Haters Gonna Hate.

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Beep Beep Beep

      "What the fuck is that?" I moan. Whatever that beeping was, was not helping my headache. I didn't even want to open my eyes afraid it might be bright.

"Sorry baby, I have a shoot around right now, but I'll be back soon." I then feel Klay kiss my forehead.

"Oh yea, you didn't drink a lot." That was all I could get out before I hear the door open and close. I fell back asleep, because it was too early. I don't know what time, but Klay came back. I did figure out I was at his house, because I finally got up.

"Your still in bed?" Klay asks as he enters his room looking all sweaty, but really sexy if you ask me. I look at the time and see it's noon.

"My bad. My headaches at least gone though." I say keeping my eyes on him as he takes his shirt off in front of me.

"I'm gonna hop in the shower real quick." He says heading to the bathroom. Ooh I was gonna join that sexy body. Oh my god, Kaylee, you are whipped out of your mind. Frick me dude.

"Mind if I join you?" I ask finally getting out of bed. I go into the bathroom already knowing the answer.

"Would I ever say no to that?" Klay asks walking slowly towards me. I smile knowing damn well he never could. His hands met my hips pulling me right on him. Klay quickly made my lips meet his pushing me against the wall.

"We're not even in the shower yet." I say, since Klay starts to kiss my neck. 

"Oh well." He says before we well you guys know what we do. After we finish our shower, Klay went out to do some things. I kinda just chill while he was gone. I figure he would be home soon, because he had to go prep for the game. I look around his house realizing he always comes over to mine, but I never his. His house was amazing, 20 times as big as my little apartment. When I was in one of his second living rooms I saw a picture of him and me, it was when we went to the beach. That was one of the first times I really opened up to him about my past. I should really get more pictures of us. Buzz Buzz. I hear my phone taking me out of my thoughts.

Drake dumps Kaylee Vega out of OVO! What did model Kaylee do?

We think she cheated on him with Klay Thompson.

×Image of me and Klay kissing×

They made one song together sounding in love, but then she is nowhere to be seen with Drake? Not even with OVO records anymore. Drake must've been in love.

"Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me." I say to myself. This article is fucking bullshit. It takes me mostly by surprise though, because I thought no one would've noticed. Unless Drake said something. Klay and I haven't even discussed coming out to the public yet.


Is Klay Thompson shooting guard from the Golden State Warriors dating model Kaylee Vega? Kaylee has been seen at every Warriors game, but sources say with other players as well. Is this girl a groupie? Are Klay and her serious?

÷image of me and Draymond÷
=Image of me and Klay=
Image of me and Kevin
Image of me and Andre

I couldn't believe this. My phone now couldn't stop buzzing, it just kept going.

IloveKlayfanpage- is it true you guys are dating??😭

Drakelover-Fuck you for cheating on Drake!

Klayloversss-You such a fucking groupie (Klay she's not even worth it)

RebeccaT- Your not even pretty.

I couldnt read anymore these comments they were so hurtful, I didn't even read one that was nice. I turn off my phone. I need all of this to go away, I need to go back in time. Oh my god how much crap Klay probably getting right now. I need to leave he'll be back soon. I didn't even leave a note. This was my first time getting hate, and it's awful. I head to my apartment, when I get there I deadbolt the door. I know Klay will come looking for me, but I don't want to talk to him right now. I lay in my bed trying to figure out how to fix this, because Klay doesn't need this crap right now. We couldn't even fix this by telling the truth, they would think I'm lying.

"Kaylee, open up!" Klay says trying the door handle, he had unlocked it but not the dead bolt. I once showed him where the spare key was. I didn't say anything. "Come on, Kaylee, your serious right now?" Still didn't answer. "I saw your car, your in there." I want to say something, but I can't fix this mess I created. I fuck everything up. This is the universe trying to tell me something. "I'm gonna camp out here if you don't open up." He would, I knew he would.

"I'm sorry." I whisper to myself, letting one tear fall. Flashbacks came flooding into my head all the times my parents called me a failure, that hurt me deeper than I ever realized, until now. I quietly walk towards the door, I then sit down knowing Klay was sitting exactly the same way.

"Kaylee, I love you with all my heart. There's no more denying that, because these feelings will never go away. Don't push me out because of some stupid articles, they just do that to get publicity. If you think I'm upset I'm not, I know the truth. I know that you love me, because you don't just say that to anyone. I have a game, baby, and I hate to leave you. Please just come, we can talk it out. The hate is gonna be tough, I know it's different from modeling. I love you, Kaylee." I feel the door move know he got up. I love you with all my heart too. Your right there's no more fucking denying that.

I just wanted to post and thank you guys for voting and reading. I'm glad you guys like my story. It means a lot when you guys vote.

Love you, guys. Thank you!

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