Exploring Portland.

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The Kaylee Vega😮- Hey Bella, are you coming to the game tonight?

Bella- Sadly no. I had to fly back to San Francisco.

The Kaylee Vega😮- That's a bummer. We should meet up again when I come back.

Bella- Yea that would be awesome.

The Kaylee Vega😮- Awesome! See you then.


       I woke up before Klay and since I didn't have anything better to do. I started to text Bella. I'm glad to find out she's near where I live. I was really bored, but I wasn't going to wake Klay because he has a game tonight.

Kay😜- Dude, is you awake?

Iggy💪- Yea, why?

Kay😜- Wanna go grab some breakfast. I'm hungry and super bored.

Iggy💪- Sure.😂 Meet me down there.


     I slowly get up making sure to be as quiet as I can be. I go over to my suitcase pull out something casual and grab my shoes. Klay didn't wake up, surprisingly.

     "Hey dude." I say to Iggy as I walk up from behind him. He gives me a smile.

"Hey Kaylee, was Klay not up yet." I nod head. "Is that why you came to me?" I laugh and nod again.

"I also love your company." I add giving him a really big smile.

"Sure." Andre says acting like He doesn't believe me even though I know that he's just joking. As we were in the line for food a saw that the rest of the team was down here. When we got what we wanted we sat by KD, Mcgee, Green, and Pachulia. Draymond and I have kept our distance, but we don't say shit anymore.

     "So you guys going for a sweep?" I ask, because they just needed one more game. We were in a midst of a conversation. All of them don't even hesitate to nod their head.

"Oh yea. We all want to win." Kevin says, and I nod my head along with them. It would be a great way to start the playoffs.

    "Morning Baby." I obviously knew it was Klay and he also put his hands on my shoulders.

"Morning." I say turning around to kiss him. Out of the corner of my eye I see Dray roll his eyes. He's still not over me. damn. "Go and eat something healthy." I add jokingly, even though no one else tried to be nutritious. I'm surprised Kerr didn't say anything.

"Yea okay." Klay says rolling his eyes, I just laugh. Soon enough Draymond  and Javale leave, which I don't know the reason. At least Klay has a place to sit though. When Klay comes back with food we all start up a conversation again.

      "Hey guys, I'm gathering up the rest of the team. It's time to go over and shoot around and just warm up." Steve says when he comes over to the table. Everyone was finished eating and we were just talking. They all nod their heads as they get up.

"Well duty calls, baby. I'll see you later." Klay says giving me a peck on the lips.

"Bye." I reply before they walk away. I pick up my garbage and through it away. I didn't have anything better to do, so I just walk back to my room.

Dickhead🖕- I know it's wierd that I'm texting you, but I'm not gonna start any beef. I just want to ask if you wanna get back into the music biz. Everyone is still raving about the song. It's still Top 100.

Kaylee- Not to be rude or anything. Last time I did that Klay got drunk, cheated, and got suspended. I really don't think that's a good idea.

Nicer Dickhead🤔- I just wanted to ask. That's cool though. Bye.

   Wierd. Is all I think as I get ready to take a shower. When I'm all done with that I wear my own shirt for once! Shocker I know. I just wear a pair of jeans because the weather isn't nice like it is in Oakland.

Ayesha🍽- What room # are you. I'm really bored here in Portland.

No way. Ayesha is really here?

Kaylee🍉- NO WAY! 1179. Girl come on over. I'm bored as fuck.

Ayesha🍽- Omw.

     I was so excited Ayesha was here. I had no idea what I was going to do. It's pretty boring when Klay goes to practice and stuff. Soon enough I hear a knock. I quickly run over to the door, quickly opening it.

"Thank God you are here." I say going into hug her. When did I become a hugger?

"I know you missed me." Ayesha says making me laugh.

"Not to be rude but how were you able to come? With the kids and work?" I close the door and we walk into the living room area of the room.

"Well I made a few arrangements. I couldn't miss this sweep." Ha we all knew Portland would get swept. I nod my head in agreement.

"Well we all knew the Warriors would blow the Blazers away. I'm just glad your here, or I'd be bored out of mind." I state.

"Wanna go explore Portland? I mean we don't have anything better to do, but I am going to ask about that Instagram fued." Ayesha asks. I roll my eyes,

"I will explain everything, but you have to buy me Starbucks." I make a deal. She quickly nods her head as we stand up.

Baby Girl💞- I just wanna let you know if you get done at warm ups I'll be out with Ayesha. She came so she can watch you guys sweep Portland.

After I grab my things we leave to room. While I was texting Klay Ayesha got us an Uber. Quickly enough our car arrived and we hopped in.

    "Oh my God. Kaylee Vega and Ayesha Curry. Please tell me I'm dreaming." The car driver was freaking out. I look over at Ayesha and we laugh. I was surprised this person liked us.

"Well your not dreaming. Do you like the Warriors or something?" People who don't get into sports really don't know us.

"Yes. I became an uber driver just so this could happen! Do you mind of I take a picture. A and I share a glance.

"No not at all." Ayesha replies.

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