Gotta Do My Job.

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      Today was just another chill day for us because Klay needs to rest before we have to fly to Utah. Besides we're not really that out going kind of couple anyway. All we need is each other and that's it. I know that sounds so clichè right? Well it's true.

Ring ring ring

I get up and grab my phone which was on the night stand.

"Hello." I say into the phone more like a question since it was my manager Veronica, and She never calls me.

"Hello Ms. Vega, I'm just calling to ask well more strongly push for." I look over at Klay confused on where this was going.

"What are you saying?" I ask.

"When you went to Paris people loved you and they want you in New York city for another runway. I told them I of course have to ask you. Just think about it, but you will get A raise if you do this. Bye." My manager quickly hangs up.

"What's wrong, baby?" Klay asks putting his hand on my back.

"My manager wants me to go to New York for a photo shoot." I respond to his question.

"When?" Damn she didn't even tell me that. I was guessing like tomorrow.

"She actually didn't say, she gets like that sometimes." I state redialing her number, but I go straight to voice mail. "Hey Veronica, when would I go to New York?"

"You literally just talked to her." Klay says as I set my phone back down on the table.

"She's a very busy person." I explain laying back down. "She'll call me back." Ring ring. "Told ya." I say reaching for my phone.

"I'm so glad your agreeing to go. You'll leave tomorrow morning and come back in four days. I'll get you first class." She says, and I look over at Klay again. "I'll set up the arrangements ta ta." Veronica quickly hangs up.

"Apparently I'm going to New York." I claim closing my eyes.

"For how long?" He asks, and I then realize I'll miss two of his play off games.

"Ah fuck." I complain figuring out how dumb I am. "I leave tomorrow and I'll stay there for four days." I state rubbing my head.

"Seriously? Your going to miss both of the games. I bought you a ticket." Klay says making me feel bad.

"I never really said yes, but I know am forced to go. She always does that. Klay, I'm sorry, but I gotta do my job." I state getting up to start packing.

"You know I do better with you watching." Klay starts to whine like a 5 year old. I roll my eyes pulling out my small suitcase.

"You do good always." I confirm pulling out some sweats and nothing to fancy because they have my outfits. "Besides I won't seem so clingy." I add laughing a little.

"I like clingy." Klay states, and I laugh some more. "Okay, I know you won't listen to me anyway." I nod my head in agreement.

"You'll do amazing and you guys will get another sweep and go all the way to the championship." I say turning around to look at him.

"I think we should share that moment together." Klay was still trying to win me over. I turn fully around and put a hand on my hip.

"Look there is a bright side. I'm gonna get a raise." I state giving him an award winning smile.

"You don't need money." Klay confirms walking over to me. "You don't even have to work." He adds grabbing my hands.

"I'm not gonna be a gold digger." I declare looking up at him. "After this I won't do another runway show until the finals are over and you win the championship." I promise him stepping up to go and kiss him.

"Promise?" He asks letting go of my hands to hold up his pinky. I laugh at his childness.

"I promise." I confirm wrapping my pinky finger around his. "Now I gotta finish getting my stuff ready." I say walking away but he doesn't let me walk away as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"You still have all day. Let's do something fun." I roll my eyes and lean my head back on him.

"And what do you have in mind?" I ask even though I know what he was talking about.

"I think you know, baby girl." Oh yes I did.

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