Bye Bye, Drake.

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    "So what are you gonna do about Drake?" Klay asks playing with my hair. We were still in bed and we weren't going anywhere.

"I don't know, I shouldn't of even done this in the first place." If I had to deal with his shit all day, even if I did switch records. Drake would always be there no matter what.

"You didn't know this would happen." He was wrong. I knew something bad would always happen if I saw Drake again, and I was right. "I do know that you have to make a decision, because you can't go AWOL." I nod my head.

"I don't know maybe I'll just be a one hit wonder." I don't know what else I could do but that. Then it was like Drake knew we were talking about him, because my phone started ringing. "What do you want?" I ask into the phone.

"Your out of OVO Records, your welcome." Then he hangs up. This boy on his period or something damn.

"What he say?" Klay asks, I turn around and look at him.

"I'm out." I say not knowing what else to say, because I was still in shock. "Well that was easy." I add.

"You okay with that though?" I nod my head. I'm actually glad Drake did that. I'm just surprised. "Can we please to back to Oakland now? Everything here is Drake and it's making me sick." I laugh.

"Yes we can go back to Oakland." I say kissing him. Klay was up and packing his things, while I was still chilling in bed.

Kaylee🖕- Hey, sorry to bother you, but can you please send my clothes back to my apartment please. I will then lose your number.

Drake- Sure.

"Who ya texting?" Klay asks looking at my phone. I quickly get out of the conversation, since I didn't clear the conversations from before.

"Drake I just wanted to see if he'll send me my clothes." As long as he didn't see the convo from before I'd tell him the truth.

"You were staying at his place?" Oh shit. I slowly nod my head giving him one of my award winning smiles. "I should've known."

"You ain't mad right?" I ask sitting on his lap. "That's in the past okay." I say giving him a peck on the lips.

"I know. Guess I'm just a little jealous that's all." I smile trying not to laugh. "Why you trying not to laugh?" Damn he noticed that?

"Your so cute." I say giving him another kiss, this one was longer.

"I'm suppose to say that to you." He says. I shake my head. "Mmm I love you." Klay says, going down to kiss my neck. God I gotta get use to that. Uh Oh I have to say it back. Okay you can do this.

"I love you too." Wow you did it, I'm shocked. Klay stops what he was doing and just looks at me. Was I not suppose to say that? Oh man. "What?" I ask shyly.

"I don't think I'll ever get use to you saying that." He says kissing my lips again. If we're being honest, I don't think I can either.

"Yesss! You guys going to the playoffs!" I scream in excitement running up to Deandre and Blake.

"We did it!" Deandre says hugging me. I see Blake just smirk at me, because he wanted me to come over after tonight's game. "Gotta go, the interview calls." Dj says walking away.

"Congrats!" I say giving my full attention to Blake. He smirks at me and looks around.

"Did Your parents come to the game?" I quickly shake my head He gives me another smirk, grabbing my hand. "Then come with me."

"Don't you have an interview?" I ask trying to keep up with his long legs. He shakes his head still dragging me to the locker room.

"Do you know how fucking sexy you look in my jersey?' Blake ask pulling me into the locker room already kissing my neck. "Like goddamn." I just smile to my self as he continues to kiss me neck.

"Seriously? We're doing it here again?" I ask laughing a little, he stops and looks at me.

"Oh your in for a surprise tonight, baby girl." Blake says walking away from me. I knew he was going to pack up his stuff.

"Your leaving me with that?" I ask following him to his locker. All I got from him was a 'yep. "Really dude?" He just looks at me.

"Come on, baby, let's go back go my place." Blake says coming up behind me, I was going through insta. We then head to his car and drive back to his house. When I enter I was met with flower pedals and candles everywhere. All of a sudden Blake gets down on one knee and pulls out a box.

"W-what-." I was cut off by him before I could get my sentence out.

"Don't worry, I'm not proposing." He says quickly, I breath a sigh of relief. "But I did get you a ring." He says flipping the box open. "I know we've been going out and stuff, but yesterday I realized. I never officially asked you to be my girlfriend. So Kaylee Pearl Vega, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" The ring was beautiful, but he didn't have to do this.

"Of course Blake Griffin, I will be your girlfriend."

End of Flashback

"Babe, what you thinking about?" I didn't even realize we were now cuddling, and I was on his chest.

"Oh nothing." Yea okay gurl, you thinking about your ex.

"You sure?" I just nod my head not wanting to explain to him what I was actually thinking about. "Well you wanna leave to head back to Oakland tomorrow?"

"I would love too."

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