The Three Words.

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        Here I was. Room 337 where I don't know what the fuck is going to happen. I was scared to even knock, but I came all this way can't give up now. I knock.

"Kaylee, you actually came." Klay says as he opens the door. I give him an awkward smile. "Please come in." I oblige.

"Klay, I want you to know that you broke my heart, that I've been trying to protect. You just came in and broke my walls and made me feel something that I didn't know I could feel again. I honeslty don't know how I got here. The old Kaylee would've told you go fuck off, but I can't. I want to be with you, but you might cheat again. I know I'm not innocent here either, but I was really trying to be different." I was going to say more but I was stopped when Klay's lips touch mine. He was very slow knowing that he was playing with fire, but my body melted into him. After I did that it was like our lips couldn't help themselves.

"Kaylee, I love you." He says. I give him a smile and kiss his lips again. All of a sudden he picks me up and carries me to the bed in the other room. Klay was so gentle with me it was crazy. It was the most amazing feeling ever, but then I realized. For the second time in my whole life I made love. Klay Thompson made love to me. Now that is the best experience of my life.

    "Klay, I'm sorry for agreeing to sign with Drake. I know that's what fucked us up, and if you want I'll leave his record label." I don't even need to be a singer maybe modeling will be fine.

"No Kaylee, I should've been trusting, but instead I was a dick and I'm sorry for that." He says kissing my forehead. We were currently cuddling in his bed.

"I was thinking of myself and not how other people felt, mostly you." I was drawing shapes on his chest.

"Kaylee, let's not talk about the pass anymore. Let's talk about the future. Kaylee Pearl Vega, will you be my girlfriend?" I quickly blush realizing this huge step we are both taking. I can't believe it myself. I was gonna do the full on commitment, and I think I'm ready.

"Yes Klay, I would love to be your girlfriend." I say as I look up at him. He has the biggest smirk and my face, and I bet I have the biggest smile. Klay leans down to kiss me.

"Can I ask you a huge favor though?" Klay asks I nod my head still looking up at him. "Will you come back to Oakland. Iggy is really missing you, and I need to make amends with him." I laugh.

"Of course I'll go see my best friend." He just smiles at me and kisses me again.  Acting like this we might be a clingy couple. We kinda just laid there and talked about a little bit of everything.

"Your voice was pretty amazing in the song you guys wrote." Klay says as he plays with my hair.

"Thanks." I say shyly. Then I remember Drake. I don't know how I'm gonna explain this one to him, but I could care less. Drake was just a fling.

"Was the song about your parents?" Klay asks. Damn this dude know me well. I nod my head not knowing what to say. "I could tell." I still didn't know what to say talking about my parents was always hard on me.

"Sorry just talking about my parents is hard." I say honeslty. It's honestly always been hard for me, because everyone always asked me if I'm going to be a doctor or a lawyer? I just lied and said I haven't decided yet.

"It's okay. I understand, but they haven't tried to contact you at all?" I shake my head. Not even one text, but I couldn't care less. I'm the one who left, but they're the one's who destroyed my life.


        "Kaylee Pearl Vega, what in the world were you thinking messing around with Blake? Basketball players do not make good husbands, we've told you this." My mom says, you could hear the disappointment in her voice.

"I thought you guys liked Blake?" I knew they did, but I was trying to figure out the problem of why they didn't like him and I dating.

"We did, but he shouldn't be messing around with you. He's 9 years older than you." My father says.

"Look honey, I know your sad right now, but this is for the best. You'll meet a nice doctor or lawyer one day. You'll look back and say I'm glad I listened to my parents."

End of Flashback

     "Babe, you okay?" Klay asks taking me out of my thoughts. That was that night I decided to leave everything behind.

"Sorry." I say still not knowing what else to say, but then I realize I should explain to him. "My parents wanted me to either marry a lawyer or a doctor, so I could be just like them. If we're being honest I hate both of those jobs." He laughs.

"Well I'm glad you don't wanna marry a lawyer or a doctor." Klay says leaning down to kiss me. Wow this guy was something else.

"Klay, I need to tell you something." I say very shyly. I was nervous for what I was about to do, I've only done this one other time in my life.

"What's up, babe?" He asks shifting so he could look at me better. Okay, deep breath and just say it. Easier said then done.

"I love you, Klay." I say biting my lip looking up at him. He just gives me the biggest smile I've ever seen on him. I feel so much better now.

"You do not know how happy that makes me feel." Klay says pulling me into his lap. We were now both sitting up. "The Kaylee Vega loves me." He says kissing me everywhere.

"Thank you for waiting on me." I say shyly as his lips soon meet mine.

"Thank you for opening up to me. I love you so so much, Kaylee."

I hope you guys loves this chapter as much as I did writing it!

If you have any questions just ask!

Love you guys💕

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