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      Around 2 o'clock I finally woke up with a pounding headache. I moan into my pillow as the sun was seeping into my room. I couldn't move any body part, I was still so tired. I didn't know where my phone was, and I'm a complete mess. I'm trying to remember how I got home last night, but nothing rings a bell. No one is in my bed, so maybe one of my girls dropped me off. After another hour of laying in bed, I decided to finally get up. I shower, which felt really good and woke me up. Then I made me a cup of coffee, and a bagel. I found my phone, which somehow got under my pillow. I had a total of two texts. One from Klay, and the other from Andre.

Klay🔥- I hope your hang over isn't that bad. Can you call me when your sobered up please?

Iggy💪- Hey babe, I wanna take you out today, just so I can fully apologize. Text me if your free.

A. What did me and Klay do?

B. I thought me and Andre were good?

God I hope nothing happened last night that I'd regret. I figured I could see both of them in one day, so I decided to text Klay first.

Kaylee💕- Hey Klay, what do you wanna talk about? You can come over now if you'd like. I hope I didn't do anything dumb last night.

Kay😚- Yea Andre, I'll meet you at our favorite place, 5 o'clock okay? I kinda just woke up, I went out last night.

Klay🔥- I'm on my way.

I quickly change, since I was wearing sweats. About ten minutes later the buzzer buzzed, and then there was a knock on my door.

"Hey Klay." I say, opening the door so he could walk in. He gave me a quick smile, and I closed the door. "What's up?" I say walking to the couch.

"Last night you said you actually liked me. You were so opened about your feeling last night. I learned more about you last night, then in this past month." I want to mentally slap myself.

"Shit." I say laughing nervously. "So you took me home last night?" He nodded his head.

"I'm sorry you had to deal with me, I know I can be a pain in the ass." Klay laughs, I was confused.

"Well you did want to have sex with me, but crazy enough I declined." He says smirking at me.

"Damn. Your such a gentleman." I say.
I really didn't know what to say after that, all I knew is we were both looking at each other with lust in our eyes. I got up, and slowly walked to him. "The offer is still up if you want it." I say sitting on his lap.

"I'll gladly oblige this time." Klay says kissing Me, I started grinding my hips on his area, making him moan into the kiss. His hands found the sides of my hips, and mine found the nape of his neck. Klay picked me up and set me down gently on my bed, climbing on top of me. He did that so swiftly he didn't even break the kiss.

         All I have to say is he's phenomenal in bed. I've been with a lot of guys, but nothing like what he can do to me. We kinda just chilled in bed for a little bit, until I realized it was already 4 o'clock.

"Crap." I say getting out of bed to put my undergarments on. I then quickly walked to my closet to pick something out.

"Where do you have to go?" Klay asks grabbing his clothes as well.

"I'm so sorry. I'm not running away this time. I said I'd meet Andre somewhere so we could talk." I say grabbing my phone, and keys. "I'll text you later." I say walking to my door. I really didn't care if he stayed or nah.

"Bye." I hear him say quietly.

     "Hey Iggy." I say sitting down. "Traffic was terrible." I add finding an excuse.

"It's fine. I'm just glad your here." Andre says, smiling. I smiled back and picked up a menu, and looked it over.

"Kaylee, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for being mad." I look up at him confused to when he was mad. "I wasn't in my right mind when you finally came home, and you went to Klay for comfort before me." I wanted to laugh, but I didn't.

"Andre, I didn't call Klay, so he could come over. He was already there waiting at my door. I was in a depressed state, so that's why I was kissing him." I say letting a little laugh go.

"I feel so dumb now." Iggy says doing a little chuckle himself." I'm sorry Kay, I guess I got a little jealous and over protective."

"It's fine. I'm use to you being over protective, but you being jealous that's new." We then just made small talk and ordered. I was glad I came to see Iggy today, and Klay. Making amends was just what I needed to do.

Klay🔥- We have an away game tomorrow, so I'm leaving tomorrow. Can I come over and just hang?

Kaylee💕- I'd like that a lot Klay. Me and Iggy are finishing up. Meet you at my place at 7?

Klay🔥- See you then.

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