Missing Her.

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       I was in a rush this morning. I slept past my alarm and Drake is already on his way to pick me up. I didn't have time to shower, but luckily I did pack the night before. I did my somewhat usual morning routine. When I got the text he was here, I instantly was nervous. What am I doing? I just met this guy, and what happens if I actually don't like him? But there's nothing for me here, so I guess it just doesn't matter. I grab my bags and go downstairs, and lucky enough he was already waiting for me.

"Hello beautiful." He says, I smiled at him, and one of his bodyguards grabs my bags. There were three black cars. I'm assuming the two in the front and the back are also bodyguards.

"Hello to you too." I say as I walk over to him. He opens the door for me, and I've never been in a car this big inside. "Damn." I whisper to myself as I pick I seat to sit in, and Drake sits besides me. I really don't know how to make conversation, but luckily he did.

"So how long do you think you want to stay." I finally looked over to him and shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know." I say honestly picking at my fingers.

"Well you at least have to stay for Drake night." I was confuse, but then I remember he was talking about his Toronto Raptors.

"Who do they play? Is it at least gonna be a good game?" He laughs a little and smirks at me.

"Oh you know they're just playing the Warriors." If I was drinking something I would've spit it out. I could feel my face go into shock, and I wanted him to turn the car around right then and there.

"I don't even have any Raptors stuff, or anything OVO." I try to keep my cool, but I was freaking out in the inside. How could I be so dumb? I was going to throw up.

"Well everyone at the arena is going to get a Drake night Jacket and you can borrow any shirt of mine." Damn he's got me there. Why does every guy for everything have a comeback?

"Perfect." I say trying to sound happy, which I think I did well, since he just smirks at me. The rest of the car ride was silent, but we finally got to the airport. I knew he had his own private jet, but I had no idea everyone in America knew about it. Fans were waiting outside for him to come it was a mess.

"Shit. Chubbs we got security here?" Drake starts to get pissed, and whoever he was talking to seems like he had everything under control.

"How'd these girls know you were gonna be here?" I ask. I was hoping he would calm down. He shrugs his shoulders and looks very tense.

"I don't know they knew I was in California, and maybe they knew I'd leave because of Drake night." He was rubbing his eyes, and I could tell he hates when this happened. I mean our car was at a complete stand still. We even went to the back roads of the airport. I grab his hand, hoping he'd relax, which I felt he did.

"Your boys will have it under control soon. But I do have to say, aren't you use to this?" He looks over at me and studies my features.

"I guess I should be, but I'm really not. I mean sometimes I wish they'd see me as a Normal guy like you do. I hope so I had plans that we'll probably be late for." All I could do was give him a sincere smile.

"Please I was freaking out on this inside, but I know what it's like for people just to gawk and ask for pictures. I've been friends with basketball players to long. I wouldn't worry about your plans, I think anyone it Canada would bow at your command." I finally got a laugh out of him and he put his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer. I just wished this was Klay holding me like this.

Klay Thompson POV
         We had to go to Toronto and play the Raptors. I wasn't really bothered by that, but it was freaking Drake night. It's like the universe was messing with me and my feelings. I miss Kaylee terribly, but I couldn't do anything about it. Andre has tried to be there to support me, but I knew he was hurting too. I knew it was a dick move to ask him not to talk to her. I did it because I knew he'd try to get me and Kaylee back together.

"Ay man don't let this bother you, you just go out and play your game." Steph says sitting next to me. We were currently on our plane heading to Toronto. I was listening to music, but I could still understand Stephen.

"You shouldn't worry about me, it's Dray that's a ball hog." Steph stops himself from laughing.

"He needs to grow up, but just promise me you won't totally flop tonight. Raptors are a good team."I nod my head and put my headphones back on. I had to focus for tomorrow game. Yet my mind still lingers to Kaylee.

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