Falling Apart.

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Stephen didn't say anything to me after I said that, and to be honest it doesn't surprise me. The bright side is he gave me a ride home, which was really sweet of him.

Kaylee💕- Klay, can we please talk I need to talk to you. I really miss you, and I feel so terrible. I'm sorry.

When I pressed the send button I started crying.

The number is unavailable.

I guess this was it, it was over. I didn't know what to do, my heart was broken. I didn't even know if I wanted to call Iggy, I was in a state of depression.

Unknown Number- Hey Kaylee, this is Drake, and I was wondering if you'd like to hang out tonight?

I was seriously not in the mood to do anything, but an idea quickly came to mind.

Kaylee💜- How about we hang out tomorrow? I'm very busy today.

Drake 😍- Sure see you tomorrow.

I'm going to Klay's house. I did my usual, and quickly ran down the stairs and into the car. I didn't know why I didn't think of this before. When I got there I realize I didn't know what to say, but my body was leading me toward the door. I knock, and he opens it looking like he's been through one hell of a night as well. He tries to close the door on my face, but I was to quick.

"Klay, please just talk to me." I say trying to control my tears. He didn't try to close the door again so that was a good sign.

"Kaylee, don't you think you've done enough? You've surely hurt me enough. I don't think you fully understand anyone other feelings, but your own. I wanted you to become different I did, but I then realized when I saw you with Drake. You will never change your ways. What happened if you got bored of me? I wanted to believe you could change I did, but after these few months we've been together. Your incapable of change." I've never seen Klay cry before, but right now both him and I were.

"Klay, I l-." I wanted to tell him how I really felt, but he stops me.

"No Kaylee, I don't want to hear your petty apology. Kaylee we're over." Then he slams the door on my face, I couldn't hold it in anymore. I broke down right there on his doorstep. I finally pull myself together, and got my pathetic ass in my car.

Kaylee💜- Change of plans. Come over to my place at 3.

Drake😍- Just text me the address.

I did. I texted him my address, and I didn't feel bad about it. If Klay didn't want me to change then I won't. It was currently noon, so I had plenty of time to get myself together. When I got home I got chang into something very sexy, that I knew drake couldn't resist me in. Soon enough it was 3, and he was buzzing at my door. I let him in, and when I open the door he was looking fine.

"Hey Drake." I say making sure that I'm  extenuating my figure. I knew I had him in my hands when he didn't say, but look at my body. "You gonna gawk or do something about the problem in your pants?" I ask, I wasn't lying he already had a boner. He did look up at me like I was crazy, but he didn't even hesitate to kiss me. When he was in my apartment he turned us around and pushed me against my door.

"My God I've wanted to do this since I've laid eyes on you." He says in such an seductive voice.

"Then have me." I whisper containing moans. Drake was so amazing, like better than Klay amazing. Okay well all know that ain't true, but he was good enough to get my mind off Klay.

         "Damn." Drake whispers when we finish round two. I smile to myself.

"Yea that was amazing." I say still catching my breath. I was so glad I called him to come over. Drake starts kissing my neck again, and well I really did care if we did it again.

"I'm so glad you called." He says. We were currently cuddling, and it felt awkward with him not being Klay. I nod my head,

"I'm glad I did too, it was very well worth it." Drake and I kinda just layed there, and talked to each other about a lot of stuff.

"Shit what time is it?" He asks quickly finding his clothes, and I was laying there confused. I checked my phone,

"It's 5 o'clock why?" I ask sitting up.

"I'm so sorry, but I have to go. I'm only in California for a little bit, and I have a big meeting. I'll call ya later, bye." He says quickly kissing my cheek, and basically runs out the door. What does he mean he's only here for a couple days, but I felt instantly stupid, he's from Canada.

Kay😚- Hey Iggy, I really need someone to talk to right now, and your really my only friend. I know I screwed up, but I just thought you would've talked to me by now.

Iggy💪- Kaylee, what you did was so wrong it wasn't even on your level of wrong. I'm on Klay's side this time, and he asked me not to talk to you. I think it's the best for both of you, you guys need to figure out your lives right now. When you do though give me a call, because I'm gonna miss you like terribly. I love you Kaylee.

Kay😚- I'll always love you too.

I drove to my special place. Everyone in my life is giving up on me, and I'm just falling apart. What happened to the girl who was so independent? Ever since Klay I haven't been that girl. I let my walls come down, and it wasn't smart at all. I loved someone again, but screwed it up. Maybe all of this happened for a reason, and just maybe it will work out in the end.

Chapters keep rolling in because my friends want them lol

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