Will You..?

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      Oh my God guys this is the last chapter of the book! I cried writing this. I hope you guys like it! Vote and comment your thoughts. I love you guys! Enjoy!

       "Stephen, how does it feel to be an NBA champion again?" The man who did the announcements asks Steph.

"Well man, last year we didn't play to the level we all knew we could have. It also helped getting Durant to come to the Warriors. It's just an amazing feeling." Stephen answers the question.

"Klay, how do you think the game played out?" Adam silver asks.

"Well I think throughout all the team's we played, we worked together, learned new plays. This game everyone put their all into it and once we did that, I knew we could pull of the victory." Klay answers quite smoothly if I do say so myself. I smile up at him and he looks down at me. It looks like he was going to say something but Adam started to talk up again,

"Steve, what's it like coaching a team with this many talents and getting them to where they are now?"

"Well my job is easy because I really don't have to coach them." Everyone erupts in laughter. "No but really, it's amazing to have all these amazing players and seeing how they all work together to be the great team that they are." Steve says, and everyone claps and cheers.

"Now Oracle arena I am honored to award the Golden State Warriors with the championship trophy." Silver hands his microphone to someone and hands the trophy to Curry. Ayesha and I kind of move out the way so the boys could celebrate. Stephen turns around and puts the trophy in the air as everyone grabs it and starts to cheer.

"WOOO!" Ayesha and I scream along with everyone else in Oracle. It was so amazing to win on our home court in front of everyone who loves the Warriors. Also to be here with family and friends. I notice Klay starts to talk to only Stephen and Andre, but I think nothing of it because they are basically his closest friends.

"WAARRRIIIIOOORRRRSSSS!" The crowd starts to chant as another trophy starts to come out.

"Now we all know who this trophy belongs to. I would like you to give a hand to your finals MVP, Kevin Durant." Adam hands the smaller trophy to Durant along with a microphone.

"MVP MVP MVP!" The crowd chants.

"Man, I would never of thought when I was younger I'd have both of these trophies. I would first like to thank my momma for always being there for me and giving me this opportunity, always believing in me. She deserves this trophy because she is the real mvp." Kevin says and hugs his mother. She was crying and I was getting a little emotional. Kevin then hands the microphone to Klay with a smirk.

     "Now can I have everyone's attention please. I know what I'm about to say and do is not about the championship." I look at Klay confused at what he wanted to talk about. I look at the boys and Andre look like he's crying. "As all of you should know I have a beautiful girlfriend named, Kaylee Pearl Vega." I was now totally lost on why I'm being brought up, but Klay grabs my hand and we stand center stage.

"It's happening." Someone from the boys side says.

"Kaylee has been there to support me every game, even if she actually wasn't there. She has believed in me when I didn't even believe in myself. She has been my rock, the person I can truly be myself around, a person I can trust. I don't know where I'd be if I didn't meet her." Tears were now forming in my eyes as Klay talked. "Kaylee, you are so beautiful and amazing. Your just an amazing person to be around. I have loved every minute I have spent with you,  and I would like to spend every minute of every day with you." I then got a hunch on where this was going. "Kaylee, I know relationships are kind of strange to you, and I don't know how your gonna react, but I hope I'm not the only one winning a ring tonight." Klay hands the Mic to Andre who is now crying and gets down on one knee. My whole body freezes.

"Oh my god!" I look over at Ayesha who is crying as well, and I am too. This was actually happening. Klay is down on one knee ready to pop the question. My hands go to my face and covers my nose and mouth.

"Kaylee, I have loved you, since I knew deep down you just wanted to be loved by someone who wouldn't leave you, and I promise I will never leave you. So Kaylee Pearl Vega, will you marry me?" Oh my God, there's that question. He actually asked it, I was hoping he wasn't going to but he did. I look around at all the people in the stadium and some people were shocked others were crying. I then bring my attention back to my friends on the stage. I couldn't say no to Klay infront of all these people, it would kill Klay. I knew deep down I wanted to scream out yes, but I also knew I would fuck up some way some how. Klay has always stayed by your side when you betrayed him. Kaylee Klay loves you. I have a man who will stay with me forever and love me for me. I don't have to hide anymore. I can be his and he can be mine. I wanted more time to think about this, but I knew I didn't. I look down at Klay and finally look at the diamond ring in the beautiful black velvet box.

Tears form in my eyes, and I look at Klay

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Tears form in my eyes, and I look at Klay. His eyes are full of hope and I could tell he was worried about my answer. This was it, right in front of me was the rest of my life. For once in my whole life I'm not afraid of commitment anymore.

"Yes." I say along with nodding my head. "Yes, yes, yes!" Klay quickly takes out the ring and I hold out my left hand. He puts on this gigantic ring and stands up.

"I love you so much, Kaylee." He says and kisses me in the most passionate kiss we have ever shared. I swear in my mind I made sure I remember what this feeling felt like, because I never want to forget it. I look up at Klay.

"I love you too, future husband." I joke and he kisses me again. This is the best day of my life!

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