Telling Him.

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Hey guys it's Kaylee, since it's summer I've decided to update every Wednesday and Saturday now. Since I've only been updating Saturday, and I have a lot more time to right. I figured it's the perfect time to update more. Please vote and comment so I know I made the right choice!

     "Hey Klay." I say quietly feeling like I was about to puke. I was really doing this, I was about to tell him.

"Kaylee, please come in." I oblige and we walk into his living room. He sits in one chair and I sit across from him.

"I didn't mean to kick you out, but I was going through a mid life crisis." I was going to continue but he cut me off.

"That's the thing Kay, shouldn't you come to you boyfriend for that?" Ooh the B word haven't heard that in awhile. Why is he always right, he really needs to stop.

"Klay, I'm going through depression, again." I quickly blurt out and I could tell I got his attention. "My parents don't like basketball players, I'm pretty sure I've told you this before. So when I started to secretly date Blake I knew things wouldn't end well, but I was really in love with him. When we finally told my parents, and let's just say I didn't see Blake after that. Little did I know I was pregnant." I stop what I was saying and Klay looks like he's seen a ghost. "I didn't know what to do if my parents found out they would've killed me, so I got an obortion." I felt so much better when those words left my mouth. "After that I had depression I was diagnosed." I didn't know what else to say all I knew is he needs to say something. "Klay?" He wasn't saying anything and I'm starting to get worried.

"Kaylee, you don't need to be afraid to tell me anything, I won't run away. I'm glad you told me this instead of pushing me out like you usually do." I couldn't help and smile at him. Iggy was right I have nothing to be afraid of with Klay.

"I know, but I killed a human being, and I couldn't handle the fact of that." He nods his head, but I don't think he understands.

"No one should judge you it was your choice. I want you to know I don't think of you differently at all." I stood up and hug him, it felt really good. I don't know what I did to deserve Klay.

"Can we now like totally forget about this and go get food?" I ask, he just smiles at me and nods his head. "And maybe a drink I've never really spoke of this." We walk out towards his car.

"Does Blake know about this?" Klay asks opening the car door for me. I wait till he gets into the car.

"Hell no, I don't think I could ever tell him. Besides he looks fine with Crystal." Klay just nods and starts the car.

"Wanna go to McDonald's?" I smile and shake my head, I love McDonald's during tough times.

"Damn you know me better then I thought." He just laughs a little. "You ask Andre about me don't you."

"Busted." He says laughing nervously, I really didn't care. I found it kinda sweet he wants to know more about me.

"It's fine." We got into his car and drove to McDonald's. I got my usual, which is just nuggets and fries. I was glad Klay was actually chill about this, because I don't know what I would've done if he didn't.

"Want me to take you home or you can stay and my place?" I really just want to stay with him, but I didn't want to be one of those clingy girls.

"Would I be clingy if I said yes?" I ask. Klay laughs looking over at me, we were currently just sitting in his car.

"No you would be a normal girlfriend." Klay says leaning over to kiss me. I smile at him, I am so lucky.

"Just checking." I say kissing him again. I couldn't help how I was becoming this girl you actually needs a man in her life. Klay starts the car and drives off. We arrive at his house and we were met by Rocco. Klay and I just chilled (not the sex type) while watching Netflix. My body was still in that blem state, and he understood that. Today had my in the feels and I feel like I want to tell him everything.


"What babe?" He asks looking down at me.

"I lo- Ding Ding."

"Hold that thought, babe." He says quickly getting up to answer the door.

"You forget about me or something, Nigga?" The voice sounds like KD. I get up and look over the corner and see that I was correct. "We're suppose to go golfing today."

"Oh shit man, I'm sorry I totally forgot." Klay says turning around and see's me.

"Hey KD." I say coming out from behind the wall. "Klay, go get ready I was just about to leave anyways."

"Oh hey girl." KD says smiling. I smile at Klay and pass KD and get into my car. I guess that was a sign that I shouldn't have thought of telling him that. I drive home just thinking about what would've happened if I told him.

Klay💙- Hey sorry about this morning, but what did you want to tell me?

Kaylee💖- Oh it was nothing lol I forgot.

Klay💙- Okay.

I'm glad he didn't question anymore, because that would've been awkward. At home I just chill while of course watching Netflix. I was now on Supernatural and I'm hooked. Finally my body let me fall asleep.

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