DJ Khaled.

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      I knew it was a terrible idea, but I wanted to sing. I didn't even know how I could tell Klay, but I'd still know his reaction. Bad girlfriend I know, but I had a chance and I wanted to take it. On the other hand though I did have to talk to Klay about this, but I don't know when would be a good time. Klay was super busy with practice and games. I barely even see him anymore, he's just so busy.

Kay😛- Iggy, I know your busy at practice, but I really need to talk to you.

      I knew I wouldn't get a reply, because they had practice during this time. I didn't have anything to do except watch Netflix. I was still watching the originals, because it's still amazing. Soon enough after like 4 episodes my phone buzzed.

Iggy💪- Sure girl, I'll come over. Be there in a bit.

      Now was the time to come up with a speech on what to say. I want to talk to Iggy because I need his opinion. Ten minutes later the buzzer buzzed and a knock on my door.

  "Hey Kay, what's wrong?" Iggy says. All I could do was smile at him. "Okay Kaylee, your giving me the I'm gonna do something really stupid."

"Okay you got me, I want to go into the music biz." Andre then looks at me so confused.

"That's great, why were you scared?" I then gave him the same smile, and he then said. "You can't honeslty go to Drake." I kept smiling.

"That's why I need your opinion, so it is a terrible idea?" Iggy laughs.

"Seriously Kaylee? That is a terrible dumb idea. Why would you even think to call him up?" I sat down on my bed and ran a hand through my hair.

"I know, but he's the only musician I know." Then Andre gives me that look, and I know what his answer was.

"Kaylee, I know other people, better people. Just not Drake, okay? Klay doesn't deserve that. I'll call some people up, okay?" I nod my head. I'm glad I went to Andre first before I made that decision.

"Thanks Iggy, this means a lot." He just smiles and leaves.  I always feel bad when I need his time, because I know he's a very busy person.

Iggy💪- I almost forgot, but I'll talk to some people and see what I can do.

Kay😛- Thank you so much Andre💖

      After awhile my buzzer buzzed and I open my door to see Klay. I smile and let him in.

"Hey babe, what's up?" I ask walking over to the couch where we both sit.

"I just really wanted to hang, I have to go on a 5 away game road trip." I really need to start looking at their schedule. I lay my head on his shoulder.

"Damn that sucks." That's all I could really think of right now, but Klay was thinking other things. He starts to kiss my neck and he puts his hand on my thigh. My hand goes to the side of his cheek bring his lips to mine, I then realized we haven't had sex in like a week. Don't judge but that's like a record for me. Keeping my lips on his I move onto his lap and start to grind. He picks me up slightly so that I was laying down, and he's on top of me. Klay leaves my lips and goes down to my neck, trailing all the way down to my private. He pulls my pants along with my panties down. "Klay." I say as his tongue was working magic.

        "Damn Kaylee." Klay says as we were cuddling in my bed. I just kiss his chest and lay my head on his chest.

"What game will be the most interesting?" I ask trying to start a conversation, and I want to go to a game.

"I don't know, the Bucks game maybe. Last year we lost to them." Klay says playing with my hair.

"When's that game?" I ask.

"Don't know, or you can just come to all of them." Klay says sitting up, so he can kiss me again. I smile into the kiss.

"No the last thing I need is to get caught and be called a groupie." I say sitting up and grabbing my phone.

Unknown Number- Hello Kaylee, this is DJ Khalid. Your friend Andre got in touch with me and said you want to get into the music biz. I'm glad he called me I always like new artist to make big. Call me if you want to meet, so I can hear what you sound like.

Kaylee Vega- Oh my goodness. Thank you so much. Yes yes I'll tell you when I'm available tomorrow, since it's late here.

DJ Khalid- Awesome.

      "Who's that?" Klay asks peaking over my shoulder. I smile over to him.

"You know when I said I wanted to get into the music industry. Well Iggy got in touch with DJ Khalid." I say excitedly.

"Kaylee, that's awesome, but why didn't you ask me to help you?" I blush slightly remembering my first idea, which I'm glad I didn't take.

"I don't know now that I think about it. Sorry babe." I say kissing him. I hope that he would let it slide, and luckily he did when he kisses me back. The rest of the night we just shared kisses and cuddles, until we both just fell asleep.

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