Worried Sick.

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Andre gave Christina the look and they walked to the car while I stayed behind. I heard Steph say bye to Klay and we were left alone.

"Kaylee, I know your going to apologize, and I really don't want to hear it." Klay says picking up his bag.

"I know what I did was wrong, believe me I've already had a yelling at. I just want to know why you still tried, you know I'm not a relationship type of girl." I was going to continue, but he caught me off.

"Andre told me what happened with you and Blake Griffin." He blurts out. I took a step back in full shock. Andre promised he would never share with anyone. "I know he wasn't suppose to, but-."

"No I really don't want to hear it, I'm gonna go. Text Andre for me." I quickly walked away, and started for my car. I was in total shocked, I trusted Andre with everything and he went and did this Oh my god. When I got to my car I couldn't believe it, but I cried for the first time since the huge mess. I cried right in the Oracle Arena parking lot.

Andre💪- Kaylee, where are you? I did not me for you to find out this way.

I ignored him, and finally got myself together. I drove off, but not to my house, because I knew that would be the first place they looked. I didn't know where I was driving, I had a full tank of gas. An hour or so later I arrived at a mountain view parking space. I just sat there and thinked. How did I get myself into this mess? How am I so dumb?

Klay🔥- Where are you? Me and Iggy are worried sick.

Don't they understand I need a break? Like seriously I'm pissed off enough. It was actually really peaceful out here, and I loved it. I just looked at the amazing view and slowly forgot about my worries, but then I fell asleep.

I finally woke up and 10 seeing I was in the same spot as last time. My phone seemed to died, but I didn't to get home anyways. When I arrive home Klay's truck was parked right in front of my apartment. Oh you gotta be kidding me right now. I contemplated on what to do, I really had to go upstairs and shower. I couldn't run away forever, so I got out of my car and went upstairs.

"Kaylee, where the hell have you been? Me and Andre have been so worried." Klay says standing up quickly. He originally was sitting right in front of my door.

"Klay, I'm really not in the mood right now, and I have things to do, so if you could leave that would be great." I say playing with me keys.

"Seriously Kaylee? This is what I was talking about when you push people away so much." Klay says defending himself. "Aren't friends suppose to care for each other?"

"Oh so we're friends now? Huh? Last time I checked you didn't even want to talk to me, isn't that funny?" I say laughing at how stupid this conversation is.

"We all make mistakes Kaylee. I've already forgiven you." I thought I didn't hear the words correctly, did he just say he forgave me? What drugs is this boy on?

"Why do you keep forgiving me? I'm a hurricane, I destroy everything in my path." I say honestly still trying to wrap my finger around this.

"Because Kaylee, I'm not giving up on us yet, I really like you." Klay says pushing his hands into his pockets. Every other guy I've been with usually runs when they know I'm damaged, but he's really staying. I'm gonna regret doing this, but I felt the urge,

I kissed him.

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