Cheater Cheater.

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    Finally I arrive at the airport. The game was about to start, and I didn't have a car. I quickly call an uber and wait for it to come.

Kay😜- Is Klay there or did he stay home?

Iggy💪- He got the bad suspension where he couldn't even be in the building, so I hope he's at home. Good luck girl.

"Shit." I whisper to myself. Finally the uber comes and I give her the address to Klay's house. When we get there she was awed by the house, but I just pay her and leave. I walk up to the door quickly and knock very hard. "Klay open up I know your here." I say ringing the doorbell multiple times.

"Who the hell- Kaylee?" Klay asks as he opens the door. "Did Drake come with you?" He asks still sounding pissed off.

"You said a relationship is suppose to made from trust, so why aren't you trusting me?" I ask crossing my arms on my chest.

"Klay, baby, who's that?" A fake ass blonde comes up being him wrapping around his arm. I couldn't help but open my mouth wide. Oh he did not.

"I'm sorry. I'm no one important, I'll be going now." I say turning around. The tears were forming in my eyes. I couldn't help it, it was officially over.

"Fuck. Kaylee, wait!" I hear the other girl surprised, because Klay comes walking after me. The door closes meaning he closed it on her face.

"No Klay, I fucking don't want to hear it okay. I'm so fucking done with all of this. Lose my fucking number." I say walking faster to my car.

"Kaylee, just fucking hold on." Klay says grabbing my arm and making me turn around. "I was drunk out of my mind! I don't even remember coming home or meeting her. As soon as I woke up I regretted it, because I knew what I did. You were the first thing I thought of, you were the one I want to be by my side in the morning. God Kaylee, I love you!" I take a step back, he said the word. Klay said the word I don't like to hear, because that word is a lie. The tears stop. My wall quickly came up. Once I hear the word I'm a completely different person.

"Don't you ever say that word again!" I yell walking backwards. "If you loved me, you wouldn't of done that." I then get into my car and quickly drive away.

"Hey Drake, I just wanted to let you know that I'm coming back tomorrow. I booked a flight, so see you tomorrow. Bye." I was so done with Oakland. Your parents were right Kaylee, all basketball players are not boyfriend material. Marry a nice doctor, or a lawyer. They're good people.

Iggy💪- How'd it go?

Kay😜- Oh you know he just fucked a girl and she was there, so I think it went great.

Iggy💪- He did not! That Nigga. Imma go kick his ass.

Kay😜- No it's fine. I'm going to Canada tomorrow to work on a song with Drake.

Iggy💪- Kaylee, my love, I know your heartbroken, but Drake can't support you.

Kay😜- I don't have a heart. I'm perfectly fine. Gotta go.

Andre Igoudala POV

"Klay, what the fuck did you do?" I scream into the phone. Kaylee was actually letting people in, and being the old Kaylee that needed to come out.

"Man I was drunk out of my mind, and I don't even remember going home with a hoe." Klay says, I laugh.

"Well why were you fucking drunk in the first place?" I ask still extremely pissed off.

"I was worried that Drake would make a move on Kaylee and she would fall for it. I couldn't get that image of them flirting at that game. Then when she told me she was going to Toronto, I totally lost it." He had a good point, but Kaylee was getting better and I knew she wouldn't be that stupid.

"Klay, couldn't you tell she was actually happy and committed? Now when I texted her she didn't even say she loves me, we always say that before we stop talking." I was going to continue, but Klay sighed. "What did you do?"

"Andre, I told Kaylee I loved her." Holy shit Kaylee' s never coming back.

"Did you fuck up big this time. The L word is like a swear word to her, your basically forbidden to say it if your in something with her. Fuck fuck fuck." I rub my head already feeling a headache coming. "We won't be able to get her back. By her text on the phone I could tell the walls were high up there, and steel this time. No one can break them down now."

"I'm gonna make this right, I promise." Klay says, but sadly I knew he wouldn't.

Happy fourth of July!

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