We Made Up.

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        "Y'all are making amends right here right now. I honestly don't care, just talk it out." Stephen then leaves us alone in the hallway. Neither Klay and I speak, because we were still in shock of seeing each other. All I wanted to do was hug him, but I knew he would quickly push me away.

"Klay, I honestly don't know what to say to you. I've had a speech planned out for this moment, but my mind is blank. Saying sorry isn't good enough, and I know that." I was trying to find more words to say, but I couldn't think of any. His stare would not leave me. He took a step closer to me, and my breath caught in the back of my throat.

"Kaylee, I've realized how much you actually mean to me after this week without talking to you. It was complete torture, and seeing you here with Drake made it even worse. I don't know your reason of coming here with him, but-." It was my turn to cut him off.

"I came with him because there was nothing in Oakland for me. I thought going away for awhile would help, but when I learned he wanted me to go to Drake night against the Warriors I instantly regretted it." Klay took another step closer to me, which made me take a step back, but my back hit the wall.

"In all honesty Kaylee, I don't know why I keep wanting to forgive you, but I do know is all I'm thinking right now is kissing you and going back to my hotel room." He leans down closer to me as our nose brush. He was teasing with me and I couldn't help myself, I kiss him. This electricity surged through me, and the kiss was so passionate that if I was ice I would've melted already. I didn't care about anything else, but Klay's lips on mine.

"You guys are something else." Steph says, which makes Klay stop and turn his head slightly. We were both catching our breath looking at Stephen. "I came out here to tell Klay the bus was leaving back to the hotel, but clearly you have other plans. Carry on." Stephen says covering his eyes walking out. I couldn't help but laugh at his childish personality.

"Wanna get out of here?" Klay ask, I nod my head but quickly steal a kiss from him one more time.

"Oh there you are Kaylee." Drake comes out of nowhere. I totally forgot about him. "Oh hey Klay." I could tell Klay was tense again, but I didn't know what to do.

"Kaylee is coming with me." Klay says walking up to drake, which I'm pretty sure he did it because he wanted me behind him. Drake looks confused at first, but then realizes.

"Oh she's crawling back to your ugly ass? That's fine. Kaylee, call me when you wanna hit the studio with me sometime, or whenever this light skinned Nigga don't fuck you like I do." Then he walks away. I had to grab Klay's hand before he'd do something he'd regret.

"Klay, it's okay don't listen to him." I say making sure Klay would only hear me.

"That Nigga think he all that. I'll fuck you right here right now in the hallway, so he can hear how good I make you feel." I really haven't seen Klay's jealous side this bad before, but is it bad that it's turning me on? "So everyone will know your mine and no one else's." Klay then starts to kiss me hard, and I realize he meant what he said.

"Klay, let's just head back to the hotel." I say, but he wouldn't listen as he kept sucking on my neck. I honestly couldn't help but moan. "If you want to do this here I will, but that means he'll see my body in full glory, you want that." Finally he stops and just looks at me.

"I'm sorry I don't know what came over me." I just smile and gave him a peck on the lips.

"It's fine. Jealous Klay is super sexy." I reply.

"Oh really?" I nodnmy head and smirk at him. I could tell he was still contemplating on having sex here, but I knew I had to get him back to the hotel.

"Let's go back to the hotel and I'm all yours." We finally left and got to the hotel. I was glad a body guard stayed behind, because the front was filled with fans and paparazzi. Everyone was asking questions. Ooh Klay is this your girlfriend? How'd you feel about that game? We finally got to his room, and let's just say we could not stop.

        The next morning I woke up before Klay, and I actually felt like I belonged right here in his arms.

"I love you." I whisper, but I knew he didn't hear me, because he was sleeping and I said it very very quiet.

"Goodmorning beautiful." Klay says I smile up at him and kiss his chest. We just look at each other and smile. I think we were both super happy. "Wanna go down and get some breakfast?" I nod my head and start to get up. "Woah woah." I turn around and Klay's lips were right there. I couldn't help but smile into the kiss.

"Okay can we go now? I'm hungry." He laughs but in his defeat he gets up. We both quickly grab some clothes, and soon enough I'm in a room full of Warriors.

"Ay Kaylee, come over here." I here Steph yell from across the room. I look at him confused but walk towards him.

"What's up man?" I asks taking the two empty sits next to him, so Klay could sit down as well.

"My brother just asked if your single, so I need to know if you made up." Steph says and I couldn't help but break out in laughter.

"Stephen, if your room was next to theirs I'd think you'd know if they made up or nah. I had nightmares guys." KD says making me and Klay and well the whole room started laughing.

"Alright I get." Stephens reaction was priceless I wish I would've gotten it on recording. Finally after everyone calmed down, Klay and I finally got breakfast. We chill with everyone and just had a good time, but one thing was in the back of my mind. Where was Andre?

3-0 BABY

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