to Paris to get away? I though she had to?" She told me she had to go for work. Did I seriously scare her off?

"Yes. What did she tell you?" Andre asks.

"That worked called her in for it." I mentally slap myself. Of course she went to Paris. She needed to get away from all her problems.

"Well she told me that she wanted to go to get away. Maybe just give her some time, she has to come back eventually." I just wish Kaylee would talk to me. I wasn't going to marry her right then and there. I was going to wait. I just really love her..

Kaylee's Vega POV

      The next day at 5 am sharp I was on my way to get my outfits prepared. I really hated this part of the job. Like pick out the clothes for me and let me sleep.

"Kaylee, need you in wardrobe two as soon as possible." Someone yells at me as soon as I was done with wardrobe one. I roll my eyes and walk to where I was needed.

"Kaylee, dear, I'm so glad your here. Now let's get you in the best looking clothes." It was the maker of Armani. I give him a smile as his people put clothes against me seeing what would look best. This is the part where you just stand still and look pretty.

"This is the one." I say looking in the mirror.

"Beautiful choice

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"Beautiful choice." Everyone says. I take the dress off and go to another wardrobe for another designer. 6 hours later I was done and able to go back to the hotel. When I do return I see a text from Klay.

KlayBae💙- Hey Kaylee, I just want you to know I wasn't planning on marrying you soon, but I do want to marry you one day. I wish I didn't have to say this over a text, but I just wanted you to know. I do see a future with you. I love you, Kaylee. Take all the time you need to think.

    Why does this dude know the right things to say. Always catching me in my feels. Man I'm really whipped this time. If I'm being completely honest I have dreamed and thought about marrying Klay, but I was always scared. I didn't like to think about it, because I didn't know how Klay would feel about it. Since I haven't been the best girlfriend. Maybe I did over exaggerate when I heard that, but I know now I love Klay and I do see a future with him.

Baby Girl💞- I love you, Klay.

KlayBae💙- I love you too, Kaylee.

     The next day I wake up luckily at Noon and I had to be at the place at 2. So that gave me enough time to shower. My driver came and picked me up and took me to the shoot. When I get there they organize all the models into clothing and tell us when to walk and shows us how to walk. Even though we know what to do. While we were doing this I saw someone very familiar. She was a dirty blonde headed girl with blue eyes. I've probably just seen her as a model before.

    "Are you Kaylee Vega?" The same girl I was looking at before. We were done going through line ups and we had a lunch break. I nod my head,

"Who might you be?" I ask still trying to figure it out. She gives me a smile, which in my opinion looks fake.

"I'm Hannah Stocking." Holy shit this is Klay's ex. I thought she was a viner. I didn't know she was a bigger time model.

"I thought you were a viner?" I ask still shocked I'm meeting her.

"Well one of my modeling friends couldn't make it, so I offered to do it for her." I nod my head figuring how to get out of this conversation. "So your Klay's new girl?" She asks since I didn't say anything.

"Yes, I am." I say looking around for someone to help me. "Well it was nice meeting you, but I'm really hungry so I'm gonna go eat." I add before walking away from her. She didn't follow me.

Kay😜- Just met Klay's ex. Awkward af. 😐🔫

     Soon enough it was time for us to get all dolled up for the runway. Of course my make up station was right next to Hannah.

    "Hey Kaylee." She says making it sound like we're best friends.

"Hello." I reply waiting for Latisha to come. "Hey gurl." I say as she comes up next to me.

"How you've been?" She asks, I show her my phone which says,

That girl next to me is Klay's ex and she's trying to be friends.

"Ooh gurl. I feel bad." Latisha says starting to prime my face. I nod my head once she's done.

"How's the kids?" I ask trying to make more conversation as Hannah is staring at me. Before Latisha could reply Hannah says,

"I see why Klay likes you. Your really nice and beautiful." I look up at L hoping she'll say something.

"Thank you.?" I say more like a question. Man this week is going to be weird.

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