How'd He Find That Out?

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-Image of Drake's nudes-
Told y'all it was small.

    I walk out of the bathroom smirking to myself.

"What Did you do?" Andre asks probably knowing something bad with the look on my face.

"Check the gram." I say still smirking. I leave him with that as I walk back to my room. The elevator ride was nice, but when the doors opens. I was met by Klay.

"What the fuck did you just do?" Klay asks holding up his phone. I shrug my shoulders,

"Hey he started all this, and I finished it." I confirm nonchalantly.

"What happens if he has pictures of you? He'll post them. Didn't you think this through?" Klay was yelling at me. I seriously don't understand why he's so mad.

"He doesn't have any pics. I never gave him the opportunity." I reply to him as I turn to face him. "Why are you so concerned anyway?" I ask.

"Kaylee, I care about you. I know you don't understand when people actually care about you, but I do. This is going to bite you in the ass. Just take the pictures down and call a truce." He says back. Klay was right I didn't know what it was like for someone to care.

"Why do I feel like your on Drake's side." I turn around and start to walk to the hotel room.

"I'm not. I swear, but I know how this will turn out. I don't want you to get hurt." Klay says walking next to me now. "Just please call truce." That was the last thing Klay says before my phone starts ringing.

"Its Drake. I'll do what you ask." I say walking away from Klay. "Did you like my pic on insta?" I ask Drake as I answer the phone.

   "You think your so funny, huh? Why did you do this, Kaylee? I thought this was all fun and games?" I laugh into the phone pretty hard.

"Oh yea, because I just love being called a slut where the whole world can see that. You started this, so I finished it. I'll take the pic off and we just stop, okay?" Or we can just never talk to each other again?

"You think you can get off this easily? Baby Girl, game on." Drake says ending the call. Oh shit. Klay was right. What the fuck have I done?

      "Did you call a truce?" Klay asks as I walk into the hotel room. I nod my head and give a smirk. It was the only way I know he would believe me. "Good." He adds going back to what he was doing.

DickHead🖕- Kaylee, I never knew you had an abortion. I wonder if anyone knows that?

Oh my God. How the fuck did he find that out. Klay was right I played fire with fire and I'm going to burn.

Kaylee😑- How did you find that out?

DickHead🖕- I'm fucking Drake. I have people in high places.

DickHead🖕- I would hate for this information to go public, so I have an idea.

Kaylee😑- What do you possibly want?

DickHead🖕- Say that the dick pic was actually Klay's dick, and I won't tell the world about you.

I should've listened to Klay. I'm going to get burned, because I was a stupid girl who got mad.

Kaylee😑- Seriously Drake, I'll do anything else besides that.

DickHead🖕- Break up with Klay.

Kaylee😑- I want you to know how much I FUCKING hate you.

I wish I could go back in time and not post that picture. Now I'm going to burn. I could not do that to Klay. All he tried to do was help, but I let hate take over me. I know Klay is going to be pissed at me, but I can't lie and say some shit about him. I love him.

Kaylee😑- Go ahead tell the world the terrible mistake I did.

DickHead🖕- You would seriously rather have people know about you killing someone. Then a dick pic? I applaud you for that one.

Kaylee😑- Just do it.

DickHead🖕- Delete the picture.


Kaylee😑- Its gone.

DickHead🖕- I know I've been a bitch, but I can't bring myself to do that. What you did was your choice, and I can't tell people that personal shit.

Kaylee😑- Wait, are you serious?

DickHead🖕- Yes.

Kaylee😑- Oh my God. Drake, thank you so much. You don't know how much that means to me. I'm sorry for posting that picture. I let anger take over my train of thought.

DickHead🖕- Just don't do it again, okay?

Kaylee😑- I won't. Thank you so much. Seriously this means so much.

-A black picture-
That dick pic was just a random one I found on Google. It is not Drake's. We were just joking around. @champagnepapi took it too far. Sorry man.

That is the right thing. I hope this means me and Drake are finally chill. I did not know he could find all of that stuff out. I'm just glad Drake actually has a heart, because I would've been burned if he would've told everyone.

      "Kaylee, I have to go to the arena. You wanna come with or come later?" Klay asks taking me out of my thoughts. I totally forgot that Klay has a game and we're not in Portland for a vacation.

"If you don't mind I'm gonna come later." I say giving him a smile. "I love you, Klay." I add smiling a bigger smile, which he returns.

"I love you too."

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