What Is He Planning?

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KlayBae💙- You doing anything tonight?

Baby Girl💞- No, why?

KlayBae💙- I'm taking you out tonight.

Baby Girl💞- Oh really? What if I don't want too?

KlayBae💙- Ouch, but okay. I'll just go to Starbucks, Sotto Mare, and see the sunset by myself.

Baby Girl💞- Did you watch the notebook or something? When did you become all romantic?

KlayBae💙- Funny. I know you love Starbucks, and you like Sea food. I did have a surprise for you but oh well.

Baby Girl💞- Your a pain in my ass. What time will you be picking me up?

KlayBae💙- 6? Your the one who wanted to date me.😜

Baby Girl💞- Touchè. See you at 6.

I wonder what Klay had planned, because it sounds like something is gonna go down tonight. He better not hit me with that 'Will you marry me question. I'm not ready for the yet. Did I just say yet? You want to marry him? Oh my God! I hope it isn't that, because this weekend I'm suppose to meet his parents. Today was Wednesday, and I still didn't know what I was gonna wear. I have never been so unprepared.

Kay😜- Can you try and do some digging to see what Klay has planned tonight? I just need to know he's not gonna ask me to marry him.

Iggy💪- Okay.😂 Sure we have practice in a little bit. Why are you scared he's gonna ask that?

Kay😜- Well he's taking me to a fancy restaurant and afterwards we taking a walk on the beach.

Iggy💪- Does sound like a proposal.

Kay😜- HECK NO! I'm not ready for that!

Iggy💪- Babe, chill. I'll find out. Love ya.

Kay😜- Love you too.

If I'm being completely honest with myself. Yes I would marry Klay. Right now I'm not ready for that, but maybe in the future.

Klay Thompson POV
Practice was over and I was sitting in the locker room going through my phone. I had some time to spare before I needed to get ready for tonight.

"Yo Klay, can I ask you something?" Andre asks sitting on the bench in front of me. I nod my head,

"Of course, man, what's up?" I ask putting my phone down, giving Andre my full attention.

"Kaylee, texted me saying that you're going on a really fancy date. You gonna ask the question?" Andre asks putting emphasis on the. I quickly knew what he meant.

"No I ain't going ask Kaylee to marry me, not yet at least. She's about to meet my parents, so I'm not gonna put all that on her." I reply making sure I have everything.

"So you do wanna marry her? You do see a full on future with her?" Iggy asks, and I knew what he was gonna do.

"I'm not telling you anything, because you're going to go tell Kaylee right away." I say picking up my bag.

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