I'm So Dumb.

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Klay Thompson POV
   I was warming up for practice, you know doing my thing, and I see draymond moving Kaylee to a different seat. I was so confused and I didn't know what he had planned, but I still didn't trust him. The game was finally started and Kaylee was sitting next to Drake. I didn't see what the concern was, so I just shook it off. When the game started I kept looking at Kaylee, she was flirting with drake! Right in front of me! Whenever I look at her that was what she was doing. I was so off my game after that, so bad coach Kerr took me out.

"If I can't have her, you can't either." Draymond whisper in my ear, before he got up to go check in. I was furious, I wanted to start a fight with him right then and there, but I kept my cool.

"Man what is it with you tonight?" Stephen asks sitting next to me. It was time for him to come out because it was almost halftime.

"Draymond moved Kaylee to a different seat, which is right next to where Drake is sitting. She keeps flirting with him and he flirts back!" I say starting to yell again.

"Calm down man. It's probably just in your head." Maybe he was right, but this was what was going on.

Kaylee POV
Wow Drake is such an amazing person, like honestly I'm in love. Klay was not on his game tonight, and I didn't know why, he was pumped for this game. I figured he'd do better in the second half.

"Hey you want something to drink or eat?" Drake asks taking me out of my thoughts, I smiled over at him.

"I can buy my own food, but thank you." I saw him roll his eyes.

"Okay I'll get you a pretzel mhm with cheese and a Coke, sounds good?" Okay this guy is officially a mind reader, how'd he know I always got that.

"Yes that's sounds good." I say in defeat, he looks at me one more time before he leaves. He's such a nice guy, and I think we really clicked today. Oh wait I'm actually official with a guy who's playing right now, oh I goofed.

"Here you go." Drake says handing me my food.

"Thank you."

"No problem." He says smiling that smile again. It was so memorizing, I honestly don't know who could look away from him. Halftime was over, and Klay was back in. He still wasn't feeling it, I don't think he even scored anything. The Trail Blazers where catching up, and the Warriors actually might lose.

"What is going on with them tonight?" I whisper to myself as coach Kerr had to call a timeout.

"I know no one is on their game tonight." Drake says grabbing my garbage, he quickly throws it away then returns. I thank him and watch the game more intently.

"If I start yelling, I'm sorry." I say laughing, but Drake starts laughing more.

"Do not worry, you haven't seen bad, until you've seen me." I roll my eyes and laughed with him. "Hey can I get your number?" This guy think he so smooth.

"Why?" I ask not looking at him. I saw him look surprise and I smirked to myself.

"Well I want to get to know you." He says leaning in a little bit. Okay this is where you make the right decision, and don't give him your number. Oh just go for jt.

"Give me your phone." He smirks and gives me it. I put my number in and gave it back to him. "It was cute how you tried to play hard to get." Drake whispers in my ear, and I laugh.

"I didn't play hard to get, I am hard to get." I then put all my attention back onto the game. Klay was in the bench, and was staring daggers into my eyes. Then I realize, he isn't on his game because of me. I mentally slap myself. How could I have been so stupid?

"Do you know Klay Thompson, because he can't keep his eyes off of you." I then realize how bad I done goofed, and oh my God this was Draymond plan and I failed.

"Yes I do, I know this whole team actually." I speak quietly diverting my attention to anything but Drake. He didn't say anything after that though. Soon enough the game was over, and the Warriors actually lost at home.

Hey you wanna go out tonight?" Drake asks me right before I was about to look for Klay. I shook my head.

"I have work tomorrow, maybe some other time?" I say quickly, he nods his head. He leans in and kisses my cheek.

"Goodbye Kaylee." He says, and I just melt. All I could do was wave goodbye. You know Kaylee your so stupid, you want to be with Klay. You really didn't prove it tonight. I ran back to the locker rooms, I didn't care about anything else I just needed to talk to him. I saw him quickly walking out, I ran faster.

"Kaylee, stop just stop let him go." Stephen says grabbing my waist pulling me towards him. I didn't realize it, but I was crying.

"No Steph, let go of me I need to tell him nothing happened and nothing will ever happen." Steph could see I was hurt, and he just held me so close. No one else was in the hallway, and I just cried right there on his chest.

"Kaylee, you don't know how deep he's actually fallen for you. He even said he Lo-."

"Stop Stephen, I don't like that word." I was trying to pull myself, but I just couldn't.

"No Kaylee, I think you need to hear this, he loves you. He's loved you for a very long time, and you kept hurting him. Tonight you crossed the line, I know all of the shenanigans you've pulled before, but this one was bad. You were flirting with a guy right in front of him. You made us lose."

"Steph, that's the thing, I think I love him too."

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