I'm Screwed.

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"How would you like
to join OVO records?"

Did Drake actually just say that or am I crazy? There's no way he said that. I came here to team up with Khaled not Drake. Where the heck did I go wrong?

"I thought I was gonna sign a deal with Khaled." That's all I could really think of saying.

"Khaled and I are basically the same record label, but we think it would be good if you joined with me, what do you say?" This is my only chance because Khaled is of course on Drake's side.

"Where do I sign?" I finally say hoping Klay would be alright with that. Drake just smirks at me as him and Khaled get up.

"Well when you wanna go to Toronto?" He asks. Oh this boy has got to be kidding me, he had this planned all along I bet.

"What would be a good time for you, Drake?" I say in a mood. I couldn't believe this was actually happening.

"Tomorrow would work for me, because I'm flying out anyways." He says making sure that smirk doesn't leave his face. I roll my eyes and nod my head.

"What time will you pick me up?" I ask nonchalantly raising an eyebrow at him.

"Be there at 10." He says before someone else knocks on Khaled door.

"Khaled, your next client is here." The girl says quietly. He gets up does a handshake with Drake and comes over to shake my hand.

"Lovely meeting you." He says. I smile and stand up walking to the door, I quickly feel Drake's presence behind me.

"Do you always get what you want?" I ask still walking, since I knew he was following me.

"I didn't even plan this one, but Khaled would never tell me no." Drake says finally catching up, so he was walking right next to me.

"Wow." Is all I could think of saying. I get to the elevator and press the button.

"You still with that Klay nigga?" He asks getting into the elevator with me.

"What's it to you?" I ask going to the corner of the elevator, trying to keep my distance from him. Out of the corner of my eye Drake quickly walks toward me trapping me into the corner. "What are you doing?" I ask trying to get close to the wall as possible.

"Oh come on Kaylee, we both know that you want me. That you miss sleeping around with guys." Drake whispers into my ear kissing my cheek.

"No I really don't." I say trying to push him away. That obviously did nothing because he's a lot stronger than me. All of a sudden his lips were on that one spot on my neck. He bites slightly and I moan. Drake quickly moves on the other side as the door opens. I look over at him and the smirk is quickly on his face again. Finally the elevator got to the last floor, and I quickly left the elevator.

"See you tomorrow, Kaylee." Drake says before I walk out of the building. What the fuck honestly just happened? I already know this isn't going to turn out well. I got back to my apartment and just thought about how this is going to end terribly. About 4 hours later the Warriors game was about to start, so I figured now would be the good time to text Klay and Andre.

Kaylee💕- Hey Klay, good luck with your game tonight! Today when I went to meet Khaled, Drake was there. Being the dick that he is Drake convinced Khaled that I should sign with him, and well that happened. Tomorrow I'm flying out with Drake to go to Toronto.

Kay😛- IGGY, WE HAVE A PROBLEM. Drake was there when I was meeting with Khaled and now I'm signing with Drake and he started kissing my neck in the elevator.  I tried to stop him, but couldn't.

       I know I'm gonna get shit from both of them, but Klay needed to know what was going on. Iggy though, I needed to tell someone the truth. The Warriors were totally killing it tonight. By the end of the game they won by 20.

Iggy💪- Did he do anything else besides that because if he did I'M gonna GO AND KILL HIM.

Kay😛- No Andre, calm down.

Iggy💪- Did you tell Klay this because he really will go and hurt him.

Kay😛- Of course not Iggy! I don't think I can.

Iggy💪- Working with Drake tho this is not gonna go well with Klay.

Kay😛- I know but it's the only chance I have. Fuck I'm screwed.

Iggy💪- Yea you kinda are. Klay just walked in, good luck girl.

     I was hoping Klay wouldn't go crazy, because I had a feeling he would. After I got my mind back I realize my phone was ringing.

"Hey Klay." I say with a real shaky voice. I hear the other guys in the room then it quickly goes silent.

"What the fuck do you think your doing? I cannot believe you actually agreed to do that. I know other people who would've signed you." Klay never  sounded so pissed off before.

"Klay, I know I'm sorry, but there was nothing I could do." I was going to continue, but Klay cut me off.

"Do nothing? Kaylee, are you serious? You could've easily walked out and went home, but no. You know what you did, you agreed to it." I take a deep breath it.

"Klay, you don't have to worry nothing will happen." I was lying straight through my teeth.

"God Kaylee, I'm not worried about you, I'm worried about him. He obviously did this so he get you alone and see you more."

"Then if it's him you should trust me to say no! If you don't trust me this will not work out." I say yelling a little bit.

"I have to go, I'll deal with you when I get home." Then he hangs up on me. Oh my God this boy did not just hang up on me. I just needed to go to sleep, I've had enough of this bullshit today.

NBA Awards are tonight! I'm so hype especially when Drake gonna be hosting it💙

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