Coming Home.

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     It was Saturday morning at 5 am. I was basically sleep walking with how tired I was. I haven't slept at all. We girls went out and got drunk. I've been drinking coffee trying to stay away, but I couldn't. I fell asleep in the car and someone had to wake me up.

KlayBae💙- What time am I picking you up?

Baby Girl💞- I ain't good at the time thingy. I'm also kinda hung over. Can you be a good bf and figure it out.

KlayBae💙- Yes. Sober up it'll be early when you get here. I also have a game tonight.

Baby Girl💞- You guys just played yesterday.

KlayBae💙- That was two days ago.

Baby Girl💞- Damn. Okay.

     I put in my headphone and quickly fell asleep. I hope this will help me sober up some.

     14 hours later. We touch down at the airport and someone woke me up. I did feel a lot better than before.

Baby Girl💞- I landed.

KlayBae- Already here, babe.

    I was walking off of the flight, and I look around and spot Klay's truck. God have I missed him. The door to the truck opens and my man gets out. I quickly walk well more like run  towards him. Once I get to him I hug him.

    "I'm sorry I left. I was just surprised and I over reacted, but I love you, Klay." I say looking up at him.

"Its okay. You came back." Klay quickly says before he kisses me. With my dream and all this marriage talk. I really think I would marry him.

"Lets go home." I say putting my face on his chest. I feel him nod his head. I finally let go of him so we could get my luggage. "I'm sorry I missed your first play off game." I comment as he drives out of the airport.

"No worries. You'll be watching this game." I nod my head grabbing his hand which wasn't on the wheel. I am being over clingy today. When we get to Klay's house I was met by an excited Rocco.

"I missed you too, buddy." I say squatting down to pet him. When I stand up I feel Klay wrap his arms around me.

"I've missed you." Klay says as he starts to kiss my neck. I smile letting my head fall back.

"Why don't you show me how much you've missed me." I say. He grabs my hand and leads us to his bedroom. We all know where it goes from there.

     "So why was Hannah there? I thought she was just a viner." We were still in bed. I shrug my shoulders.

"Apparently she was a substitute for a friend." I answer his question. I smile to myself remembering me going to bitch mode.

"Well did you have a good time apart from dealing with her?" Klay asks. I nod my head,

"Yes. It was nice going international. I haven't really don't that before it was pretty cool." We just had small talk after that. Klay and I stayed in bed until we had to leave to go to Oracle. I wear one of his jerseys and a random pair of jeans I must've left there.

     "When do you wanna start moving your stuff in?" Klay asks as we were driving to Oracle. Oh yea I'm suppose to move in.

"I don't know. Your now going to be really busy since the play offs have started. That should be your main focus." I say seeing the beautiful Oracle Arena come into view. This place is really special.

"You can start bringing your clothes and stuff over though. That's all you'll need right?" Oh yea that is basically all I'll need since he has a bed and dressers already.

"Oh yea, so I could easily just move in. Problems solved, babe." I state. We pull into the players section and hop out.

"Kaylee!" I hear my best friend yell my name. I see him walking towards me and I meet him halfway.

"I missed you, Andre." I say giving him a hug.

"I missed you too, gurl." He affirms hugging my tightly. "Are you and Klay good?" He whispers in my ears.

"Better than ever." I confirm with him as the three of us walk into the arena. They go to the locker room, while I go to my seat.

"Hey Kaylee!" Someone yells my name and this time it wasn't Iggy. I look around and see Ayesha walking up behind me.

"Hi Ayesha." I say as she hugs me.

"Where have you been?" She asks as we move to the side so we won't be in people's way.

"I went to Paris for a photoshoot this week." I reply. I look around and see people taking photos of us.

"Damn girl, you lucky." I laugh slightly.

"I usually don't go on international modeling trips but they needed models." I say but we both realize the Warriors were running out. I couldnt hear myself think it was so loud.

"Well we should get to our seats. Text me sometime." Ayesha says as we start walking to where she sits.

"I will." I say to her before we go our separate ways. I go to my courtside seat, which I kinda want to change. I'm taking a seat from a person who probably wants it more than me. I like where Ayesha sits. 

    "Kaylee, can I get a picture?" I was looking down at my phone when I see a girl who's a teenager it looks like. I give her a smile.

"Of course." I say standing up.

"Your just a huge inspiration to me. Your like the only model who doesn't have a fake butt or boobs." I laugh a little remembering that bitch Hannah.

"That means a lot to me. Being pretty isn't about who has the biggest butt. It's what's on the inside. But your beautiful on the outside." The last part I whisper in her ear. I grab her phone and take the picture.

"Thank you so much." She says.

"No problem." I reply. That was the sweetest thing.

I wanted to update because my friend got logged out of wattpad and forgot her password. So I wanted to update for her! love and miss you!!💙💙

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