Not Going Anywhere.

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      A couple hours later I arrived at the San Francisco airport, because you can't fly directly to Oakland. I call myself an Uber to take me to my apartment. I needed time to think what I was going to say, and I also wanted a car to leave when things go downhill.

     When I get to my apartment I take a quick shower and change my clothing. After that I drive to Klay's house thinking how things are going to go down. I park right infront of his house walking slow to the door. When I get there, I ring the doorbell.

   "Have you sobered up?" Klay asks opening the door.

"Yea, I have. A lot actually. Look we need to talk. Ayesha told me what happened." Klay nods his head an agreement letting me into his house.

"I was the one who started it with Drake. I was just so mad at everything that happened. I gave him the benefit of the doubt that he didn't actually try anything." Klay says we were sitting down at the island in his kitchen.

"I know. That's not what I wanted to talk about though." He looks at me confused. Okay here goes nothing. "I don't think we should be together anymore." I blurt out. I couldn't tell what his exact reaction was because he was giving me mixed emotions.

"Wait. Did something happened that I missed. Kaylee, all you did was get drunk. You didn't do anything else." Klay quickly says walking over to me.

"You got mad at the club because you thought in my druken state I would cheat on you. You should date someone you don't have to worry about. Someone you can full on trust. I'm not that, Klay, I never was, and I'll probably never will me. I love you, Klay, so much, but I still fall away from being faithful. I've cheated, done some terrible things, and I don't belong with someone as amazing as you." I had to stop the tears started to come but there was so much more that I wanted to say.

"Kaylee, we both have done terrible and dumb things. I don't judge you for any of those. I cheated on you too. I love you too, Kaylee, and I know you know that. I don't know what came over you to think that you shouldn't be with me. I want to be with you for the rest of my life, and I know you want to too. Because if you didn't you would've left right away after you heard that but you didn't." He was right. He was right about everything. Why does he always have to me right.

"Sometimes you need to stop being right. I still think you shouldn't be with me, because I wouldn't want to be with me either." Klay rolls his eyes and kisses me.

"You wanna know why I want to be with you." I nod my head. "When I first met you I could tell right away you've been through a lot. I was intrigued and when I started to get to know you. I was right you were scared to let people in and get to know the real you. When you finally opened up to me and showed me who you really are that's when I knew I loved you. The person you are now is amazing and I just want you in my life forever." I was still crying. He was perfect just perfect.

"This didn't turn out the way I thought it would." I state queitly looking into his beautiful eyes.

"You seriously thought I would let you go that easily? I'll always fight for you, Kaylee." He replies making me smile.

"You wanna know how I fell in love with you?" He nods his head. "My answer is quite simple. You never gave up on me when I kept messing up again and again. You never gave up on me like everyone else did." He smiles and kisses me again.

"Well you don't ever have to worry about that. I'm here to stay." Klay says making me so thankful to have him in my life.

"Good, because I want you in my life forever." The look on Klay's face was priceless. He knows what I meant by that. It meant I'm ready to marry him. I'm ready to be with him for the rest of my life.

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